After promising a lower voting age of 16, the government cancels the next round of local council elections
July 19, 2014 at 11:28am
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Where’s everybody?
Fuq xarabank and heading out of the country – while they still can.
Do you expect that Peppi will discuss any matter which might prejudice the continuation of his programme? Fat chance!
And there was ‘MCAST’, shouting Gonzi down.
Astrid says she doesn’t do politics, Saviour had Michael Falzon on his program, he too said he won’t enter the merits of the hunting referendum.
I’m afraid these people are the perfect bait, when they gave him carte blanche, did they expect to be reciprocated with grace?
Two years back, both couldn’t make themselves heard enough, what arrogance and lack of consultation to a roof over our opera buffs they said.
It’s not just lawyers who can be self-serving. What’s happening is the dismantling of any common ground this country achieved.
Franco Debono is the vilest of all.
tiftakru xi storbju qam meta ma saritx elezzjoni ghall kunsill taz-zejtun? 2 weights 2 measures
What ‘fatigue’?
His own?
And can he arbitrarily decide to postpone elections?
Because he can; because he’s allowed to.
Brilliant! Improve voter turnout by holding no elections!
I propose that we hold no elections at all in Malta. China’s success is a result of having no elections.
This is a very serious threat to the democratic process; it should be a wake-up call for the PN.
I am sure that the switchers are enjoying this undermining of our democratic right.
I wouldn’t even say “Third world”. This is the exact strategy we have seen in the rise and afterworld of the Eastern bloc and the STILL communist TOTALITARIAN China.
“PM said move would “save costs, improve turnout and address fatigue.””
Here is my free advice to the prime minister on how to address those aims:
1. Save cost
Cut down the size of the cabinet – by half would do. You will save more in millions every year.
2. Improve turnout
Do not disenchant the electorate with lies from opposition and lies from government, as you did with your Taghna Lkoll movement, and the electorate will trust politicians more.
3. Address fatigue
Stop your government propaganda and continuous electoral campaigning and get to govern. Above all, focus on your business and do not decide for the electorate if they have political fatigue or otherwise. If you think the public has political fatigue, close down Super One TV and stop leading with spite and cronyism.
Isn’t fatigue and distraction one of the most effective capitalist-communist weapons? Mass destruction weapons are peanuts next to these subliminal ways. It a wonder what JM learnt from Jesuits and hard boiled Socialism.
I am suffering Muscat fatigue.
Can he be shut up until 2019?
Il-honeymoon politiku spicca.
Muscat – “Jekk iddejquni nipposponi l-elezzjoni generali li jmiss”
Labour’s objective is manipulation of the facts, as long as they remain in power. Government lost integrity and credibility in a very short time.
Cancelling elections is a serious matter, showing fear and disrespect to the public.
This is shocking.
I honestly hope that the postponing of the elections, is the first step in abolishing the Local councils,
They are nothing but a waste of state money and should be abolished.
They should be replaced by small groups of people, chosen by the Govt. and these would be the direct link between the administration and the people.
F*ck you, Silvio. I love being blunt.
That’s all we need, more people chosen by the government and paid for by us. The direct link between the administration and the people are the members of parliament who are voted for in order to act as they were asked to by the people based on their electoral programme.
Why not just postpone the general election until 2025, and be done with it?
Not a bad idea.
It might give the P.N.enough time to stand on its feet again.
Good idea,
It might give time to the P.N. to come back to life again
Wasn’t the referendum on spring hunting going to be held with the local councils? Is this just an indirect way of postponing the referendum to appease the hunters yet again?
So typical of Labour to do something like this in the peak of summer when so many are distracted by holidays or simply wanting to enjoy summer
Joseph promised 25% less in electricity bills and he took 50% of our democracy by postponing the local council elections. What’s next mr. Mugabe.
If Muscat succeeds in suppressing local government elections by postponements, then who, apart from the European Union, would be able to stop him from attempting the same with general elections?
Hitler suppressed elections and established his dictatorship and his short-lived “thousand year Reich” by declaring an indefinite state of emergency.
In-Nazzjonalisti fil-gvern ghallmu lil Labour kif meta jkunu fil-gvern isawtuhom.
Tiftakru kemm kien jixxalaw il-Labour ma kull elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali li kienu jirbhu?
U kemm kienu jghidu li n-Nazzjonalisti qed jitilfu l-maggoranza ecc ecc?
Mela issa Joseph issospenda l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali sas-sena 2019 biex:
1. ibieghed kull kritika jew ‘backlash’ li jista’ jkollu jekk jibda jitlef l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali
2. U fuq kollox ukoll l-elezzjoni li jmiss ma tkunx imtapma b’xi disfatti elettorali
3. Elezzjoni tal-EU fadalla hames snin u l-elezzjoni ta’ wara tkun tal-anqas 4 snin ‘il boghod.
Nispera li n-Nazzjonalisti jindunaw minn issa li mal-Labour Party f’dawn l-affarijiet ma jezistux ideat li tkun fair jew timxi kif suppost ghax lanqas bi tromba ma jarawh il-gvern
Demokrazija ilha bye bye minn dak il hin li hadu l-gurament