Times of Malta’s front page today: ‘Deputy PM of Libya has fled to Malta’

Published: June 12, 2014 at 10:11am

deputy PM - Times of Malta

“Libya’s Deputy Prime Minister Sadiq Abdulkarim is living in Malta, this newspaper has learnt” – one of the top stories in Times of Malta’s print edition today.

An acknowledgement would have been nice, chaps, given that I broke the story yesterday and even told you that the person your sources saw dining repeatedly in Mellieha is he and not Ali Zeidan.

However, I owe you one myself for pointing out that Sadiq Abdulkarim is still technically Libya’s deputy prime minister and not former deputy prime minister because unlike Ali Zeidan he has not been ousted.

And this, of course, elevates the seriousness of the matter to a whole new level. Malta is sheltering from assassination by his own people in his own country the incumbent deputy prime minister of a foreign state.

Incumbent deputy prime ministers should live in their own country or quit and be free to live where they please. We know that Libya is far from democratic and that its people have no way of objecting to the fact that their deputy prime minister lives under armed guard and goes out under armed escort in a foreign (EU member) state instead of at home where he belongs and dealing with matters.

But Malta is democratic, and besides that, there are diplomatic issues which come into play when the deputy prime minister of a foreign state is harboured here that do not come into play when Mr Sadiq Abdulkarim is living here as a private citizen.

23 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    The issue MUST be raised for discussion in parliament now.

    Kurt Farrugia said that he will not be commenting further but this cannot stop here. The PN must ask for explanations and take it from here and they don’t need to wait till Monday. Get those phones and emails rolling.

  2. Wilson says:

    I couldn’t believe the cheek.

  3. Manuel says:

    An acknowledgement indeed.

    Times of Malta, like the man it helped to put at Castille, has lost all sense of decency.

  4. Not Sandy:P says:

    I see Muscat is not averse to some immigrants arriving from Libya and staying here at our expense.

    Is he going to call for Abdulrahman’s immediate deportation without due process?

  5. canon says:

    Times of Malta: could do better.

  6. The phrase “national security” is being misused by government spokesmen in this case. There could be serious consequences.

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    The Times’ so called journalists seem to keep an eye on your blog for breaking news and next day trumpet it out as a headline as if they made some major scoop.

    I like the phrase “this newspaper has learnt…” It begs the question, ‘from whom?’ It certainly does not appear that it is from following up on a lead developed by their ‘investgative reporters.’

  8. dutchie says:

    Malta was democratic. Now approaching “rogue” status.

  9. Tabatha White says:

    Him still – for the moment – still being Deputy PM is an even stronger kingpin in Muscat’s embrace.

    Without that kingpin, he will have to source himself another from the next lot.

    Will his plan hold without a Libyan kingpin?

    • La Redoute says:

      Who said the plan’s Muscat’s? Muscat thinks he’s running Malta, which is a sure sign that he isn’t.

  10. Manuel says:

    And still no official communiqué from the Lord of Castille.

    Another deceiving strategy. The PM is trying to let it his blunder to sink in, with the World Cup fever just round the corner. You know, ‘il-poplu malajr jinsa, Zepp.’.

    • Conservative says:

      HM The King of Spain is “Lord of Castile”, do not give that clown we call Prime Minister any ideas, for goodness’ sake.

  11. Jozef says:

    What I don’t get is how Times of Malta reports the matter as if it were some traffic accident with minor injuries and major delays in Pieta’.

    Everything to block perspective and go all local.

    Next poll on Times of Malta; should Libya’s deputy PM be made to purchase a passport yes or no?

  12. Pluribus says:

    Daphne you’re the best! Had you not aired the story all would have been kept hidden away. Prosit tassew…

  13. Rob says:

    He’s not an EU citizen and not a refugee, so the only reason he can stay here without a visa, is buying one of our passports. They don’t cost much anyway.

  14. Makjavel says:

    If he stays long enough will he be given a Maltese passport with the sale sticker on it.

  15. ken il malti says:

    Wait till the Maltese public finds out that Muammar Gaddafi was never killed, only his double was, and the real Muammar Gaddafi is hiding out in Malta.

    • M. Cassar says:

      The Maltese public will then just assume that daddy aka Joseph Muscat knows best. Sigh…

      Why waste time and energy on thinking for ourselves when we can allow the party in government to think for us? Bigger sigh…

  16. CIS says:

    Comment referring to you from Maltatoday:

    − +
    ⚑ Erika Beaton Smith • 7 minutes agoMs Dalli, if your source is reliable it would seem that Daphne Caruana Galizia’s blog was wrong not once but twice. Given the extent of her readership (many of whom seem to endow her with cult leader status), and the serious nature of the story, this is a depressing reflection on reporting in these islands.

    My aim is not directly on the blogger herself, but on reckless stupidity. My elderly uncle, who is old enough to claim the privilege of speaking his mind with impunity, calls her blog “Heard in the Hive by the Bitch” saying that it is as if that old Times column has been resurrected by Madam Lafargue and Kim Kardashian.

    Of course, if your source is wrong, she will be enttled to the last laugh.

    [Daphne – The real Erika Beaton Smith is a singer. This is just a woman with a problem – one of the several women with a problem whose personal perception it is that they are somehow sinking and drowning in my wake. And of course, being the true bitches they are, they would rather be anonymous. In many ways it’s scary that more women fixate on me than men. I stick up for women then along come several to prove the point (in the eyes of many) that women are their own worst enemies and hate each other’s guts. As for her elderly uncle – what would an elderly uncle know about the existence of Kim Kardashian. How sad it is for a woman to spend her days anonymously snapping at the internet heels of another woman who’s doing what she might have liked to do herself but doesn’t have the guts to do because even posting a comment in her own name is too frightening for this coward. ]

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