If Franco Debono doesn’t need a psychiatrist now, he certainly needed one then
I have received this message below from a member of parliament. It’s nothing I didn’t know already, which is why I was comfortable writing back then that he needed a psychiatrist and he couldn’t challenge it in a court of law. I really think the government should hurry up and make Franco Debono a judge. It’s been a while now since we had a member of the judiciary in need of psychiatric care. Why not? It will add to the already fascinating all-sorts mix which inspires trust and confidence, and is the perfect way to carry on undermining the Courts of Justice from within.
Here are some facts.
1.Franco Debono expected Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to interrupt a cabinet meeting in order to speak to him.
2. Franco Debono expected Prime Minister Gonzi to interrupt a meeting with USA Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton in order to speak to him.
3. Franco Debono phoned Prime Minister Gonzi in the early hours of the morning and expected him to leave a European Union Head of States meeting, in discussion about an urgent and sensitive issue, in order to speak to him.
4. During the Libyan crisis in 2011, Franco Debono called at the prime minister’s office unshaven, bedraggled and wearing shorts and flip-flops and demanded that Prime Minister Gonzi interrupts a meeting with the Libyan Prime Minister Jabril, in order to speak to him.
5. When he was a member of parliament, Franco Debono bombarded Prime Minister Gonzi and Nationalist Party officials with literally thousands of text messages, many of them during the night and in the early hours of the morning.
Some pictures follow of a judge in the making.
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I would never trust anyone like Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando or Cyrus Engerer.
All big mistakes by PN, they should always vet any prospective ‘followers’/candidates – they must follow the golden rule & know their customer well before accepting them to join PN ranks.
You forgot that half-assed viper, Jesmond ‘Jes’ Mugliett.
[Daphne – Half-assed and pussy-whipped, what a great combination.]
Communication skills 100%? Did they mean 24-7?
Judice subito.
I did not understand the rooster, but the rest is so true!
Form IIc communication 100%
It must have been hell teaching him.
One major concern is the suspension of the local council elections. This is very worrying.
It is reminiscent of the time when Mintoff, on his sole decision, decided to ‘suspend’ the Constitutional Court for a number of years.
Debono released his school report to TVM to prove that “ghal kontra ta’ dak li jghidu certi blokks, jien m’ghandix bzonn psikjatra.”
That was after he’d summoned a TV crew to his parents’ home and left them waiting for 20 minutes.
With such a high grades in Arabic he should be considered as Ambassador to Libya.
To think that he was graded “excellent” in communications.
Franco Debono’s house in Hal Ghaxaq still has a police sentry. Is this to avert an attempt on his life or is this an ego trip for this turncoat?
Of course he would do that and pester people. He got full marks for communications.
Li kieku il poplu Malti kellu uqija ta’ sens kommun, qatt ma messu ivvota ghal JPO, Mugliett u Franco Debono. Tlett kummiedjanti li kif tghid Daphne “self-serving egoists”.
Dawn it-tlieta kienu juru minn dejjem li mimlijin bihom infushom – issa hadna l-premju ta’ kemm nivvotaw bhal kazini tal-festa. Meta ser nitghalmu li bniedem tajjeb ghal politika ma nivvotawlux minn kemm hu sexy u ghadu zghir.
Jien nitwerwer nara politikant jippretendi l-vot tieghi meta lanqas biss ghandu idea ta’ x’ jigifieri isservi, ahseb u ara kemm ser jaghti hajtu ghal istat u l-ben essere tal-pajjiz.
Nissuggerixxi li min irid jifhem dan il-kumment jaqra ftit fuq Schumann, Adenauer, u De Gasperi. Dawn kienu nies li taw il-hajja taghhom sabiex illum ingawdu il-liberta li hawn.
I spotted him this morning on Republic Street, nodding frantically at random people – including tourists.
St Sebastian is a well known gay icon.
100% in communication! LOL
I went to a government school and my Form 2 report is much better than his.
I got 12 prizes: first in my form and guess what? First in Arabic also. Can Franco possibly beat that? Thanks to the Labour government of the time I was given a free trip to Libya to be indoctrinated.
I had to watch numerous films about Gaddafi there together with other children from all the forms who placed first in their exam.
And how sweet of them – they even gave us a camera each and a token amount of dinars to spend…with nothing to buy. In exchange we got a long boring trip with no showers, stuck in the land of Turkish toilets when most of us got he runs and ended up in dirty hospitals.
We had to watch films about that man’s silly Green Book for the whole 12 days and an attendance register had to be signed to prove we went and watched. We were surrounded by body guards and there were huge photos of Gaddafi draped everywhere.
With what we have discovered since the uprising there and all the horrific information that has emerged, thank God we were not subjected to an inspection by Gaddafi himself and spirited away into his sexual torture dungeons never to be seen again.
Most people don’t know about this. It happened in 1972. Maybe next time they will change venue. China anybody?
Well, now we know why he bombards everyone with text messages…it seems that his math skills are rather poor, so maybe he gets mixed up while counting or can only count to 10.
Even while Minister Owen Bonnici is delivering a speech he still tries to seek attention.
Franco Debono is holding out for the top job: a vacancy at the European Court of Human Rights, as Malta’s nominee.
While I am sure his intentions are good, I do not agree with the way he acts.
As far as to the message, are we to accept it as gospel truth especially as it seems to be anonymous?
[Daphne – It’s not anonymous. Not to me, anyway. When people send me messages and information and ask me to respect their anonymity in publication, I am obliged to do so. I would never publish anything like that if it is sent to me anonymously, for the obvious reason that it might be unreliable, as you correctly say.]
These type of messages are usually the work of cowards.
[Daphne – Not at all, in this particular case, I can assure you.]
As far as his school result, may I remind you that Einstein never passed an exam while at school.
I don’t think he will ever accept to be a judge. His present position carries more power than that of judge.
Albert Einstein never needed to show anybody his school reports, or felt he had to.
Einstein never became a lawyer.
I’ll now get all the LLDs angrily writing in, saying they’re not all subliterate and dull. When I’m dealing with so many of you, my dears, 99% is as good as 100.
Are we seriously discussing Albert Einstein and Franco Debono in the same thread…
As far as his school result, may I remind you that Einstein never passed an exam while at school.
So we need not worry, we have a surfeit supply of genii for the coming years.
Debono is able to give the Labour government a hard time because he knows how much he was pushed by them to do what he did when Labour was in Opposition. Owen Bonnici had to say what he did because he had no choice.
When he has them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
His maths was as good as his Arabic.