Mrs Konrad Mizzi became a Maltese citizen in October 2006

Published: July 13, 2014 at 7:51pm

Since she wouldn’t tell us herself, and the government wouldn’t either, we looked it up in the Government Gazette.

It’s on P174 in the link below, but here’s the relevant bit.

Gov Gazette

Gov Gazette 1

Sai Mizzi Laing Maltese citizenship Gov Gazette

12 Comments Comment

  1. It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    On what date did she give up her Chinese passport?

    Or didn’t she?

    • ciccio says:

      Context first.

      China does not allow dual citizenship. A Chinese citizen who aquires the citizenship of another country must give up the Chinese citizenship.

      Such citizenship of another country can be acquired through naturalisation or through such schemes as sale of passports disguised as investment schemes – they both have the same effect for the purpose of Chinese law.

      The Chinese government is active on this policy when it comes to its citizens, also because it works the other way round (anyone becoming a Chinese citizen must surrender the foreign citizenship).

      Sai Mizzi Liang must therefore have surrendered her Chinese citizenship. If she is still holding her Chinese citizenship, she is either doing so illegally, or with the blessing of the authorities of Beijing but still illegally. If she is still holding her Chinese citizenship, one would need to ask why, and what are her political contacts and interests in China, and how these may interfere with her work for Malta’s interests.

      In my humble opinion, any Chinese person who obtains a Maltese passport and who does not surrender the Chinese citizenship commits an illegality equivalent to a fraud – it makes the Maltese state part of an illegality – which should be enough basis for withdrawal of the Maltese citizenship.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Ara dawn in-nies kemm baghtew razzizmu u persekuzzjoni generali taht il-PN.

    • Jozef says:

      Coming to a head, the new president needs to underline his power, the country on the verge of a social and economic breakdown, expect much more.

      • fautdemieux says:

        ‘Country on the verge of a social and economic breakdown’? What kind of sources do you have to be reading to predict this?

        Have any of them (have you?) ever lived in China?

        That there are many episodes of social unrest in the various parts of China is an established (if under-reported) fact, but ‘social and economic breakdown’, i.e. the collapse of China due to domestic disturbances, is something that is simply not on the cards in the near future – the Chinese state simply has too much of a monopoly on the use of force.

        [Daphne – That’s what they told me about Gaddafi’s Libya, fautdemieux, when Tunisia’s and Egypt’s dictators went down and I wrote that it was inevitable that Gaddafi would be next. And it only took three weeks for the trouble to begin there and a few months before Gaddafi wound up dead in a sewer. I’m not saying that’s going to happen in China – the context is wholly different. But do please remember how permanent we assumed the state of affairs to be in Gaddafi’s Libya. Are you my sort of age, perhaps? If you are, you will also remember the time when we accepted the Iron Curtain and communism in Europe as an absolute fact of life, and how astonished we were to see the Berlin wall, which we believed to be permanent and forever, going down.]

      • Jozef says:

        I suppose you’re comfortable with the use of force to keep a population under check.

        All I can tell you is that China’s sitting on a property bubble of unimaginable proportions and managed to keep itself afloat only due distorted market economics.

        All that has to happen for this to go horribly wrong is a couple of economic moves from the West. Which they are.

        Are you aware China cannot even feed itself? Changes the game does it, not that they’d let anyone know of course.

        They buy Labour parties to tell us how swell the Chinese economy is instead. Truth is, central government, used to internal factions, happily used to executing each other on state TV, cannot tell a population they got to work without pay any longer.

        Just ask yourself why the property spike in the whole US is all down to Chinese officials and their ‘self-made’ millionaire nephews.

  3. Mark Vassallo says:

    Her ID card number is 0318606L and the publicly available details on her ID Card as at April 2013 were:

    Mizzi Liang Sai
    90, Inez
    Triq il-Qalb ta’ Gesu’

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