Spring hunting not enough? All set for finch-trapping for the three months of autumn

Published: June 1, 2014 at 11:16pm


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finches 3

Roderick Galdes, the parliamentary secretary for animal rights/hunting

Roderick Galdes, the parliamentary secretary for animal rights/hunting

finches 4

9 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    So, if there is a ‘technical crack’ it will be OK.

    It’s about upholding the spirit of the law and not about searching for cracks, Galdes. But you wouldn’t understand, would you.

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    “Move will put Malta add odds with the EU”

    Does Times of Malta even proofread its own work?

  3. Min Jaf says:

    People who talk through their arse, such as those who seek to facilitate finch trapping, are prone to perceive ‘cracks’ in regulations, even where none might actually exist.

    Bird killers can be seen as falling under the aegis of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Animal Rights, since at least by their actions they fit in well into that category.

    • vic says:

      “PS for Animal Rights”. Who are the animals being defended, the birds, or the hunters and trappers ?

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Where are the animal rights activists? Why aren’t they protesting?

  5. Sun Tzu says:

    So the parliamentary secretary for animal rights has again found a legal loophole in favour of hunters? With friends like this to uphold their rights, what need do animals have for enemies?

  6. Melissa says:

    Animals have rights – except birds….

    And trappers have votes, not finches.

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Shame on you Mr. Galdes. Looking for ‘cracks’ that enable one to legally circumvent doing the right thing for birds, by someone responsible for ‘Animal Rights,’ is unbelievably crass.

  8. Valent says:

    Considering that the hunting lobby collected 100,000 signatures in favour of minority groups, does this mean the are defending the rights of those 40,000 who signed the petition against spring hunting. Quite a paradox.

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