Heaven knows how angry he is, and how he is threatening and besieging Owen Bonnici and Joseph Muscat

Published: July 18, 2014 at 1:05pm
Let's face it - if Wenzu Mintoff, then why not this specimen?

Let’s face it – if Wenzu Mintoff, then why not this specimen?

What, they made Wenzu Mintoff a judge and not him?

“Kemm batejt. Kemm sofrejt. Meta sofrejt daqstant ghall-Partit tal-Labour imbaghad taghmluli hekk? Din oligarkija! Korruzzjoni! Il-prim qisu Hitler. Imma issa ara xi grali. Ma nistax nghidilhom li jekk ma jaghmlunix imhallef minflok Farrugia Sacco se nwaqqa l-gvern. Blajt kanna daqsiex.”

21 Comments Comment

  1. RF says:

    Has turned out to be a turkey. Pity there is no repeater class (where is Evarist?) for failed parliamentarians.

  2. Matt P says:

    But maybe he has not heard the news either because he is ABROAD too:


  3. La Redoute says:

    Wenzu Mintoff must have had a better form IIc school report.

  4. Jozef says:

    Forsi ghax irrelevanti.

  5. M says:

    Will there be tickets for sale for when the two butt heads?

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Chapter 3

    The pain. The anguish.

    The assay so hard, so sharp the conquering*. [*Editor’s note: Astute readers will notice that the character in the novel could not have possibly come up with this line himself. This is an interesting case of the stream-of-consciousness first-person narrator turning into the omniscient narrator. But we digress.]

    Like Saint Sebastian looking heavenward, with sculpted abs and sinewed calves. Sebastianos. An icon.

    He was an icon. He did not deserve this! Why? Why! After all he’d done for them!

    Was he not a top student? Had he not striven all his life? Had he not worked hard? Did he not build all with his own bare hands?

    All this. He looked around his office, at the framed diploma hanging on the peach-coloured wall. Ell Ell Dee. He looked at his visiting card, at the bold lettering spelling out C-O-M-M-I-S-S-I-O-N-E-R. He looked at his miniature cock. At the whole collection of miniature cocks.

    He had been betrayed. Betrayed! Trapped in an aquarium, passed over, trampled over even.

    He fumbled with his mobile phone. It had been with him through thick and thin. So many fond memories. TV appearances on national TV. Front page photographs. Him. The Man. The Sword of Justice.

    But now it had fallen silent. He checked the battery level. Full. Why wasn’t anybody calling? No text messages since yesterday. Why? He fought the rising bile and dialled the comfort number. She would know. She would understand his anguish. He needed to call her. He needed her attention.

    “Hello, Daphne, jien —-“

  7. Min Jaf says:

    …u jekk ma noqghodtx attent li ma nqazzizziex iz-zejjed, jiehduli il-karozza u x-xufier.

  8. michael seychell says:

    The photo says it all.

  9. CiVi says:

    All those who contributed towards the PL victory have been somehow or other rewarded, and so will Franco Debono, so I think we are in for even more surprises.

    [Daphne – He already has been; he was made Law Commissioner, with a salary, car and chauffeur but no job description or requirement to work, immediately Labour was elected to government.]

    • CiVi says:

      You are right Daphne. Thanks.

    • Calculator says:

      Incidentally, Ms Caruana Galizia, has Debono actually done anything as Law Commissioner?

      I doubt it, but I could give him the benefit of the doubt and say that I missed the news coverage showing at least one achievement of his.

  10. Kevin says:

    What a hypocrite. Where is he now yelling about the “oligarkija” and the “klikka”? Of course, Muscat knew exactly what made this man tick – an iced bun.

    Basta jiftahar li mar San Alwigi. Mhux hekk ghallmuna l-Gizwiti.

  11. Pablo says:

    Wait till he hears that Pawlu Lia, another Labour activist and totally one eyed is up for becoming our next Chief Justice. I’m kidding of course.

    • gaetano Pace says:

      Words of wisdom from no other source than Wenzu Mintoff. Like Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, the Labour Party lifted him up just when he was in dire straits.

    • gaetano Pace says:

      Yes indeed but at least not lying. We have had more than our fair share of fibs from Joe and Co that we could not bear to hear another.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:

    Maybe, the Ghaxaq capon is making more money from his lucrative legal practice then Wenzu is and is not bothered with begging for for a promotion to help make ends meet at the end of the month,

  13. Manuel says:

    Hekk, ħu ġo fik, Debono!

  14. WhoamI? says:

    Hekk, aqla go fik. Ja Gahan! Ja village idiot u cercur.

  15. ciccio says:

    Do you think Franco Debono will have the courage to bring out a pen drive to threaten the witness in court in front of Judge Wenzu “Lorry’s Brown Envelope” Mintoff?

  16. gaetano Pace says:

    Il-Qorti mhux postu dak. Dan speci amfibja tajba jew ghal vetrina mas-serduq fejn joqghod jiftakar kif cahdu Joseph tlett darbiet, jew fl-akwarju jisma is-sireni jghannu bil-bziezaq tal-ossigenu hergin minn halqu. Dak spettaklu u dan spettakulari.

  17. joe vella says:


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