The sad reality of Muscat’s hot date with Cameron: multiple third wheels

Published: July 25, 2014 at 1:29pm
The photograph released by the government's Department of Information

The photograph released by the government’s Department of Information

And the reality

And the reality

Muscat Cameron Meeting 2

The government Department of Information released a photograph showing David Cameron and Joseph Muscat in a twosome that wasn’t quite cosy because Muscat looked nervous as hell.

Turns out he had several third wheels, gooseberries and chaperones with him – three on Cameron’s side and on his side, his chief of staff Keith ‘Kasco’ Schembri, DJ and Super One show host Norman Hamilton, that backbencher Etienne who goes through life wearing a blank stare, and Phyllis Muscat.

There seem to be others because at a certain point in the video, Face-cream Phyllis turns round to look at them.

Why were Face-Cream Phyllis and Blank Stare Etienne even there? The high commissioner and the PM’s aide, yes – Cameron had his. But those two spare lumps?

What amateurs – behaving as though they’re teenagers cadging the chance to meet the leader of a boy band. “U ejja, dahhalna maghkom, please.”

All of those in the Malta delegation look extremely uncomfortable, awkward and insecure, including their great leader who is literally leaning forward on the edge of his seat in a state of high anxiety.

19 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    I can just imagine them all waving their autograph books under his nose, or sidling up to him for a selfie

  2. Jozef says:

    Cool Britannia meets nghidu hames posti ruzarju.

  3. Someone says:

    Those pictures could be used in the Body Language for Dummies book.

  4. Galian says:

    Seems like Blank Stare Etienne has a bigger crush on Cameron than our ginger wonder boy. In the second photo everyone is looking at the person who is talking while he is staring at the British prime minister.

  5. ciccio says:

    Where was the picture taken, a corner of a hotel lobby?

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    Cock-block-a go-go.

  7. Lomax says:

    Dear PM,

    It is easy to look comfortable and easy with tele-prompters and on your own familiar turf. But with the really big boys, don’t you just wish you had your predecessor’s (Dr. Gonzi) confidence and ease? That comes with time and brains, and certainly not by spinning and doctoring.

    Your truly entertained citizen.

  8. Lomax says:

    Just realised – the irony is that the stills are taken off One footage. The fools failed to realise that they will make their Great Leader look like an idiot flanked what with being flanked by six (or is it 7?) spare wheels who look absolutely bored to death.

    If it were not so tragic, I would be in stitches.

  9. Willie Inatinovic says:

    “Can you stay making it for me a auto-graff please Mr Cameron” said face cream Phylliss

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    If I may recap the list of members of the Maltese delegation:

    – A former Super One hack.

    – A millionaire paper salesman

    – A former Soho doorman

    – A woman who sells face cream

    Way to go, Malta, way to go.

  11. Sufa says:

    It’s not just Muscat who is literally sitting on the edge of his seat – the rest of the Maltese delegation is, too, making them look highly uncomfortable with their situation and surroundings, in stark contract with their hosts’ body language.

  12. Be-witched says:

    British PM: ‘Relax boys and girl…we won’t be feeding you fish and chips today, there’s only naqra salad on the menu’.

  13. Rob says:

    Yes, and now our Prime Minister should sort out his soles too.
    They’re so dirty and worn out that the shoes have curved toes.

  14. Gaetano Pace says:

    If only the doorman had had Joseph in his “Bla Agenda” for twenty five rock solid years, then Joe would have learned the art of sitting down graciously, in style, on an armchair tas-salott to say the least.

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