Which black cooks would those be?

Published: June 13, 2014 at 9:06am

Most African immigrants I have met can read and write.

No black cooks, though.

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Charles Mangion.

black cook sucker

Charles Mangion

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

7 Comments Comment

  1. Oh yeah says:

    Is that Jose’s bracelet?

  2. etil says:

    The GWU should issue a statement saying that it disassociates itself from its official’s statements.

    Is it a coincidence that venom and hatred of this nature is associated with Labour? I should think not because there are many thousands of Labour supporters who are decent people but they stay in the shadows as they would not be considered as ‘suldati tal-azzar’.

  3. Darwin says:

    Sur Mangion, int bhal kull bniedem li jghix fid dinja gejt minn antenati. Dawn l-antenati gew originarjament mill Africa.

    Li int abjad, jekk verament tista’ issejjahlek hekk ghax tidher samrani, jigi mil fatt Li ghax il bnedmin Li ghexu l-ewropa ma kienux esposti ghax Xemx daqs dawk Li baqghu l-afrika.

    Li toboghod is suwed turi biss l-injoranza grassa tieghek, nuqqas ta skola Ta livell primarju, u mibgheda tieghek innifsek u Ta l-istorja tal umani.

    Qaghbad ktieb tal biologija ghax Lowell jaghfhom dawn l-affarijiet imma irrid izzommok injorant.

    Tinsiex fi zmien it tieni gwerra Hitler ried jeqirdek ghax skontu l Malti m’huwiex tar-razza pura. Int qed tobzoq fuq missierek u ommok u missierijitna Li thabtu tant biex lil Hitler ma jigiex hawn. Hares Lejn il bandiera Taghna u ahseb ghal fejn ghandna l George Cross. Dawk ma mietux ghalxejn

  4. Karpus says:

    How have all these people come out crawling now from all the Malta woodwork?

    How wise was Alexander Pope when he said, “a little learning is a dangerous thing.”

    To think that after all these years of compulsory education and the huge efforts made by nationalists governments to encourage people to go for further education, we still have so many trolls among us who have not evolved much beyond their own their basic instincts.

    And still we all have the same vote!

  5. A says:

    More importantly: are those his shoes he is selling at 15 euros?

  6. Dave says:

    Did you get suckered into buying Ainsley Harriot’s latest cookery book?

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