Brown-nosers of the Month Award

Published: August 4, 2014 at 7:35pm

The award goes to Malta Today for this paragraph from a story about the rescue of Martin Galea, in yesterday’s edition:

The prime minister appeared unwilling to turn the media coup to his own benefit, to take credit for the rescue of a Maltese national captured by a criminal gang in Libya.

“We chose our words carefully to protect Galea’s life, especially when we didn’t have the full picture of the situation,” spokesperson Kurt Farrugia said two days later. “We were still evaluating the situation, and the word ‘abduction’ was used by the media. We always made it clear that the government never had direct contact with whoever took him.”

Some pictures of the prime minister appearing unwilling to turn the media coup to his own benefit:

apron 1

apron 2

Is that an MOU in his pocket or is he just pleased to see us?

Is that an MOU in his pocket or is he just pleased to see us?

10 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Mallia says:

    Looks like Minister Mallia found a safe place to stash that half million – in his jockstrap.

  2. Queen's English says:

    That article is messed up. Some parts don’t even make sense as they contradict each other. There were some comments posted beneath by people making fun of Saviour Balzan. I don’t know whether they will be removed.

    Re Marisa Farrugia: I suddenly remembered where I knew her. She used to look after the Arabic language / culture centre at what is now the Junior College in Msida. I assumed that she was a labour party woman as was anyone who took up the teaching of Arabic in the 1980s. What I also know about her is that hse has the sort of personality that rubs up some men the wrong way. So I was thinking that it could be that government people might dislike her, not for her political sypathies, but for personal reasons.

    • Lucifer Sam says:

      I am told that she served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the time of Alex Sceberras Trigona. At the time she translated passport details of Maltese nationals into Arabic.

  3. Jozef says:

    Dunno, but somehow Balzan needed a tan. Miskin.

  4. ciccio says:

    This is what I call: “Il-media f’laghqa mal-PrimMinistru.”

    There is no author’s name on it. Was it written by the Spin Doctors at the OPM?

  5. anthony says:

    The PM certainly kept a low profile.

    Yes, but only after it dawned upon him that he had fudged it.

    Then he sent Cutajar in to take the flak.

  6. C Falzon says:


    More importantly, is his hand in the left pocket or the right one ?

  7. Tal-Malja says:

    Manuel Mallia nizel bil-parachute jaqaw?

  8. chico says:

    I can’t help thinking that the army guy in the background is about to bring his hands together into the what I call “pastizz” shape.

  9. Timon of Athens says:

    I wonder if Minister Mallia pees on the toilet seat when he visits the room. I mean with all that fat around his belly, can he possible aim? Or does he have a specially designed made-to – measure toilet with a mirror under the lid?

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