Where’s China on this list? Mrs Mizzi doesn’t have an office because, I suspect, she doesn’t have a real job

Published: July 17, 2014 at 7:34pm

Malta Enterprise

16 Comments Comment

  1. Dave says:

    It’s obvious that this is a clean and state funded separation / alimony / child maintenance arrangement.

  2. Gobsmacked says:

    Daphne, she’s teleworking. We need to give flexibility to working mothers nowadays.

    • bring it says:

      yeah right ask how many women requested it for a few hours and see how many obtained teleworking and how many were turned down.

  3. anthony says:

    This scandal is without precedent in the political history of our country.

    A cabinet minister’s wife cannot stand her husband and his pathetic country (who can blame her?) any longer.

    She leaves both and goes back home with her children.

    So far so good.

    The gross obscenity perpetrated by the PL government is that the Maltese worker and taxpayer was asked to foot the resultant bill to the tune of half a million euros over three years.

    All the political atrocities committed in Malta during the past 25 years pale into insignificance.

    • curious says:

      Someone has to explain to me how Konrad Mizzi is coping without seeing his children. I am assuming that they were brought up in Malta or in the UK and so in a totally different environment from China. It must be hard on them also.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Maybe she really had given up her Chinese passport and this is a way of getting home.

  4. Freedom5 says:

    Even the Dubai address is somewhat dubious. It’s either the Fairmont, which is a hotel, or the World Trade Centre – but Dubai Malta Trade Centre, The Fairmont?

  5. Gahan says:

    My theory: she gave some ultimatum to her husband and the intermediary Joseph Muscat threw a lot of money at the marital problem.

    She’s taking the accolades for other people’s “work” with China, and she’s probably staying at her parents’ home with the two children. Their grandma must be proud of her TWO grandsons which are a very rare thing in China unless the children are twins.

  6. ken il malti says:

    I suspect that she works out of an antique Chinese cabinet that is highly varnished.

  7. Tinnat says:

    The Spanish one is also strange. The telephone number is that of a mobile.

    • Conservative says:

      Tinnat, there’s more to it than that. +1 isn’t the international dialling code for Spain, it’s the code for the US. Perhaps they don’t even know the numbers of their representatives because they don’t really exist.

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