Parliament adjourns for the summer tomorrow, and Farrugia Sacco retires on 22 August – without being impeached

Published: July 24, 2014 at 4:52pm

The Nationalist Party has issued a statement saying that it is ready to carry on going to parliament to debate his impeachment, instead of adjourning for the summer recess.

The PN said, correctly, that Justice Minister Owen Bonnici “insults our intelligence” when he said to The Malta Independent just a couple of days ago that he hopes there will be enough time to debate Farrugia Sacco’s impeachment before parliament adjourns.

Judge Farrugia Sacco

Judge Farrugia Sacco

17 Comments Comment

  1. Mister says:

    The WHOLE PN side should turn up for parliament at the usual scheduled time for a press conference asking why they are not inside the building and impeaching this man, and and why the government’s MPs are out on vacation instead.

    • Cikku says:

      Tal-biki. Verament tal-biki. u huma jidħku bina, f’wiċċna, kif iridu. Għax għandhom is-saħħa u n-nies tibża’ titkellem jew turi fhemtha għax tibża’ minn xi vendikazzjoni. Allura hekk sew. U jibqgħu għaddejjin minn fuqna, jgħaffġuna, jżebilħuna u ma jimpurtahom minn xejn basta tgħaddi tagħhom. Xi ħaġa trid issir. xi forma ta’ bojkott, protesta, fuq il-gazzetti, niġbru l-firem fuq xi issue bħal din tal-imħallef jew tal-kunsilli lokali….. Malta tagħna meta inti tridna lesti għal kollox ……

      • F.X. says:


        Your comment proves that the government has weaved its web successfully by using two simple strategies:

        1. Give them scandal after scandal so that they are tired of it all
        2. Give them enough hard work so they blame it on earning a miserable salary.

        That’s how capitalism and communism work.

        And while sacco and his like read your post, they also read “mister”‘s comment which tells us that everything is after all, a matter of opinion. Il-Gahan jiddibatti. As long as they are secured with a pension.

  2. Silvio says:

    Maybe if the P.N.had not wasted parliament’s time trying to find fault in everything presented by the government, time would have been found for the debate on the judge’s impeachment.

    I would like to wish the judge a happy well deserved retirement and may he find time to keep on promoting sports in Malta.

    • observer says:

      Don’t be that darned stupid, Silvio.

    • watchful eye says:

      Kemm int patetiku u dilettant, Silvio Loporto.

      B’hekk trid tirbah (minghalik) xi argument. Li tisfida id-demokrazija mhux xi haga li tiftahar biha.

      Kif jista’ dan il-pajjiz jimxi l-quddiem b’mentalita’ bhall tieghek.

    • Josette says:

      My God, you’re a fool aren’t you? The Opposition was doing its duty opposing what was often morally unacceptable which, according to you is a waste of time.

      The judge managed to make us a laughing stock on the international arena but you wish him a happy well deserved retirement.

      I wish I could wish him a happy well-deserved impeachment but he was safe within the umbrella of protection of his Labour cronies.

      Your priorities stink.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Silvio, you are slowly degrading into an Eddy Privitera – the only difference being your head houses a brain even though you intentionally make it function erratically to get yourself noticed.

      • curious says:

        Somewhere, Silvio took a wrong turning and he is now always trying to justify himself. It doesn’t work.

      • Silvio says:


        I still am an admirer of Robert Arrigo and various other P.N. members.

        What I can’t accept is the fact that the PARTY has forgotten its origin and turned itself into a party abandoning its original principles.

        By the way I don’t want in any way to get myself noticed, I am as happy as can be the way I am.

      • bob-a-job says:

        ‘I still am an admirer of Robert Arrigo and various other P.N. members.’

        Silvio, let’s hope the various other PN members aren’t John Dalli then and Chris Said now because politically I fail to admire any of them nor the one you actually mentioned.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Mr. Loporto, do these inane comments come to you naturally or did you take some special course?

      • bob-a-job says:

        Perhaps he’s suffering from pseudo PN withdrawals.

        He used to be a very keen Arrigo fan at one point which probably says it all but I don’t know if he still is.

  3. IOC says:

    He is a disgrace to all decent sportsmen, an embarrassment to the judiciary and an outcast of society for the rest of his life.
    Huda ma saqajk sur mhallef. Who needs an impeachment?

  4. Freedom5 says:

    Hurry , phone Dr Busuttil and remind him

  5. sparks says:


    Ma kienx kumment li ktibt!

  6. Be-witched says:

    Just shameful. Full stop. And then they expect the man in the street to show respect and look up to them as models of social virtue.

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