Taghna Lkoll parking update: the head of state at the Fond Ghadir bus-stop in Sliema

Published: July 26, 2014 at 11:35am


Yesterday evening at around 9.30pm, the head of state’s official limo and another large car with a registration number that began with GBF were parked right there on the bus-bay at Fond Ghadir in Sliema, in full defiance and without any regard for the usual crowd of summer drinkers and promenaders at the kiosk there.

The chauffeur did not sit in the car but stood by it. One of the police outriders who accompany the president’s vehicle stood about next to the cars having a drink in a large glass.

Then the head of state appeared on the other side of the road, with another woman. They scuttled across the road without bothering to use the zebra crossing at the lights, which was just five metres away.

The head of state got into her car, the other woman got into the other car, the policemen jumped onto their bikes and immediately switched on their wailing sirens and flashing blue lights, and off they sped.

Nobody was impressed. At all.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Madoff says:

    Le, jien se nkun President tan-Nies, specjalment dawk li kienu qieghdin jistennew fuq il-bus stop.

  2. Louis says:

    Malta kollha taghna.

  3. Sister Ray says:

    The call of nature.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Vehicles bearing official flags and accompanying police outriders are reserved for official state functions only.

    Queen Elizabeth II always drives herself around in a small saloon car when on non-official matters, as do other other heads of state who recognize that such paraphernalia is attached to execution of their role, and not to them personally.

    The person who stopped at the Fond Ghadir bus stop, inconveniencing the public, disrupting traffic flow, and contravening regulations was Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, not the President of Malta.

    But then, what else can one expect. Lack of breeding, ignorance of acceptable social norms, and complete disregard of even basic courtesies and behaviour in public are now the hallmark of all who form part of government and who are part of the Taghna Lkoll herd.

    • Chris says:

      Mentioning the Queen driving her own car reminds me of a wonderful incident involving her Maj.

      In May 1991, security guard Carl Shimmin refused to let the Queen into the Royal Windsor Horse Show.

      “Sorry love, you can’t come in without a sticker”, he told the monarch, holding up a hand to stop the black Vauxhall Carlton she had driven the 500 yards from Windsor Castle.

      “I thought she was an old dear who’d got lost,” he said afterwards, explaining that, “As you well know, stickers matter and it was my job to verify them.”

      Opening the window, Her Majesty said: “I think if you check I will be allowed to come in.”

      “The Queen did not seem at all upset,” he observed later.

      Everyone in her car was smiling happily because it is not every day that you get to meet a true original of this calibre.

      (From “The Ultimate Book Of Heroic Failures” by Stephen Pile.)

  5. mc says:

    The other woman could have been her sister who lives in Sliema.

  6. C. Calleja says:

    Good thing I never had any respect to lose.

  7. Jozef says:

    Someone’s been left without an income.

    How dare MEPA ignore objectors and disrupt what had become a cosy business concern?


    And wasn’t someone in favour of separating MEPA once, there’s your result.

  8. Gahan says:

    Why is Joseph Muscat toying with the idea of shifting the local council elections by five years?

    One reason for sure is that bird-trappers and hunters will go to vote against the abolition of spring hunting and while at it, show their anger at the government for placing them in a very tight corner where they have to pay €120 for a trapping licence, can catch only ten birds in a season, and have their trapping sites on garigue and Natura 2000 sites declared illegal.

  9. Herbie says:

    Forsi waqfet tiehu gelat mill-Lungo Mare miskina. Allura, b’daqshekk?

    Kemm intom keshin.

  10. Disappointed Citizen says:

    Culture is shaped by leadership behaviour. That is very very sad for our country.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Tant hi mara tal-poplu li tikser ir-regoli bhalhom, gotbless. Kemm jien prawt li jien Malti.

    • Natalie Mallett says:

      U xi nghidu ghal pulizija li kellha maghha bil-muturi dil-gimgha il-Belt? Veru bla manjieri u hamalli.

  12. observer says:

    It’s a pity that the people waiting on the bus stop failed to cheer Marie Antoinette Louise on her return to the limo,

    So, presumably, did the crowd sitting at the Kiosk tables. An even greater pity.

    She must have been impressed by their indifference.

    U iva, mhux xorta!

  13. Hawk says:

    Ghamlet bhall-Papa, miskina. Waqfet tkellem in-nies. How sweet.

  14. George Grech says:

    Marret tara hemmx faqar Font Ghadir nahseb

  15. Albert Bonnici says:

    Once you remove the bullshit nothing remains

  16. luap says:

    Today I read that there are more blacklisted people with whom our Joseph can make profitable business.

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