Maltastar: an objective and scientific survey

Published: July 26, 2014 at 3:51pm


The Labour Party’s news website, Maltastar, is running and objective and scientific survey designed to gauge what the Great Maltese Public thinks about the prime minister’s trip to China.

And incidentally, why the trip itself, rather than its aims and results?

24 Comments Comment

  1. Kif inhi din? says:

    Looks like the survey is not going to register any negative opinions.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s a shame I can’t vote, because I want to choose PHENOMENAL.

  3. nutmeg says:

    Successful for whom: the Maltese, the Labour Party, or the Communist leaders?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s a bit like turning to Ritienne and whispering “Was it good?”

  5. C Falzon says:

    But successful for whom?

    For Malta, the Labour Party, Joseph Muscat or the Chinese Communist Party?

    There should be a choice for each, for which I would answer: no, possibly, yes and most certainly yes.

  6. White coat says:

    Reminds me of election ballots in North Korea:

    Candidate No.1- Our Great Brother Leader Kim Yong Un.

    Tick your preference in the box provided.

    • La Redoute says:

      Or the elections in Azerbaijan where the result was announced before the votes were cast. Election monitor Anglu Tuks Fors Farrugia reported back that he didn’t notice anything wrong.

    • pacikk says:

      Exactly my thought – they might as well have left the ‘highly successful’ option only.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    a) It is a fact that the trip was successful because they slept and ate well and returned safely.

    b) The survey has only 3 button options, two saying it was successful and one deeming yourself an idiot because you’re not sure.

    c) It misses a button for those who think it was NOT successful but why bother with that. The survey was carried on maltastar after all and all the readers are either positive about the trip or idiots so the survey caters fully for its readership.

    Now how about a real reporter asking what the outcome was because that was the reason for the trip, or wasn’t it?

  8. Calculator says:

    Why isn’t there an ‘astonishingly fast’ option?

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Here is an example of a similar survey – I just hope it doesn’t give them any ideas though.

  10. Sophia. says:

    M’hemmx ghazla ta’ less successful jew unsuccessful? Din demokrazija jew dittatorjat fejn tidhol l-ghazla u liberta`?

  11. pablo says:

    The question should have been:

    “Given the secrecy and total lack of any information provided and basing yourself only on the few glossy DOI photographs, how do you rate the Prime Minister’s visit to China.”

  12. M says:

    Oh no, they are gauging the Maltese public’s gullibility and making sure that the majority have not grown or found a brain in the last year.

  13. Wistin Schembri says:

    Very successful. We got to know Sai Mizzi’s contract.

  14. White coat says:

    They are even afraid of their own PL supporters who may be tempted to tick the UNSUCCESSFUL button.

  15. Patrik says:

    You really couldn’t make this stuff up. Something you expect to see on The Onion.

  16. Paddling Duck says:

    Kellu Baffit jiekol kemm irid 3 darbiet kuljum? F’dak il-kaz, highly successful

  17. Sam Daniel says:

    I agree to that survey could have had more options.

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