The Nationalist Party was right: Mrs Konrad Mizzi DOES have a package of Eur13,000 a month
July 16, 2014 at 5:20pm
“Mrs Mizzi, holding back tears, said she earns just around 3,000 euros a month.”
Cue the canned laughter. I mean, honestly.
Do these people get their snouts out of the trough long enough to breathe?
As her increasingly portly husband (now he really must be troughing it up) might say: Fenomenali.
Times of Malta reports just now:
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So not only was Ms. Mizzi economical with the truth, but her “offer” to produce the FS3 was based on the premise of providing deliberately incomplete (and misleading) information.
The journalist must have misunderstood. Sai Mizzi wasn’t holding back tears, she was holding back giggles.
Tears! Shinisaurus crocodilurus, also known as the Chinese Crocodile Lizard. Yet, more than half the Maltese population will buy those tears.
Times of Malta editorial today: Sai Mizzi has nothing to cry about
Net News late monday evening and In-Nazzjon’s Tuesday edition broke the news with very conservative workings confirming what the PN has been saying for months.
Now we have another confirmation, if it were needed, not only of what Ms Mizzi is actually pocketing but also who are the liars in this story.
Liars fenomenali.
She is either another exceptional actress, or else she really is aware of only the 3,000 euro.
Nonsense. The difference between what she said she earns and her actual take home pay is as much as many people’s gross monthly salary.
Forget it. She’s Chinese and the Chinese know their money. And I do not mean this in a derogatory way.
Ivan Camilleri must be fuming that another man’s wife landed such a cushy number, while Mrs. Ivan Camilleri did not, with the result that both Mr and Mrs Ivan Camilleri refused to vote in the last general election.
Actually what she said was,
“Her BASIC pay is around 3000Euro””
[Daphne – Yes, Mr Loporto, and even that’s a lie. When you are asked what you are paid, the correct response is the gross figure, not the (severely minimised) net figure.]
3700 is around 4000 euros, not 3000.
U hallina, Sur Loporto. Kemm tafu tbiddlu t-tattika u mill attakk tinzlu tiddefendu.
Konvint li hekk qalet, jew li is -salarju hu ta’ eur3000 plus something?
Professionals at that level do not think in terms of “basic pay”.
A call for applications for a similar post, be it the public or private sector, would mention ‘attractive remuneration package’ omitting pay, wage or salary figures. One assumes that an applicant for a high level post has enough brains to work out the benefits of such an arrangement.
Tkellem il-pinnur.
Mn’Alla Sai Mizzi mhix sewda, ghax kieku mur zommok Loporto.
I cannot stop being amazed how so many people are so severely politically blinded, that they cannot see the most simple things as they truly are.
I’m not referring to the greedy Taghna Lkoll crowd. They are getting so much more than what they are worth from a government which is very generous with other people’s money.
They are not expected to deliver anything for the common good. All they have to do is to fiercely tow the party line. So in a way, what they say or write is expected to be severely distorted.
My amazement is with the hard working, honest Laburist, who suffered misery in silence under Labour governments, and had a generally good life with Nationalist governments.
He is happy to be fed lies and treated like an idiot by the prime minister that he voted for. The same prime minister who is taking his tax money, to squander lavishly on his political friends.
Silvio, I am having serious doubts that the more you try to defend this government the less you believe your own words.
[Daphne – He’s just annoyed because he voted for them after much agonising and they let him down really badly. So now he’s defensive about it before he gets angry. That’s the normal psychological process.]
Silvio, you should know when to stop defending the indefensible. Even your prime minister is going to find it difficult to defend this one, wait and see.
NET pay, and BASIC pay are not the same, Silvio.
When stating your basic pay you could be forgiven for not including government bonuses, fuel allowance etc, but you would always state your actual pay before any deductions for tax and NI.
You know this, of course. Stop trying to justify the unjustifiable.
This time, for once, you might not be right.
Just try including the perks when working out your two-thirds pension. It is worked out on your basic salary, and it is only recently that these have to be included in your tax return.
Again, BASIC salary, not NET you NIT!
True. Pensions are worked out on the basic salary. True also that it was the previous administration which made provision for tax to be paid on “perks” for two obvious reasons.
The first is that the Income Tax Act made provisions for this but was never quite implemented.
The second, from experience at the Inland Revenue, it was scandalous to read and see what was being hidden under the carpet of “perks” and the way figures were so blatantly manipulated.
In short it all goes to show what a serious administration we had when Gonzi and his predecessors were in power for 25 years, compared to the scandalous behaviour of the present administration in less than 20 months.
Phenomenal liars.
And astonishingly fast Ciccio.
Dik rowdmepp eh?
I wonder what all our respectable ambassadors and embassy staff around the world, and other envoys feel about this – the minister’s wife is treated so much better than them. How will this impact their motivation and thus performance in Malta’s name?
Let’s be a bit more realistic here and remember that they’re already gravely demoralised. I’ve heard from people working in Malta’s US embassy that they’re over-worked because they have to compensate for Marisa Micallef practically doing nothing she’s supposed to. She gets to enjoy all the glamour and going out and about while everyone else does all the work.
Hearing about Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s situation can only make things feel that much worse for them and the rest of the diplomatic corps proper.
And Codruta Mallia, another minister’s wife, has been silenced with an earrings and pendant set.
The Chinese Crocodile is a lizard which remains motionless for long periods of time, with its mouth open and waiting for tasty bugs to fall in. Seriously.
One Maltese word sums it, “pulcinell”!
‘Il-giddieb ghomru qasir’ is an apt Maltese saying which translates very well:
A liar’s life is short.
Has anyone thought of nominating her for an Oscar?
She wants the diplomatic status and perks without the restraints from being under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The Chinese government must like this. Bizzilla.
Shame on you, Mrs Mizzi.
Kif tghid gidba hoxna bic-Ciniz?
We are also paying for her rent, car, schools, allowance for the children (and that’s not 288 euros quarterly), entertainment allowance and worse of all, some of her clothes.
What a bunch of parasites.
We are the ones who have to cry, because this is all going from our taxes…
Basic pay is that portion of gross income (before tax) on which is determined the social security contribution deduction. Income tax is calculated on taxable gross income. “Expenses paid” income IS income and even if not necessarily all taxable.
The more time elapses and days roll by, the more we are being proven right.
We have a government of sixth-formers, dilettanti, not even amateurs.
It is becoming more evident how erroneous Muscat`s judgments are and how evil all the Labour promises meant to insult the intelligence of people and abuse of their incredulity.
Konrad Mizzi is accelerating the rate at which he is being confirmed as a misfit in politics. He has no idea of the meaning of a Ministerial appointment.
He has no idea of what it means to be a Minister and the responsibility that office entails.
Had he been a professional politician he would to say the least have changed his portfolio.
It is no longer the day of the captain that goes down with the ship. These are the days in which captains who do not know what it means to be a captain have to go and the ship will be saved.
At the rate with which the truth about his misinformation, insult to the electorate and the intelligence of the nation, it is high time for him to go rather than endure the fate of entering the annals of history as the fabricator of fibs and lies the likes of which this country has never known.