A message from Deborah Frendo
Deborah Frendo, the Facebook denizen of racist Timelines, who loves animals but hates Africans, has sent a message in to this website. You will find it below.
Haha to all the retarded comments who follow this retarded witches blog… someone informed me that she is making me famous on her ‘blog’ .. I literally laughed my ass off reading the comments.. I doubt that any of you retards will understand the difference between a realist and a racist but I consider myself a realist and that is why I said that they most probably had a disease.. might have even been an unknown disease that nobody has heard of yet.. The fact that they were brothers… coincidence ??? Wake up and smell the coffee you bunch if hypocritical dumb asses. My love for animals has nothing to do with my love for my country and that is why I dont want Malta to be taken over by africans! It has nothing to do with being racist. It is a known fact that Malta is already overpopulated and these people carry a lot of diseases. I did at no point say that I wish them any harm, I just dont want them taking over my beautiful island with their culture! Come to Bugibba and see what it has become for yourselves. This was once a beautiful town full of tourists boosting maltas economy.. What is it now? A dirty overpopulated pigsty.
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You do not have to be a clever white chick to figure out that congenital heart disease might have been the cause of the gentlemen’s premature death.
Congenital disorders effect all races. Ms.Frendo, for example, appears to have inherited the bigotry gene that is so prevalent amongst the Maltese population.
Literally laughed your ass off. Really, literally ?
How did she put it back on?
Deborah Frendo became famous because of her stupid argument. If an African has an unknown disease but can spare € 650,000 to buy Maltese citizenship from Henley & Partners, than the African is not a pig for Deborah Frendo.
This woman badly needs an education. The unknown disease could probably have been a congenital disorder and not a virus they picked up in Nigeria and something that might infect her by virtue of being in the same country as them.
If she is concerned about unknown diseases, why does she handle animals and run the risk of catching a zoonotic illness. She could be considered a risk to society in that respect if you want to worry about catching unknown diseases.
And Bugibba is pretty much as she describes because the locals and tourists have made it that way.
“Ssomeone informed me”
Any time you say anything about racists and racism, they go into a feeding frenzy over in their racist fora. But they never, ever read this blog.
“Bugibba was a beautiful town full of tourists”
Yes, right. Bugibba was a beautiful area before all the Maltese hamalli moved in.
So was Facebook, incidentally.
Deborah Frendo is thrilled that one of the people on board the boat where 30 people died was found to have an infectious disease. She thinks it proves her case that ‘efrikins’ carry disease.
Yes, right. Maybe she’s never seen a case of MRSA in a Maltese hospital, or maybe she’s never heard of the prevalence of medieval diseases like gonorhoea and syphillis among Maltese people.
Or maybe she just doesn’t know that smallpox was eradicated worldwide by 1979.
Oh, so retard Deborah Frendo claims that she is not a racist. Well, let’s go through the list of racist comments that are reproduced here.
1. They most probably had a disease (just because they are African).
2. It might have even been an unknown disease that nobody has heard of yet (again, just because they are African).
3. The fact that they were brothers… coincidence? (Not racist, just retarded).
4. I don’t want Malta to be taken over by Africans! (Deeply xenophobic).
5 These people carry a lot of diseases. (of course, because they are African).
Stop digging honey…the hole you’re in is already deep enough.
Yes unfortunately Malta has become a pigsty with the ever increasing number of racists like her.
For Ms. Frendo’s sake here is the definition of a realist:
“Realists have a firm grip on reality and can see things for what they are, not what they are told they are. Realists have their own views and do not fall victim to propaganda, misconception, or titles!” (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Realist)
Saying that “most probably they have a disease …….that nobody has heard of yet” is certainly not realistic and the coffee comment shows how Ms. Frendo has certainly fallen victim to propaganda!
A realist, really? As in Alice in Wonderland realism, perhaps.
Bugibba was once a beautiful town, she says. When exactly was that?
This girl must have an IQ level similar to the creature she is hugging in her profile picture on Facebook and she calls the rest of us retards. What an asset to our genetic pool she is.
Bugibba, a unique city whose eternal beauty was celebrated by Byron.
‘Infamous’, darling, not ‘famous’. And there is nothing ‘realist’ with what you’re stating here. Actually, you’re a walking contradiction.
And I’m sure the rest of the Marsa F.C. team take kindly to your statement that they were sharing their changing rooms with a diseased person.
If Malta is overpopulated, then perhaps we could start with a policy whereby last to arrive should be first to go. Since you’re young then maybe we could start with you.
Deborah, the only time Bugibba is a dirty, overpopulated pigsty is on Sunday afternoons, when half of the country’s ‘hamalli’ and low-lifes take over the square during those awful street parties.
Meanwhile, the Africans are the ones emptying the public bins around Bugibba on a daily basis, including Sundays, while the rest of us sip cocktails and bask in the sun.
If you call yourself a realist, then you should know that statistically there are more Britons and Eastern Europeans residing in Bugibba than there are Africans.
Wow, what a well mannered and educated young lady we have here.
To control a nation, you need to control its news. George Orwell knew it, Joseph Stalin knew it…Roderick Galdes knew it too.
A message to Deborah ‘Realist’ Animal Lover Frendo: if there is any dumb ass in this equation, it is you.
The fact that two brothers died at around the same age and in similar circumstances points not to a disease, but to a genetic condition.
As for Malta being taken over, Malta has been for ages being taken over, time and time again. The last time being around 700 years ago, when most probably a Siculo/Arab pirate ancestor came to these islands and left a couple if children, one of them being your ancestor.
It is a well known fact that Maltese ‘carry’ a number of typical Maltese genetic disorders and thus you might be a good candidate in whom to discover an “unknown disease that nobody has heard of yet.”
“they most probably had a disease.. might have even been an unknown disease that nobody has heard of yet..”
Miskin harget ghall-ewwel darba minn wara l-muntanji. Does she realise how many Maltese die of hereditary ‘known’ diseases?
Deborah Frendo, you and an agressive, short-sighted dimbo you are. I would have just apologised for my comments not made things worse for myself. Had you been living in a civilised country, after such public behaviour you might by now be unemployed and unemployable.
If this is seen as “love for my country” then this is not my country.
A pigsty is it? But, I thought you said you like animals. So you should be in your element there.
If this bright spark lives in Bugibba, I agree with her that it is a pigsty.
Come to Bugibba and see what it has BECOME? Bugibba, a ‘beautiful town’? My, my – there really are two Maltas.
This ignorant bitch has probably never heard of how footballer Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the pitch two years ago from a cardiac arrest while playing for Bolton. He was healthy, fit as a fiddle and at the peak of his career.
So first she says that she loves Malta and then she calls it ‘pigsty’.
Despite all of the above, she says that her “religion is simple. Live and let live”.
The hypocrisy of this woman’s thoughts is beyond belief.
I guess I’m a retard because I find Deborah Frendo’s comments disgusting and totally flawed.
Name calling is not an argument, ms Frendo. It’s infantile and really gives a good indication of your upbringing.
Your English is laughable, which shows your level of education which in itself turn punctures your arguments.
You’re not a realist at all, you’re a racist.
You’re also cruel, Ms Frendo, because these men left a young mother and child behind, and you didn’t spare a thought for them before posting your vile comment.
Assuming the brothers had the same disease, then it could be something congenital. That happens in Maltese families too.
You insinuate that it’s some unknown contagion – one that nobody’s ever even heard of. In which case the mother should be dropping down dead any time now. Again … what a bitch you are, Ms Frendo.
Seeing how its “a well known fact” that “these people” carry a lot of diseases, could you let me know how many of us have been infected by them? A ball-park figure would suffice just for the purpose of making a point rather than a sweeping statement.
How many Maltese do you know have been infected by “these people” compared to say “those people” like Italians, Russians, Bulgarians – and other Maltese?
You claim you’re not racist. Yet you single out Africans. Not Chinese, or Ukrainians, or Sicilians… please explain how this is not racist to this retard.
Since, as you say, we are overpopulated by immigrants – could you please tell me what of our culture we’ve lost so far? The one thing we definitely no longer deserve is the reputation for being friendly and hospitable people. But that’s not the fault of the Africans, is it?
That’s all due to people like you who feel that its “cool” to post hate comments on your Facebook page, and then revert to name calling when people react to your nasty statement.
I’m surprised you didn’t state that those evil Africans will be converting us to Islam and that our daughters will be forced to wear a burka.
What, if you please, do YOU understand to be culture? MY guess is your understanding is very different to mine.
You maturely called the people who found your Facebook comments to be vile and offensive “hypocritical dumb asses” yet go on to say that you’re not racist, but Bugibba is now a dirty overpopulated pigsty (nothing to do with the nice, educated Maltese who flock up there every summer).
I sincerely hope that the widow never reads your comments, though I suspect she has. I hope her son will never have to.
Deborah, all I ask is a favour. If you want to quote someone to make a point, quote Hitler.
Do not take the words of a decent human being like John Robbins who has much to say against racial prejudice (http://johnrobbins.info/blog/racism-food-and-health/) and use them out of context simply to serve your ideas.
For example: “Few things are more important today than that we wake up together to the negative consequences of the injustice and racial disparities which still pervade our society, and be willing to take individual as well as collective action to bring our lives and our country closer to our ideals of equality and justice.” John Robbins
Using quotations wrongly shows that you never actually bothered to make connections with what people are really saying.
More apt and forceful Adolf Hitler quotations for your Facebook profile include:
“the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.” (you can change Jew to Black)
““. . . the discovery of the Jewish virus is one of the greatest revolutions that has taken place in the world. The battle in which we are engaged today is of the same sort as the battle waged, during the last century, by Pasteur and Koch. How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! … We shall regain our health only be eliminating the Jew.” (you can change Jew to Black)
And beware of the grammar Nazis. Your sentence construction and spelling doesn’t help your cause either.
Zieg Heil and all that.
No Deborah Frendo to be true to yourself you should plainly accept that you are a racist and worse. You respect animals but not other fellow humans. And yes let’s be realist. Most Africans look much healthier than the average Maltese with their fat asses and huge beer bellies
What a pseudo intellectual idiot.
What an idiot. Honestly, what a moron. She won’t be surprised if they died of an “unknown disease” they brought from Africa? What is she even on about?
Another gem – “the difference between a realist and a racist” – as if the two are in some way significantly related (Norman Lowell goes on about the difference between a racialist and a racist, and she must have confused “racialist” with “realist” – the fact that both words start with “r” must have overloaded her brain).
By the way; what’s this obsession about ‘sahhara’? Is that the furthest your liberal minds can stretch? Daphne’s style is virulent at time, but it’s most understandable: one has to up one’s ‘game’ when single-handedly one is doing the job of the totality of Malta’s journalists who wilfully choose not to investigate or bring up crucial political and sociological matters.
Since this is a civilised blog, run by a civilised person and followed mainly by civilised people any reply or comment in retaliation to Ms Frendo’s comments would simply mean that I would be stooping low to her standards.
The fact that they were brothers indicates a genetic condition and not a disease.
Bugibba a beautiful town? I’m in my forties and I cannot remember Bugibba being anything other than a small version of Mallorca which (many years ago) attracted the dregs of England.
It took a turn for the worse when surplus cheap rooms started attracting Maltese with social or housing problems so that decent folk steered clear from that cesspit of locally bred turds. Glad to see you’ve found your place there though. Enjoy.
Can we have a ‘Dark Chart’, simlar to the colour charts you get in the paint shop? I mean I get confused because most Maltese are darker than me and I don’t know who is to be considered as ‘not welcome’.
A ‘Dark Chart’ would help me sort the wheat from the chaff as it were. I envisage a process where I hold the ‘Dark Chart’ next to someone’s skin, see if they would qualify as ‘not welcome’, and those who qualify can then be interviewed as to their suitability for the ‘not welcome’ list.
What do I do with those whose skin colour qualifies them as ‘not welcome’, but they are 100% Maltese?
Did it occur to this enlightened soul that the late brothers may have suffered from some genetic condition affecting the heart beat, a condition that HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR RACE, SKIN COLOUR, OR THE MODE OF THEIR ARRIVAL ON MALTESE SHORES?
Ignoramuses like her should be given the full benefits of free speech so that the whole world will know what a pathetic pea-brain she is endowed with.
A ‘realist’ would realise that immigrants (could be a Maltese going to a tropical destination) would be forced to have a check-up : standard. I highly doubt that any authority would allow an ‘irregular’ migrant integrate without making sure the person is free of typical tropical diseases (this is just a random example – I’m not going into detail).
Also, in spite of the fact that this island is overpopulated, the ‘realist’ wouldn’t say “we are being taken over” – aliens sprang to mind for a second – but would say “a lot of people are seeking refuge on our island, and this has an impact on the local economy ; therefore, the E.U (including us) and other nations should come up with a proper strategic plan to address these issues…” My point is, you still sound racist…
How interesting, she just has to call people she doesn’t like retards.
So Deborah, how much does a handicapped person cost the state, and what can we do with that money instead?
Damn jesuits dictating the social agenda and keeping a moral hold on this meek people.
Very realistic idea to consider if I may, what with this overpopulated country. Anschluss now.
it’s a pity, Deborah, that people as stupid as you exist. If I had my way you’d be the first to go. A bit of compassion never and common decency wouldn’t hurt.
Dear Ms. Frendo, how certain are you that you’re not carrying an unknown disease yourself? How certain that your Maltese neighbour, your family, your boyfriend, your very Maltese friends aren’t either?
Have you ever been to Hamrun? Have you ever noticed how overpopulated Hamrun is? Do you see many Africans there?
How about St. Thomas Bay in summer? Is it very clean in the late afternoon before the cleaners come along in the early evening? Do you see any Africans there?
Do not be so quick to judge. Maltese people are one of the most dirty, disorganized, uncultured people you might meet.
You’re more likely to get a nasty cold from a Maltese person (I know, I get them all the time from people who I see at my clinic after I ask them to open their mouth for a look, and the first thing they do is breathe in my face), than sitting next to an African person in the bus.
*on the bus*
I suppose Africans are responsible for this too. Because, you know, Maltese people are so environmentally-conscious that they would never do something like this and trash our ‘beautiful island’.
It is easy to tell when Maltese people have been to the beach. It is usually covered in a watermelon peel, dirty paper, the remnants of chips and burgers, litre-sized plastic bottles of ‘luminata’, and mounds of burned-out charcoal.
Oh, and piles of dog shit.
One cool iced bun.
I mean, look at the size of that duct, what’s that, half a million BTU’s?
C*nts, every last one of them. Including the Opposition which cooperates in this backwardness.
She does not seem to me to be very fond of donkeys.
We are told that Bugibba was once a beautiful town.
That must have been in the nineteenth century.
I have known Bugibba since the end of WWII and it was then already a glorified shanty town.
When Deborah Frendo states her expertise into the study of ‘diseases’ then maybe we can attempt to consider her theories. Until then, this retard is going back to his work in the lab.
And in Malta we reward these criminals by giving them a plum job at the OPM. Shame, shame shame.
And if you scroll down her Timeline, you can even see her share Islamophobic propaganda from (where else?) the BNP’s own Facebook page, because apparently Mosques are now the greatest threat to us Maltese and so-called children of God.
Well, she and Nick Griffin are more than welcome to each other. X’injuranza ta’ nies.
That poster is ridiculous. London’s men’s clubs don’t allow women through any of their doors, unless she’s a cleaner using the service entrance, but the BNP thinks that’s fine, and so does Deborah Frendo.
Oh dear.. maybe she meant ‘condition’ rather than ‘disease’?
Lovely well-spoken young lady isn’t she… a perfect representative for Malta.
It’s OK Deb, I’ve been called Retard many times before . . . by people who can’t spell my surname mostly.
I thought this sort of thing is illegal in the EU. It’s gross. Laqwa li his son posts ‘prosit dad’.
Wow. He is a government worker. Please let’s inform his superiors.
If she wants to solve the problem of over-population, I suggest SHE and her sprogs (if any exist) leave the island. The less we have of her ilk, the better.
The woman is a racist in denial. The very crux of racism is the judgement of a whole race of persons on the basis of the attributes of one single member.
If she were a realist, she would be taking the bother of judging everybody on merit, but then racism IS the lazy person’s shortcut to making value judgements about the persons he/she gets has contact with.
She also appears to be blind. When was Bugibba ever a beautiful town? Oh and, in addition, she’s ignorant and needs to learn the difference between literal and figurative – if she literally laughed her ass off, I wonder how her legs are still attached to her torso?
And then she flaunts her ‘motto’ on Facebook “Live and let live”.
‘Live and let live’ and ‘do no harm’ have suddenly become very subjective… Ms Frendo should amend her maxim to ‘Live and let live (selectively)’.
Her insensitivity saddens me deeply, it is hurtful on so many levels. Not only because it sows xenophobia, not only because she remains untouched by a family in mourning.
But also because she ignores that someone must have harboured her very same feelings when slavery was legal, and when not everyone could ride a bus, when some theorised that others has no soul, and when concentration camps were but a vague idea in someone’s twisted mind.
Is she fighting for what is hers? She must have worked really hard to be born white.
Yet on the 9th of May she posted a picture about “respect diversity”
What a bizzare woman.
Hi, Deborah. I am one of the retards who read this blog. Maybe I do not understand the difference between a realist and a racist in the same way as you do not understand the difference between contagious disease and other health conditions.
Sitting next to Deborah Frendo will not give you diabetes or varicose veins or even heart failure, because none of those things are contagious. Maybe it would have been better to suggest that the child in question be monitored, but who am I to argue with such superior intelligence.
Now isn’t that against every promise, antitrust regulations and automatically exclusive of any EU funding?
I expect the crucial vote in parliament on the 14th August.
Pity – she sounds like a wannabe Sherlock Holmes…..
I wonder who is a dumb ass, someone who thinks that saying someone is an African is saying anything about him except the continent of his/her birth or someone who realizes that there are dumb asses in every continent and it is easy to see who those are by what they say and do!
This is a person who must have done extensive research in order to compare the disease load of people of all the continents. She has even been able to specify who an African is for this purpose. No doubt her peers are waiting to review her arguments and conclusions with bated breath. What insight, what clarity, what logic! If being a European is measured by this font of wisdom, then we should be so very proud! Pity her dictionary does not extend to the ‘s’ letter, she could have read about ‘sudden cardiac death’ then.
I really miss there not being a sign for sarcasm…
Oh dear, not again. Wake up and smell the coffee. She’s quoting our Joseph.
Issa kulhadd bil- ‘wake up and smell the coffee’. Imnalla kien Joseph Muscat li beda juza din l-espressjoni
I do not think Bugibba has gone to the dogs because of any Africans. I think it has gone bad because every idiot that managed to a get or had a piece of land there built a shambles of an eyesore.
And with the addition of every Eastern European nationality allowed to live here in Malta without any restraint on how they intended sustaining themselves and to please the few low-life bar owners that exist there and elsewhere on this island. In comparison, the percentage of Africans in Bugibba is jack shit. You are obviously talking out of your ass. And I really wonder for how long you yourself had anything to do with Bugibba.
She might like to look up a long list of football players and other sportsmen who died suddenly of heart attacks while playing their sport.
Bugibba is not overpopulated. Why, the other day the Prime Minister was tweeting in gushing tones about the increase in tourist arrivals
As she is an animal lover, I do hope she is aware the Ebola virus tragically sweeping across Western Africa is spread to human populations by animals.
I would never call this sort of parvenu Frendo a retard.
It is very much against my principles to do so however much I am tempted.
Since she seems interested in and very knowledgeable on diseases carried by Africans, maybe she would like to ‘google’ Marfan’s Syndrome.
She might then learn a thing or two.
What is wrong in marrying your husband’s brother who is also an uncle to your son? It is legal and well recommended.
He will surely be a very good father to his nephew and as an adopted son through marriage.
Death can happen any time even if you are healthy.
Daphne do you have immigrants behind your doors or in your back yard ? I ask your friends to take them home.
[Daphne – That’s a childish remark, Silvio. One expects better of a grown man.]
I think you are right…I apologize .
Good grief. The same recycled ‘take them to your home’ comment.
Are you an animal lover, Silvio? Then take in some street dogs and cats. Better still, go to RSPCA and take home a couple of cats and dogs.
Maybe you’re not an animal lover, but surely you love children. So go to the nearest orphanage and foster some children. It makes perfect sense, right?
See? How do you think that comment works now? Pretty lame, huh?
Deborah, you shared something on Facebook without checking facts and allowed bullshit to propagate leading slowly to the dumbing down of humanity.
Ms Frendo should transfer herself to another area on the island, as we could do with one pig fewer there.