Manuel Cuschieri thinks that Austin Sammit is “jealous” of Wenzu Mintoff

Published: July 26, 2014 at 4:32pm

Manuel Cuschieri 1

Manuel Cuschieri 2

Manuel Cuschieri 3

3 Comments Comment

  1. Sister Ray says:

    There’s a not so subtle difference between “lahaq” u “imlahhaq”.

  2. Don Camillo says:

    Imn’alla Cuschieri jismu Emanuel ghax veru ‘Alla maghna’ jrid ikun sakemm intuhom il-karta l-hamra..fis-sens kollu tal kelma

  3. ciccio says:

    “Ghallimna Manwel, ghallimna.”

    He spent a lifetime preaching against the EU on Super One under the party leadership of Dr. Alfred Sant, and now Dr. Sant is sitting in the European Parliament.

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