Can somebody ring the PM to ask him what he thinks about Farrugia Sacco retiring in a few days without being impeached?

Published: July 17, 2014 at 6:36pm
Judge Farrugia Sacco with his son, failed Labour candidate and Muscat sidekick David Farrugia Sacco, who has since been appointed to the Police Board.

Judge Farrugia Sacco with his son, failed Labour candidate and Muscat sidekick David Farrugia Sacco, who has since been appointed to the Police Board.

While quizzing the prime minister about Judge Wenzu Mintoff and whether he had the Commission for the Administration of Justice’s approval, reporters should have linked the subject to the fact that Judge Farrugia Sacco is set to retire in a few days, having successfully escaped impeachment with the prime minister’s support.

They’re still in time to ring him, and while they’re about it, perhaps they could ring the Commission for the Administration of Justice and ask what they think.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    Muscat’s reply will be either “Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu” or “Not in the national interest” or “Not prudent to reply for security reasons” or “A reply will be given at a later stage”.

  2. Ta' Natu says:

    Or as Mintoff once replied: NIGI NITNEJJEK MILL-KOSTITUZZJONI

  3. curious says:

    Oh, so we have a new policy now. The OPM decides whom to invite when on trips abroad. Manipulation to an unprecedented degree.

    “Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon defended the government’s new policy to only invite selected media to accompany Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on overseas trips, stating that a fair rotation system was being adopted.”

  4. John Higgins says:

    And the Commission for the Administration of Justice has fallen silent on Mintoff’s appointment. Back to the old days.

  5. Belti says:

    “Fejn huma l-intellettwali”

    Jahsbu se jghidu meta jkun hawn Gvern Nazzjonalista.

  6. F.X. says:

    Standard Communist policy.

    1. Give them enough scandals to spend their energy in arguing about it or anticipating the next.

    2. Display yourself in front of some dismal project with a serious, VERY serious face.

    3. Tell everyone that “tomorrow” there is a lot of work still to be done and we can’t keep being held back by bureaucracy or negative opposition.

    4. Send everyone to work.

    Check if applicable. And there’s nothing funny or ironic about it.

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