Is that a Spaniard wearing a T-shirt some Maltese person gave him without telling him what the slogan means?

Published: July 10, 2014 at 8:38pm

raging bull

raging bull 1

raging bull2

Or is it a Maltese man having a go at the Pamplona bull run, wearing a T-shirt he would never be able to wear at home and confident in the knowledge that nobody in Pamplona can translate it?

Except that he ended up on the front pages of many newspapers the world over, and the picture has gone viral with Maltese across the globe.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    The man is a Maltese Australian who was on holiday in Malta and then proceeded to Spain. I am sure he knew exactly what was written.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    It must have been given to him by a perverse animal activist.

  3. Yanika says:

    According to TVM News, he’s a Maltese from Gozo. So he certainly knew what was written there.

  4. Tom says:

    Daphne, this is animal cruelty on the same level as bird trapping and bird hunting. At least bulls can attack the crazy retards using their sharp horns.

    • tinnat says:

      Actually this is precisely the reason why it is not like bird trapping and hunting. This is San Fermin by the way, not the corridas, where the bull ends up dead. In San Fermin, the bull has a very fair chance. Since Monday, when the celebrations started in San Fermin, 9 people have had to be hospitalised for goring. That’s fine by me.

  5. M says:

    A view from the front might help answer that question:

    Whatever he is his knowledge of Maltese sure matches his taste in logos.

  6. Claude Sciberras says:

    It always amazes me to see spelling mistakes on printed matter not only because you would imagine that if someone was going to print something he would check that it is spelt properly, but also because one would expect the printer to know better as well. Especially when printing in your native tongue.

  7. anthony says:

    Whatever and whoever he is we have a top job for him in Taghna Lkoll.

    CEO of Benna.

    All he has to do is call Jo when he comes back from the family summer holiday in Marco Polo Land.

  8. Neil says:

    Definitely NOT a Malti ta’Malta judging by the text on his shirt. But more importantly, why?

  9. Helen says:

    Always making the international headlines, for the wrong reasons. What an utter shame.

  10. Manuel says:

    It could be. May he came to Malta to study English and the t-shirt was given to him by a Maltese.

    However, I heard that a group of Maltese men organised the tour to go bull-chasing, or better, running-away-from-raging-bulls-festival.

    I would not be surprised that he is actually Maltese.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Nice wording, goes so well on a red background.

    More likely it’s probably some illiterate Maltese who was given a T-shirt to wear, biex, to put it politely, jeħduh f’għajnhom bieh.

  12. WhoamI? says:

    Ovvja li Malti. Pastaz dik il-kwalita ajma mhux ovvja.

  13. Optimist says:

    He is an Aussie-Maltese as confirmed by people in Malta who know him. It’s not his first time at Pamplona either.

  14. Optimist says:

    PS the front of his shirt is a huge white Maltese cross. There are pictures of the front circulating the web.

  15. Natalie Mallett says:

    Jaqq x’hamallagni ta’ nies. Anke lil barri dejjaq.

  16. Sister Ray says:

    What a wanker.

  17. La Redoute says:

    He’s Maltese Australian.

  18. Betty says:

    Il-Pampalun mar Pamplona. Now if he is such a bully he should tell us who he really is when back home. Maybe our PM may consider giving him Gieh ir-Repubblika for such free publicity


    • Antoine Vella says:

      The PM could also employ this man as consultant on animal welfare. Muscat has such a sense of the inappropriate.

  19. benny hill says:

    It is a Maltese man. I can confirm.

  20. Mandy says:

    Actually, it might be this man, who somebody tagged in the comments under the Times of Malta link to their article on their Facebook page.

  21. Peppa Pig says:

    That Maltese semi-literate dolt ran out of luck when he encountered a raging bull who happened to understand Maltese and took offence at his T-shirt slogan.

  22. PB says:

    What’s written on the t-shirt?

    • Connor Attard says:

      I think I can make out each individual word, but putting them together leaves you with a rather convoluted and incoherent sentence. Given the extremely vulgar nature of the print, you really have to doubt whether the person behind it is fully literate.

  23. Aaron de Giorgio says:

    I have lived in Spain for six years and no Spaniard will wear the colours of another country, unless visiting that other country. That pathetic buffoon must be from or of Malta. Cry the beloved country.

  24. Patrowl says:

    Still not as vulgar as “taghna lkoll”

  25. Tracert says:

    I opine that the themed shirts were supplied by
    and that this guy was on one of their San Fermin tours.

    There are others in the photos with the website URL on their backs. And the fonts are all the same.

  26. Another John says:

    You can take a man out of Xewkija but you cannot take Xewkija out of the man.

  27. Sister Ray says:

    Not a good week for the Maltese in exile. L-ewwel Barroso u issa l-barri.

  28. Rachel says:

    I’m tempted to print a T-shirt myself with ‘I’m with Bull’ on it.

    Poor terrified beast has more sense than a few people I can think of.

  29. J Mamo says:

    He’s a Maltese jerk

  30. Gary says:

    Off-topic, but an update on the power station for those that are interested.

    ElectroGas have finally got around to naming Malta Power and Gas Ltd to ElectroGas Malta Ltd.

    Though on the resolution filed at the MFSA, only a Gasol representative has signed it even though everyone has to for the change to be effective according to law. Ho-Hum, guess they like to do things the hard way.

    So they are finally up and running, ready to go and the esteemed minister has said they are drilling boreholes to test the foundations and that it’s all on track. We can all sleep easier now.

    But no increase in shareholding, so where’s our 30 million ?

  31. ron says:

    I bet my last cent that he votes PL.

  32. jojo says:

    From Gozo, raised in Australia.

  33. Tabatha White says:

    If it wasn’t a Muscat stunt: free publicity by being daring.

    Same as putting a fart box under a speakers’ podium at a key conference and retaining the remote controls with the excuse that all other speakers are boring.

    Trace the similarity.

  34. Ta' Natu says:

    Din l-istorja u l-kumment qasir tal-bidu tieghek juri kemm dal-blog huwa b’sahhtu, kemm hu kredibbli u popolari.

    Illum fin-Nazzjon hemm artiklu interessanti ta’ Fr. Reno Muscat OP dwar in-NETIKETT li hija l-formazzjoni taz-zewg kelmiet “network” u “etiquette”.

    Wara li jispjega xi tfisser sewwasew dil-kelma u x’effett ghandha socjalment, Fr. Borg isemmi bhala ezempji zewg bloggers kbar li huma segwiti minn eluf kbar ta’ nies.

    Isemmi lil Beppe grillo fl-Italia u lil Daphne Caruana Galizia f’Malta. Min irid jara l-artiklu shih ifittex il-harga tan-Nazzjon tallum (Sibt 12 ta’ Lulju) pagna 21.

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