It’s in her contract with Mario Vella
July 16, 2014 at 12:39pm
Mrs Konrad Mizzi gets a free house, a free car, a free chauffeur, medical care, dental care, school fees for her children and five first class return flights to/from Malta, but she has to pay for her own sheets and pillows.
Expect her to now give a brief ‘interview’ to friendly journalists, in which she holds back her tears and struggles to find the words about how unfair this is.
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tal-biki !
This is much more than ambassadors get. To start with, ambassadors do not get flights home to Malta paid except if they need to travel to Malta on business (which needs to be approved on a case-by-case basis).
Home leave is paid only once, midway through a posting.
Moreover, Mrs Konrad Mizzi should not be at par with the Maltese ambassador in Beijing, because as far as the host country is concerned, she is answerable to him even if she reports to Malta Enterprise.
Most ambassadors do not actually get a fully-expensed residence. There have been cases where there have not been enough rooms (let alone beds) in the official residence for the ambassador’s family.
The Nationalists got too big for their boots after all that time in government, but Muscat’s arrogance and that of his cronies started way ahead of their being elected to power and is now impossible to restrain.
And, the electorate defends Muscat’s behaviour instead of hollering ‘bloody murder’ as it did only last year.
Different parties are held to different standards. It is only for this reason that intelligent and careful governance can only appeal to a small section of Maltese society.
Kevin the Maltese people are too biased about politics. They simply follow their leaders no matter what. They simply lack pride and patriotism for their country.
Jigifieri Sai Mizzi kellha tinvesti fl-investi?
Tajba Jozef.
U din se tbellaghhilna li se ggib l-investiment mic-Cina, jekk anqas irnexxilha tikkonvinci lil gvern Malti jhallas ghall-investi taghha?
Her own pillows? Poor soul! Why is she being mistreated like this? What next? Buying her own soap?
The Community Chest Fund should make sure that she has clean and sturdy soap holders in the shower(s). After all, the President is an expert on the subject.
Ahjar nitolbu ‘l-Peppi halli jaghmlilha gabra fuq Xarabank.
Kif tista’ ma ccempilx?
Bloody scandalous, that is what it is. Only a miserly government would pay her such a fantastic salary, but then fail to provide her with pillow cases in which to stash away all that loot.
Daphne, stop this China-bashing. Mhux sewwa, ta.
Sai Mizzi is going to be Joseph Muscat’s downfall. The true character of all the protagonists is coming out in the open for everyone to see. Robber barony at the highest level. Outrageous.
Well, she wouldn’t be soiling the bed linen much, would she?
Maybe Peppi can organise another ‘maratona’ on Xarabank to help the poor soul. Shots of her crying will surely melt the hearts of the stingiest viewers.
Out of curiosity, I looked up to see how much a first class return ticket for one person from China to Malta costs.
Since we have no idea where Mrs Mizzi resides, I choose Beijing as point of departure.
First class return: Euro8179.
Same flight economy class: Euro1537.
Miskina, ghanda ghalfejn tibki.
18 euro fis- siegha 365/24.
X’ma tibkix meta tiftakar li qatt m’hi se tara wicc’Alla.
Serq sfaccat tal-poplu u specjalment tal-haddiem Malti u Ghawdxi.
L-oxxenita tas-seklu gewwa pajjizna (s’issa).
Ibku switchers mas-sinjura Mizzi.
Nispera li tixtrihom ‘made in China’ ghax jiguha irhas.