Don’t buy Muscat Joseph a wheel of Stilton for Christmas. Dak he prefer de gbejna.

Published: July 25, 2014 at 2:03pm

Sent in by a reader just now:

hates english food but adores david cameron

28 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Makes the perfect F1 pilot.

    • observer says:

      May I suggest a ‘ġbejna rolling’ event be held at one of the three hills of our sister island.

  2. ciccio says:

    Can he eat David Cameron?

  3. wacko says:

    Last photograph I saw of them together, Muscat was looking in envy at Cameron’s hair.

  4. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Poor (metaphorically speaking) Joseph Muscat! Only a few days ago he was dining in lavish surroundings eating delicious Peking Duck in Beijing. Now people are rounding on him because in his typical English humour he cracked some joke about British food.

    This is just another example of two weights and two measures with the balance at present heavily weighted in China’s favour. The second largest economy in the world with unlimited reserves is ready to help Joseph not only to become Prime Minister but to stay there for as long as it suits them.

    You cannot possibly expect Joseph Muscat to bite the hand that is feeding him.

    The new slogan is taken from “Animal Farm” in a revised version: Europe is good, but China is better.

  5. Barabbas Borg says:

    To be fair my Scottish friends, prefer the gbejna, whom they say its similar to the black crowdie (although it’s fruitier in taste) than Stilton.

    [Daphne – I have realised by now that many Maltese people just don’t understand the conventions of civility. When people tell you that sort of thing, and en masse (‘my Scottish friends’ – what, all of them?) know that it is simple politeness. Isn’t it amazing how many people commenting on this blog have said that their English/German/Austrian friends have told them how they love Maltese food and think it better than any other food? That’s not a reflection on Maltese food, but a reflection on the social conventions of their society and on the lack of insight so many Maltese have into situations such as these.

    Food is not a competition. This is not gbejna vs Stilton. I enjoy both, and appreciate both for what they are. The two cannot be compared at all, and the fact that they are both technically cheeses is totally irrelevant.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ritienka loves snails. And she’s not just being polite, because she’ll go all the way to Mgarr’s Il-Barri for a meal of bebbux bl-aljoli, washed down with Blue Label, under the lecherous gaze of the stout yeomen gathered at the bar. Strange woman.

    • Barabbas Borg says:

      Let’s just clarify that I’m in Scotland have tried both cheese myself. And it wasn’t en masse, it was around 4 different persons, who told me separately. But anyway the title implied some competition :).

    • Barabbas Borg says:

      And it’s not by politeness, when they ask you to buy some of it, when you’re travelling down to Malta!

  6. Paddling Duck says:

    Why does Joseph Muscat remind me of Pou each time I see him?

    (For non geeks, it’s an imaginary highly customisable pet of sorts or other)

    • dojsi says:

      That picture of Muscat: just like Desperate Dan.

      • bob-a-job says:

        I would be tempted to drop the ‘Dan’.

        This is when he replays his electoral victory videos, goes through his collectors album of heads he owns and like Onassis feeling the wad of dollars in his trouser pocket feels invincible again ready to ride another day with Sancho Panza by his side.

  7. Pluribus says:

    That mouth again…ugh

  8. amontebello says:

    I think the meme should read “hates English Food – troughs it down anyway”

  9. Rob says:

    Reminds me of ‘Chuckie the Doll’ minus the dungarees.

  10. GiovDeMartino says:

    Isn’t this a sort of useless polemic? When it comes to food it’s certainly a question of taste – in more ways than one.

    Useless trying to ridicule those who like bebbux bl-aljoli or a kisra hobz biz-zejt. For me a fried rabbit with chips and Maltese bread, as prepared by my wife, is second to none. There are others who don’t like rabbits. De gustibus.

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