The Mad Men era is alive and well in parts of Malta
June 3, 2014 at 10:00am
Do you want to win a Fathers’ Day competition? Well, then send a photo of your husband “helping” or “playing with your kids”, and you could win a spa break.
But then who will look after your “kids”? Surely not your husband.
He only helps.
One despairs.
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God forbid someone sends in a photo of a MAN cooking. What has the world come to?
Maybe it is a competition open for same-sex (male) married couples with (adopted) “kids” (the two-legged ones). That is quite possible in the present liberal and progressive Malta.
They need a break as well. That was the reason for opening all those child-care (should that be kid-care?) centres.
I cook when I hanker for Maltese type cuisine, and my wife lets me as long as I clean up afterwards.
Clearly I live in a parallel universe because I have never had a girlfriend who cooks or indeed even cleans very much. Also, most of my female flatmates (50+) have been absolute pigs. That is not to say that the men were much better but I can at least say that the men were definitely cleaner.
Just for the record, I cook every day and have always been the cook in my relationships. Ok, context set.
Would this suffice?
What if it’s two wimmin?
It’s weird how in Malta the husband never seems to “own” anything of his own.
Here above, its the kids which are his wife’s, not his too.
I often hear Maltese women, while talking in front of their husbands, saying things like “my kids”, “my kitchen”, “my house”, “my bedroom”.
What’s become of “our”?
“my kitchen”, “my house”, “my bedroom”.
How prevalent is the tradition of the dowry where the woman did in fact take the house, not always including contents, into the marriage (so that she couldn’t be kicked out?) with pre-nups already in existence?
If I was to send in statements of my strained, overdrawn and overstretched bank accounts dating back to the birth of my kids, would I win?
To be fair, the syntax of the sentence infers that the husband is helping the kids.
Funny though how it is assumed that to be a father one has to be a husband too – so no photos of unmarried daddies please.
A few will be keeping their head down
You can say that again. Actually couldn’t watch it after spending so many years at one of Malta’s largest corporates. It was Med Men through and through.
Id-dixxiplina fit-toroq naqset sew. Dalghodu fi Strada Merkanti quddiem il-Ministeru ghall-Affarijiet Barranin, wara Kastilja u hdejn Santa Katerina d’Italia kien hemm madwar 20 karozza ipparkjati, ministerjali u privati.
The husband plays or helps with your kids. Therefore the kids are not his; he is just your husband. Do they check these things before publication?