Mrs Mizzi the Shanghai visa queen

Published: July 17, 2014 at 8:39pm

I have just received the following email:

Visas should be issued by consuls (diplomats) who are specifically trained on the Schengen Acquis. Mrs Mizzi is neither a consul (diplomat) nor has she received Schengen Acquis training.

10 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    But she advised Muscat to speed up the process so maybe they have devised a way of cutting corners which only she knows about.

  2. Peking Duck says:

    A trail of corruption across the world, involving blacklisted Shiv Nair’s clients, the also blacklisted China Communication Construction Company and blacklisted China Harbour Engineering Company, financed by Chinese EXIM credit, Nair’s speciality.

    The Chinese port authority official who took a bribe was sentenced to death.

    The chairman of the state-owned company that bribed him moved to another state-owned company, China Railways, also a Nair client.

  3. F.X. says:

    Muscat has been doing away with “designations” and “roles” insisting that his choices are based on meritocracy and justifying the process as a way to do away with beurocracy.

    This is Communism per excellence. Clear lines of responsibility are hard to identify and thus question (as circumstances show). Then his good self and his VERY few associates can truly exert authority.

  4. bun-seeker says:

    Meritocracy comes to mind immediately, now that Wenzu Mintoff will be judging people.

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