Judge Wenzu pronounces himself on the leader of the Opposition
July 19, 2014 at 12:54am
This screen capture was taken before he became a judge. Now that he is a judge, he is a man of integrity and honour. So no worries there.
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The epitome of impartiality and the separation of powers.
Surely he was describing his own face? I’ve been restraining myself from saying “kemm hu ikrah, il-vera ikrah” – but there, now I’ve said it.
Yes, he has the face of a repressed, boring loser.
He looks kind of puffy.
He looks like a constipated ass-hole
Ahjar wicc ta’ bahnan milli wicc ta’ ahdar. Sewwa jghidu li l-gemel ma jarax hotobtu. Povri dawk li jridu jissaportuk il-qorti.
Tant hu mdejjaq li ghalih jekk tidhak tidher qisek bahnan. I wonder how he manages to walk with that chip on his shoulder.
The reins of power in Malta are in the hands of pimps, thieves and scoundrels.
The opposition is cowering.
Those of use old enough to remember Malta 1971-87 will be aware of the horrors awaiting our society.
Why do I get this horrible feeling that making Wenzu Mintoff a judge is just another step towards making Malta a one-party state?
It is the standard tactic of dictators to get control of the major organizations and institutions in the country.
We have already seen how the police and the armed forces have been made tools in the hands of the government.
TVM and other media outlets are used for party propaganda.
The judiciary is the next step: pack it with hard-core partisans and puppets of the ruling party.
The setting up of Confucius Centres in schools is intended to create CONFUSION not Confucianism in the minds of children and prepare the next generation for this cultural/ political revolution which would make it easier to undermine the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and school system.
People are brainwashed into believing that the Opposition is being negative and obstructionist, betraying the national interest. Therefore, it must be banned so that the Party of the People (Us, in Labour terminology) can continue to lead this country to prosperity and happiness and Nirvana.
That is how the Communists (mis)managed Eastern Europe for over 70 years. I hope we do not have to wait that long to open our eyes and see the dangerous way this government is leading us.
Add to the mix a potential war with Russia, where China will definitely be involved and we have a worse scenario unfolding. Where is Malta going to stand on this, with Europe or against it ?
Tom Double Thumb,
Naqbel miegħek u mal-ħafna kummenti ta’ qablek, li iva qed jistenniena żmien ikrah.
Il-punti li semmejt int kollha huma verità assoluta. Il-pulizija, l-armata, issa l-ġudikatura u anke l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali, ix-xandir tal-istat u tista’ tibqa’ sejjer.
Kollox f’idejn l-istatu lilna jridu jagħmlulna sarima ma’ ħalqna biex ma ngħidu u nmaqqdru xejn. Dak li ħdimna għalih matul 25 sena ta’ gvern nazzjonalista se jisfuma fix-xejn. Tlifnieh f’anqas minn sentejn.
Jonqos l-elezzjoni ġenerali…tgħid din ukoll se tintmess u nispiċċaw ma nivvutaw xejn? Demokrazjija bye bye.
Il-libertà u l-espressjoni tal-kelma reġgħu mhedda. Nibqa’ nsostni pu għal dawk l-iswitchers li mingħalihom se jkollna ġenna fl-art u spiċċajna fl-infern tad-dinja. Iftħu moħħkom qabel ma jkun tard wisq.
Ħbieb inqumu mir-raqda li qegħdin fiha għax se niġu fi żmien meta ma nkunu nistgħu nagħmlu xejn ħlief inbaxxu rasna jew gwerra ċivili. Il-bambin biss jista’ jilliberana.
Min irid jghajjar ukoll! Peress li sabih hafna hu hej – ikrah u rozz.
“Wicc ta’ bahnan” says the hideous puffy troll of somebody far better looking than he is.
Who is next? Toni Abela?
Wenzu Mintoff must have known of his appointment weeks ago and yet he couldn’t care less about integrity, impartiality and respect for the Constitution.
The Constitution that Wenzu swore to uphold makes the leader of the Opposition a very important position that demands respect by designated judges.
Never thought he is this ignorant.
Wicc Dom Mintoff.
Xejn ma jixbah lil Mintoff. Imma jaghti lemha qawwija hafna lil Lorry Sant.
A love quadrangle…
I think that he really resembles Lorry Sant – see http://292fc373eb1b8428f75b-7f75e5eb51943043279413a54aaa858a.r38.cf3.rackcdn.com/38995b2b4e05486f7f8336e655d65037754593045-1300440986-4d83279a-620×348.jpg
[Daphne – Note to readers: Lorry Sant is the man standing and declaiming in the black and white photograph. The man in the colour photograph is one of his victims.]
I totally agree with you. I remember Lorry Sant when he was young, and there is a definite strong resemblance to Wenzu Mintoff.
The woman on Lorry Sant’s left is our president. The wig on the right is now an MEP.
And Muscat just referred to that duo as the darkest moment in our history.
Being Labour can be so painful.
The fact that the PM had to pronounce himself on Mintoff’s integrity confirms what a serious problem there is.
You think we have reached rock bottom but find out we are still digging ourselves deeper still.
With Labour there is no rock bottom; just an infinite abyss down which they plummet relentlessly, dragging Malta down with them.
Well he is no Rock Hudson himself so the last thing he should be talking is about other people’s looks. He should be telling us more about brown envelopes and how he came to be made a judge.
Tkellem wicc l-askri u bhal ma kienet tirreferi ghalih nanti ‘buzzieq sormi’.
Wicc ta’ Duminku.
Lanqas xejn. He doesn’t look like a Mintoff at all. Jien narah verzjoni ikrah ta’ Lorry Sant, kemm mill-wicc u kemm mill-figura u l-qaghda.
There’s something we’re not being told about how Lorry got those photographs.
Independence and impartiality were his two main objectives.
And you expect that PN or someone from its ranks will have an objective view on their case by this judge?
We already know his true colours, and once he’s on his bench these will emerge even stronger, to the point of undermining our judiciary system. He simply can’t control his feelings.
Nistgħu nibqgħu ċerti li kull kawża li jkollha x’taqsam mal-parti nazzjonalista jew ma’ xi ħadd nazzjonalist , għid li se tiġi quddiemu ħalli jiġġudika kif jaqbillu. Kemm ġejna sew! Għarukaża mill-kbar nett.
I once spent five minutes before this man’s desk when he worked in a government institution in mid 90s. Does not smile, hardly speaks and does not connect. It was like being in the same room as a lump of lard full of discontent.
That’s called a Socialist.
…. and of impartiality
I was a witness in one of his cases and to say the least, his performance left much to be desired. He was told off by the judge for not preparing the case when all the other evidence was ready, thereby lengthening the process.
His true colors were evident at an early stage.
I am sure that there were many other candidates who were fit for the job, against whom Wenzu Mintoff is a non starter. He is a non-starter in any case.
Unfortunately, I fell that much more damage will be done by similar decisions before the electorate has a chance to voice concern. The important thing is to remember when the time comes.
This blog should help.
Keep up the good work.
We had been told, assured even, ad nauseam, that Labour had changed.
Look how that has turned out.
To all those proud to have voted this government in: remember what they say ‘fool me once…’ and all that? Wonder what ‘fool me a thousand times’ says?
Excuse my language, but what a proper c*nt this man is.
An overweight Mr. Bean
Mr Judge, kemm tiflah taqa baxx u kemm ilsienek jikkmandak! Ma jixraqlekx tghaddi kummenti partiggjani meta taf li ser tkun imhallef. Niggarantixxi li b’dan il-kumment urejt biss kemm m’intix ta’ integrita u imparzjalita ghal-hatra li tawk.
Shame on you.
That’s rich coming from someone who seems to have inspired the Maltese expression ‘Wicc ta’ gh….’
Qishu Lorry Sant.
Wednesdays, Dom.
Fridays, Lorry?
He really looks like him.
Vera, jixbah lil Lorry Sant. Forsi ghalhekk ahdar ukoll.
Jekk hu veru bilfors wiret hafna diga.
Dan l-ispeci ta’ persuna irrid jghajjar lil Dr. Busuttil? Mela ma ghandux mera biex ihares lejha d-dar?
Daqs kemm hu ikrah u antipatiku hu.
Jekk minghalih Wenzu li issa lahquh imhallef xi hadd mill-poplu Malti kollu ser jinsa x’ghamel u x’qal, nghidlu li sejjer zball.
Ma kienx jixraqlek din il-kariga u ghad irridu naraw ghaliex Muscat lahqek imhallef.
Looks like Wen Zhu from the Ming dynasty.
There is no way this Mintoffian scum will be ever impartial vis-à-vis the PN, no matter how he tries to and no matter how much he tries to convince us.
Kemm hu matur l-imhallef il-gdid li ghandna.
Very mature political repartee – rapier sharp, don’t you think?
What finesse. I am impressed.
The gavel will not eliminate the uneducated, low-scum personality this Mintoffian possesses.
Well, if Cyrus Engerer is a hero and soldier of steel, then Wenzu Mintoff can be a judge.
Who better can replace a judge who is facing impeachment.
Tistghu isserhru raskom. Mhux ser jaghmel balbuljati.
If someone were to say, or write, that Judge Wenzu Mintoff has a “wicc ta’ bahnan” (the face of an idiot) what would Joseph Muscat’s army of soldiers of steel say?
Judge Wenzu Mintoff has a long way to go before he is accepted as fit for his appointment.
I wonder wether he’ll use these expressions in his sentencing speeches.
Ghal liema wicc qed jirreferi?
We have stopped at ‘face value’ here.. the issue is more serious and very preoccupying.
According to TVM he’s not Wenzu anymore. He’s Lawrence now.
Poor idiot
I have lost the little faith I had left in the judiciary. Wenzu Mintoff, for God’s sake!
Green-hearted, lazy bastard.
Good, that it crystallise.
That public sentiment be undermined.
Prim Ministru, issa c-cans li turi lil Malta kollha is-serjeta tieghek.
Wenzu Mintoff qabel tghid li l-kap tal-Opposizzjoni ghandu wicc ta’ bahnan nissuggerilek thares harsa lejn il-mera u tara hemmhekk wicc ta’ ahdar sew.
Can we have a list of the few impartial, upright judges please? It would be useful if I ever ended up in court.
He looks like an overweight Mr Bean.
Next in line: Labour’s own lawyer, Pawlu Lia.
The pits.
Tghid jibqa editur part time?
Is it Wenzu or Wenzou?
Judge Gino Camilleri will be missed but never forgotten. A true gentleman is an understatement. Everything happens for a reason in life.
He has gracefully endured and suffered in silence on many fronts for many years, including the trajectory path and current levels the judiciary system is unfortunately experiencing.
I guess God has spared him from witnessing all that went against his morals, principles, beliefs and ultimately what he stood for and believed in.
I am so happy for him and have no doubt that he is now in peace. Another Mintoff would have been the end of him anyway.
The one and only saving feature in this new judge’s genome is that, as my uncle Johnnie used to say: ommu kienet thenn ghal-proxxmu.
If he follows his mother’s example, in a good way, he should be well disposed to help all those in difficulty.
That is a judge’s duty.
“Fat bastard” is quite appropriate