The Environment Minister pronounces himself on Libya

Published: July 26, 2014 at 9:35pm

You can hear them thinking, “Come back, Muammar, all is forgiven.”

The situation is ‘delicate’, according to Herr Flick. A less delicate situation – with all those rebel militias, rockets, violence and buildings blown up – is hard to imagine.

Leo Brincat Libya

15 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So the scale goes something like:

    Calm – fluid – delicate – complex.

  2. ken il malti says:

    One has to be honest, that these Western powers meddlers help create one hell of a mess in Libya .

  3. Wonderland says:

    Is that right, Minister. You should brief the rest of the cabinet, one of whom thinks the situation is ‘calm but fluid’.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    I’d forgotten all about Leo.

    It’s a good thing that he tweets something stupid occasionally that gets reproduced here.

    He’s one of the 4 U’s in this government: Unseen, Unheard, Unloved and Useless.

    The official term is – ‘Gvern trasparenti’.

  5. Tal-Malja says:

    Minister Leo, tghid il-Libja qeghdin jisseparaw l-iskart bhalissa?

  6. vanni says:

    The Germans seem to think that there must be something serious happening:

    Note the date (today’s, like Herr Flick).

  7. ciccio says:

    Isn’t he using the idiom “quick fix” wrongly?

    A quick fix is a short term solution, hastily put together for the moment, whilst postponing the real solution. Considered to be an ‘astonishingly fast’ and easy solution, but not necessarily one that is very good or that will last long.

    Is this what Herr Flick proposes for Libya?

    Tsk, Tsk.

  8. Min Jaf says:

    What Leo Brincat meant was that Libya puts the Labour government in a delicate position on the Malta front.

    The situation spotlights the fact that initiating mass evacuation of Maltese nationals from Libya, and closing the embassy in Tripoli, will show up the Muscat and Mallia combo for the blinkered fools they are by having signed MOUs and special price oil agreements with representatives of a powerless Libyan government that can offer Malta nothing and has no oil to sell.

    But I forget, yes, we at least have that dramatic picture of over-corpulent Mallia shaking hands with a Libyan political non-entity, overseen by the benevolent eye of no less than the Mother of God in the painting strategically centred in the photo because, you know, Mallia is/was deeply involved in the Legion of Mary. And these details matter with a gullible electorate.

  9. anthony says:

    Delicate and complex Flick pontificates.

    Oh, is it really?


  10. Gahan says:

    In other words , it’s difficult to guess who will win in Libya, so we’d better wait.

  11. Albert Bonnici says:

    Seems he came out of his hole. Bet you he ran back in.

  12. daffid says:

    Sitting on the fence as usual

  13. Hopeless says:

    Leo hemm cans ta investigazzjoni tghid fuq il-qtil ta’ Ghaddafi? Inti tghoxa bihom dawk?

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