The satire is writing itself

Published: June 12, 2014 at 4:25pm


All the ongoing news reports about Libyan politicians who survived assassination attempts and kidnapping now living under armed guard in Malta in the face of government denials and non-denials, and then suddenly Bruce Willis flies in – and it’s like a satire writing itself, with fact dovetailing with Hollywood fiction.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Let’s see how much this administration cherishes real talent.

    If we have the money for Mangion’s garage scouting, surely we can afford this one.

  2. El Mundo says:

    Forsi gie jahdem Die Hard 6 – In The Name of the Coconut’s National Security.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    Red 3?

  4. Gordon says:

    Not a good way to Die Hard

  5. RoyB says:

    It’ s going to be a remake of The Man with the Golden Gun. My money’s on Kurt Farrugia clinching the role of Nick Nack.

    Silvio Scerri will replace Bernard Lee. “Do you know who I am?” “emmmmm…”

  6. hmm says:

    You forgot Mr & Mrs Smith were around too, to help.

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