Published: July 8, 2014 at 11:27pm

BBC report Dalli

The BBC’s report on John Dalli’s eminently successful effort at hoisting himself by his own petard begins with the immortal embedded stereotype:

The head of the European Commission has told the EU’s top court that the entire Commission’s reputation was at stake when a Maltese member of his team was found to have acted improperly.

Not a member of his team, not an EU Commissioner, not the EU Commissioner for Health, not the EU Commissioner from Malta, not John Dalli – no, A MALTESE MEMBER OF HIS TEAM.

“Of course, it would be the Maltese – they’re all the same, pimps, thieves and scoundrels. When they’re not running whores in London or running drugs across the Mediterranean and smuggling cigarettes for the IRA, they’re pumping tobacco lobbyists for millions in their swimming-shorts.”

Maltese people are doing impressively well all over Europe and beyond – quite remarkable, really, given our tiny population – then along comes this sleazy runt to confirm the stereotype that nobody wants to mention out loud because it would be offensive, but it creeps in all the same.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Hugo says:

    So typically Maltese: it-tifel tal-pastizzar haga wahda mat-tifel ta’ dak tal-imqaret.

  2. Conservative says:

    This is for real, Ma’am.

    I often have business involvement in the UK, of the tightly regulated and highly reputable sort. Prior to the self-destructive initiative in Malta called “Elect Labour to Government”, whenever I was asked where I came from, and said I was Maltese, it was usually a muttered murmur of approval. It somehow meant that it was better than the PIIGS lot (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece or bloomin’ Spain).

    Then the “sale of passports” disaster came along. That was closely followed by a new set of regulations in the UK that required full disclosure of assets and liabilities, in my line of business, on a more regular basis. Followed, naturally, by the inevitable ‘joke’ at the accountant’s: “You’ve missed out on putting in £500K for your Malta passport, har, har, har, har…”

    It was then followed by Dalligate. “You lot sure know how to mix business with pleasure, what was he up to?” My reply was precise and clear: “I have no idea what he was up to and based on his past record in government, and the skeletons in his closet, I’d have shoved him off into a retirement home rather than Brussels.”

  3. Kif inhi din says:

    My T-shirt says: JOHN DALLI TAGHNA LKOLL

  4. Maria says:

    The PN should have disowned this man long ago.

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