SkolaSajf chaos: an update
I have just received this email.
Dear Daphne,
I am currently studying to become a primary school teacher and I have this year, for the second time, applied to work at Skola Sajf.
This year, however, they told us that they had a lot of staff and hence we are to work for one month instead of the usual two so that everyone who applied gets a chance to work.
Today we started work (with no children present) and we get to know from our coordinator that we are heavily understaffed. Apart from that, the coordinator who previously received 400 euros for resources (photocopies etc) has this year been given only 100 euros.
Also the schools used to receive five euros per child to cover maintenance costs, but this year they have been given nothing. The school heads are now not allowing us to use the interactive whiteboard, PCs and PE equipment because they have received no payments.
In the effort to make everything cheaper we end up having nothing instead.
(Name supplied)
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In line with what this teacher is saying about lack of money resources let it be known that the minister had frozen a project for a brand new childcare centre at Zurrieq, that would have been a contiguous part of the existing primary school. All plans and tender processes were ready by the FTS last year.
The Zurrieq Primary School staff, especially mothers with toddlers are so angry about this development, having lost the opportunity of having a safe place for the working mothers (teachers and LSAs) employed at the school. Zurrieq working mothers have also lost the chance of placing their toddlers/babies in a childcare centre at their own town where close relatives would have been able to take care of perambulating the babies/toddlers.
The headmaster would supply more details and confirm what I’m saying.
This minister talks with a forked tongue. He says one thing and does the exact opposite.
Jiddispjaċina għal dawn in-nies, imma fl-istess ħin donnu li qalbi saret “immune” kif jgħidu bl-Ingliż, b’mod speċjali jekk dawn huma dawk l-istess nies li vvutaw PL fl-aħħar elezzjoni biex ikollna bidla, mingħalihom. Allura jkolli ngħid, ħallihom, qed iduqu ftit mill-porga li qed idewwaq lilna dan il-gvern. Forsi fl-aħħar jiftħu għajnejhom!
This minister has an agenda, and it’s not Muscat’s.
The bone of contention the MFSA. And it’s not just personal, one’s a Marxist, the other a go-getter.
The PL government only has money for its bill board boys and girls and others who publicly show their allegiance to the PL. Others can wait till kingdom come to get what is theirs by right.
We have incompetent goons who are slowly but surely feathering their nests at the expense of the taxpayer. I only hope that when things get really bad, because they will no doubt as this infinite spending by government cannot go on, unless the government has sold Malta to China.
What did they expect at a fee of €25 for 2 months. I heard mothers at catechism say “Do you know how cheap Club 3-16 will be this year? I’ve never sent my kids to summer school but thanks to Joseph I can afford it this year.” That was the confirmation I needed that it’s going to be a mess.
The best in Europe.
Qabza ohra fil-kwalita! Hawn min jaqbez b’lura.
Ahna poplu bla bajd, ingergru bla ma naghmlu xejn u nippretendu li haddiehor jaghmel kollox ghalina.
Kont nippretendi llum li l-genituri jidhlu l-Belt b’uliedhom u jmorru jiprotestaw quddiem Kastilja.
Naqbel miegħek perfettament. U mhux il-ġenituri biss, kollha kemm aħna…. hemm xi ħadd li ma ntmessx bl-iggvernar dilettantesk ta’ dan il-gvern?
As that old wise man, John Hannibal Smith used to say
I love it when a plan comes together :)
So there is no money for SkolaSajf, and yet tal-qalba are being paid millions between them.
The standard ‘popular comment’ for similar situations:- “U iva, mhux xorta”.
10,000 children are registered for the Skola Sajf programme at Eur25 each. Two months’ worth of Sai Mizzi’s salary could cover the costs.
How do you expect Mrs Muscat not to have a 9,000 euro-a-year car lease without ending in this scenario? This money had to come from somewhere.
You know when some people who are very short-sighted (as in cannot see the bigger picture) tell you “U give them some chance they just started” well this is exactly what you get.
The more they try the worse it gets because the concept is wrong from the start.
First we promise then we think how we can do it. Not the other way round. With the obvious repercussions.
Till now they have been on auto pilot or reaping what the previous administration was doing. Now we start reaping Labour policy.
It’s important to point out that Skolasajf has been running successfully for many years with no hassle at all.
‘..Speaking to journalists, the minister said that he cannot work with people who tell him that everything is fine, only to find out later that problems have not been resolved…’
What a sneak.
Why didn’t they (the morons at Skola Sajf mangement bollocks) collect any of the parents mobile numbers and send out a massive block SMS to inform the parents?
Isn’t it in the interest for the schools to have parents mob. numbers in case of an emergency?
Speaking of chaos and disorder:
“There is no need to complain any more, a commuter tells me. Even though the bus system is not good, it’s okay. Sweat trickled down the 60-year-old man’s brow and he fanned himself with Bargain magazine; as he sits in the crowded bus, he says: “At least we got rid of l-Ingliżi.” … “At least now things are “tagħna f’tagħna” (in our own hands).”
The whole “us vs foreigners” mentality advocated by Joseph Muscat – as evident in popular commentary on the Dalli case – permeates to all strata of society and issues. The fixation with defending the natives and fending off ‘il-barrani’ is coming back to bite us in the arse every day.
More standards are going out the window by the day. People seriously need to grow up and move on from their limited parochial line of thought.
Skolasajf used to be a cheap and easy option for working mothers.
Now it’s open to all and available in all government schools. Just for comparison’s sake a private summer school would cost that much for possibly 2 days and not a whole summer.
It used to work well when it was much smaller and more manageable. Having a nominal fee eg €150 for the summer would still be reasonable but would put off those parents sending their kids if they do not need to.