Good wishes from those who have spent years ill-wishing you and causing you harm are hypocritical insults

Published: July 25, 2014 at 5:16pm

Franco Debono is too ill-bred and coarse to know that in situations like this, he should keep quiet, or at best, convey his good wishes only in private and directly to the individual, together with a private apology which, had he been familiar with these social conventions, he would know will be kept private by the recipient too.

Instead, the vulgar man heads to Facebook and tries to use an expression of good wishes to bolster his own public image. He’s so crass, it’s just unbelievable.

franco debono

14 Comments Comment

  1. Ivan says:

    And he’s friends with Frederick ‘Uncut’ Testa.

  2. L-ieħor says:

    Did you expect any better from such a ħamallu?

  3. il-Ginger says:

    My God, are there 4 of him?

  4. Be-witched says:

    The ones who do not know what shame is will be brazen all along. As for good manners -it’s rather like style; one is either born and bred with it or one simply is not.

  5. Osservatore says:

    Makes you wonder whether he finally threw away his voodoo dolls. After all, he had left to show off on Facebook other than his collection of cocks.

  6. Manuel says:

    What a crass hypocrite.

  7. H. Prynne says:

    Expect no better from an utter wanker. Nothing he does surprises me anymore.

  8. Albert Bonnici says:

    What a useless c*nt.

  9. pacikk says:

    Any occasion is a good occasion to bolster his image.

  10. bubu says:

    Albert, that’s not a good comparison. A c*nt has its uses.

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