“Very nice pic SIR”; “Il lajs xint sexy”

Published: July 26, 2014 at 8:53pm

Sandro Camilleri, the head of the Police Corps’ legal office, has taken to dramatic poses on Facebook which involve l-arma tal-Korp. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but he’s kept his clothes on and the arma isn’t a ‘fik’ leaf.

Very nice pic, Sir, jixraqlek ta, Sir.

Mmmmmmmmm. Il lajs xint sexy.

This is called maintaining discipline in the corps.

Jew bil-Malti: inzommu d-dixxiplina fil-korps.

Sexy pic, Sir. Originali hi.

sandro camilleri

sandro camilleri 1

sandro camilleri 2

23 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Mur igi taht idejh dan. They’d have to scrape you off the cell floor with a razor blade.

  2. P Bonnici says:

    Not a very flattering photo. It is undignified for a senior police officer to pose for a photo in this manner.

  3. ken il malti says:

    Was that photo taken by King Kong?

  4. Sister Ray says:

    “Jekk naqbad min, nitla’ hemm fuq u nahxih”.

  5. Socrates says:

    Bahnan iehor…tal-PL.

  6. Ajeje says:

    Very nice pic and really sexy, Sir – particularly the way you’re stomping all over that arma tal-korp.

  7. vanni says:

    I know that the Maltese are renowned sycophants, but the people posting are burying their tongues so far up his nether regions, the fella must be suffering from a sore throat.

  8. anthony says:

    Has the entire police corps run amok?

    Malta has been turned into a banana republic in less than a year and a half.

    Do we have a police commissioner or don’t we?

    If we do, can he please sort his top officers out ?

    This is the very least that the country expects of him.

  9. Francis Saliba MD says:

    There should be a law against trampling underfoot the Maltese flag, even when it is only part of the Malta Police emblem, as if someone was about to urinate on it.

  10. Min Jaf says:

    No doubt inspired by similar shots of the CIA and FBI emblems featured is US movies. Ghax issa hekk sirna hi, kollox bhal tal- films.

  11. drinu says:

    Qawra police station is one example of how a station should not be run! Filed a criminal report a month ago. Called three times to check on the report. The last time I checked I had the superintendent barking that he is busy with the feast of St Paul!

    Bunch of amateurs!

  12. TinaB says:

    Daqs kemm tara nisa shan li vera ma jistghux jaraw ragel, hawn Malta, ma tara imkien aktar f’wicc id-dinja.

  13. Joseph says:

    Who wears a tie like that for business attire anyway?

  14. A.Attard says:

    Mejjet biex jaghti xeba lil xi hadd, preferebbilment Nazzjonalist.

  15. bookworm says:

    Teatrini kemm trid ghandhom. Ahjar juzaw il-muskoli li ghandhom biex jevakwaw lill-haddiema mil-Libja.

  16. Persil says:

    I wonder what is happening on this small island of ours. Morna l-bahar. Zgur li sa kemm nibqa hajja ma nivvutax aktar. Pajjiz mhux tal-Mickey Mouse imma tal-biki.

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