The Law Commissioner: bla dekor

Published: July 25, 2014 at 5:20pm

bla dekor 1

bla dekor 2

23 Comments Comment

  1. L-ieħor says:

    Is Saverina Farrugia an honorary member of the Kunsill tal-Malti?

  2. Chris says:

    Behold how the short, fat, bald and ugly gene replicates itself.

  3. Manuel says:

    “Always smart god bless”. What a bunch. I imagine these ladies queuing behind his mother’s house asking for his hand in marriage.

    God bless, how popular he is.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Hence the Police presence at his mother`s house. In spite of the fact that mhux minn hemm jghabbi.

  4. alf says:

    I hope the irrelevant man (is he a man?) realises that those who refer to him as “handsome”, “sexy” and “ahjar immur ghax ir-ragel tigih l-ghira” are pulling a real fast one on him.

    • H. Prynne says:

      Actually I think they are dead serious.

      The Maltese phrase for these women is “xeba’ shan”.

      Some of them could be his mother, for goodness sake. How embarrassing for them.

      I don’t know how being a wanker can ever be attractive.

      • observer says:

        Twelve out of the thirteen ‘likes’ appearing beneath the thing’s picture are coming from women.

        Whether they are ‘xebgha shan’ or simply ‘qeghdin jghadduh passata’ is not easy to decipher.

      • bob-a-job says:

        In Italy it is called ‘l’ultima spiaggia.’

        Franco should know what that means

  5. Osservatore says:

    Q – What did one turncoat say to the other?

    A – Ara. Anki mitfi qed idoqq.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ragel tassew sabih. Ninsab erawzd.

  7. Mark says:

    “Smart and sexy always xxxxxxxxx.” Ugh.

  8. Maltri says:

    Franco Debobo IV.

    Probably this is the sequel of that cock-fight story where his legendary black cock dies while fighting the great Russian cock – Draco. Then Franco unleashes his beloved Italian stallion of a cock, ‘ghax ihobbhom it-taliani’ and smashes the beak of that soviet bird. Kemm baghata u studja miskin is-serduq Taljan. Top athlete kien.

  9. pablo says:

    All this female admiration and still he remains single. What is the female equivalent of “prick teaser”?

  10. Floater says:

    He is a republic in himself. The IVth Republic.

  11. jack says:

    His posture reminds me of Joseph Muscat during his recent rendez-vous with David Cameron.

  12. Rosie says:

    Let’s pray that its Franco Debono THE LAST and not the IV and we will not be burdened by another.

  13. Wayne Hewitt says:


  14. C.Portelli says:

    Do I see his mobile phone there?

  15. Sister Ray says:

    Not to worry Franco, it happens to the very best.

  16. Gaetano Pace says:

    I have never ever in my life, which is a long span to date, heard eulogies of heroes whose work is not only anonymous but non existent. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Police Force I come to realise that Pc stands for Prosit Cwiec. Happy anniversaries.

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