Why was it the prime minister who presented Mrs Mizzi’s contract to parliament?

Published: July 17, 2014 at 6:22pm
Sai Mizzi reports to Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy. He is responsible for Malta Enterprise, her employer. He should have been the one to release her contract and all questions about her should be directed to him, not the prime minister.

Sai Mizzi reports to Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy. He is responsible for Malta Enterprise, her employer. He should have been the one to release her contract and all questions about her should be directed to him, not the prime minister.

Her minister, to whom she reports, is Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy. He is the cabinet minister responsible for Malta Enterprise.

Mrs Mizzi’s contract is with Malta Enterprise and not with the Office of the Prime Minister.

In releasing Lou Bondi’s contract himself, the prime minister was correct. Bondi’s contract is with his office. He reports to him.

But by releasing Mrs Mizzi’s contract, the prime minister revealed who she really works for and to whom she actually reports: not the Minister for Malta Enterprise, but the Ministry for Tahwid and Shiv Nair: the OPM.

Where is Chris Cardona in this equation? I find it astonishing that all the newspapers are chasing the PM about Sai Mizzi, rather than the Economy Minister to whom she reports as an official of Malta Enterprise.

I find it equally astonishing that he has kept his mouth shut and revealed himself to be just a puppet in this scenario, with the Office of the Prime Minister and the PM’s men seizing control of Malta Enterprise, which is in his portfolio, and giving great big contracts to whomsoever they please while he just sits by and takes it.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Hot tuna says:

    Chris Cardona probably thinks Sai Mizzi is a lap-dancer moonlighting as Mario Vella’s special envoy in her spare time.

  2. F.X. says:

    “astonishing that all the newspapers are chasing the PM about Sai Mizzi, rather than the Economy Minister”

    Because local, parochial, partisan poli-ticks have modelled themselves on American poli-ticks i.e. the Leader says it all (itself a capitalist version of Communist leader worship, which the LP is emulating wholesome). It was the PM who parroted “meritokrazija” and it is the PM who is now questioned about it.

    “astonishing that he has kept his mouth shut and revealed himself to be just a puppet in this scenario”

    Minsters mind their own business – literally. Losing dignity is the least of worries, unless it obstacles their backstage profits and votes.

    Who smells two pay-cheques?

  3. Grezz says:

    If I recall correctly, when news of Sai Mizzi’s appointment as ‘special envoy’ made it to the press, an embarrassed-looking Chris Cardona had said that he had nothing to do with (for which, read ‘knew nothing about’) the said appointment.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    The Office of the Prime Minister and the PM’s men have not only seized control of Malta Enterprise – they have seized control of government.

    The reason Muscat has not included any Ministries in his portfolio is precisely to enable him to control them all.

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