Maltapark – where you can buy a badroom and a hamiema tax shows
July 28, 2014 at 1:03pm
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16 Comments Comment
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I despair. I suppose if one points out these atrocities to the page administrator one would get the standard “U iwa mhux xorta” response.
“Badroom” is very use-appropriate, if you think about it.
Are you doing a listing section?
My new hobby is reading posts and comments on the “Ommijiet nghidu kelma flimkien” community on Facebook.
Very fascinating.
Are they for real?
Are you, yourself, for real?
Barka cucati bhal dawk issejhilhom suggett ghal ‘hobby’?
How can you even read half the posts on there? My brain hurts.
A badroom is a room where you do bad things.
Wouldn’t mind having a go at cleaning the maid. Malta has become a country with a disappearing bottom; when you think we’ve hit it, another howler turns up.
“Maid cleaner” as against what, a milk maid?
I think they are asking for volunteers to clean the maid.
As for me, I’m interested in that garage door with lots of rust and no bargain. How much are they offering?
Shouldn’t the maid have been included in the bad room pic? Might have put in a bid.
Off topic but I believe the following story is food for thought.
Imagine if this were a male teacher or a male student situation. Do we need an Erin Tanti repeat for all hell to break lose?
I’ve been looking for a wall unit for ages, thank you Daphne.
How about this.
Rolex Seamaster genuine replica.
Ejja l-hawn ha nahsillek il-bajd