Enough already
August 31, 2014 at 12:22pm
Some people just don’t know when enough is enough, and when the moment has passed. It’s over. Stop it. You don’t have to accept an ice bucket challenge. Nobody will give a damn if you don’t. And a corporation like Air Malta should have a charitable donations policy anyway, with or without stupid stunts.
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The ice bucket challenged
The irony is that while everyone and his sister is busy throwing buckets of water around, the ultimate wet T-shirt woman refused to take up the challenge.
Losco did it though.
I know a person at work who is being bullied into doing it. And they’re telling her that if she doesn’t do it they’ll throw a bucket of ice water of her anyways. .
Even for a joke.
What a shame, hate peer pressure and chain mails.
This bullying is harassment that could be reported to the police. I had make a comment in one of the newspapers that one need not make an ass of oneself to donate to charity, but the editor has now chosen to remove the comment. It could be that he himself had tried to bully some prominent person into making an ass of himself.
There is an easy way to deal with this.
I’ve been ‘nominated’ and my response is that I expect a decent donation to charity after I have lectured all and sundry that they would not be tipping a bucket of water over their head if they had to walk miles to get it. Which some unfortunate people have to.
If someone throws a bucket of water over you, it’s assault so that should be made abundantly clear.
Should have said that I expect a donation to a water charity …
Air Malta should start raising funds for the company itself, ice buckets included.
After the Gonzi administration made strides by reducing the over-employment at the company, now the Taghna lkoll administration is re-employing individuals who aren’t required.
Promises must be kept no matter what. After all that matters for Joseph and Co are the votes and not the financial health of Air Malta.
Sources from within the company are claiming that it is making great losses (millions) since the company stopped the Libyan routes due to the Libyan crisis. Fuel in Libya is much cheaper than in Malta, but now, refueling of Air Malta planes in Libya has stopped with grave consequences.
People should stop the nara sa mniehri syndrome and start analyzing the real situation.
It reflects the underlying unease which no-one yet wants to admit.
‘Luxurious living’ as an exclusive caste system which only hierarchical subscription can provide access. The very opposite of Western value systems.
Dubai, China, Qatar, India, even Singapore to an extent, places where money is the only distinguishing factor, towers of a crystal Babel keeping others out. The historical absence of democracy counterbalanced by material aspiration alone.
Debono however mistakes these models for the sole epitome of luxury, when he knows how insidious it is to extinguish the real alternatives.
I call it AD’s absolute limit; reducing sustainability to a Marxist obligation imposed as an ideal. It doesn’t work, as their electoral result, practically halved, clearly shows.
Elegance is not of those places, nor is it the far left’s.
If 75% of the country’s leaders reject the model, surely there’s potential in this place. SBPN please note.
Might it be too good to be true? Is there hope yet?
And here’s a different version.
Next time you fly on Air Malta don’t ask for any ice with your drinks, because they are using in-flight ice buckets in this picture, which have been placed on the runway. Very hygienic.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Russia and Europe are at loggerheads and perhaps on the brink of an armed conflict, millions of people are being mercilessly butchered at the hands of the ISIS, and the treat of terrorism lingers closer to our shores.
Who cares , so long as Joseph Muscat keeps up with the ‘pane e circensis’ largesse.
Yes you are right, Muscat is working hard to dull the sense and bring on a false sense of security. And, to top it all, a Nationalist Party that believes it can only keep its head above the water by taking on ice bucket challenges and apologising for previous misdeeds.
The three points I mentioned together with very close ties to China (including a recently made cryptic statement by George Vella on the need to strengthen our military) and an open door passport policy is really scaring me.
Idahhqu n-nies iridu l-management tal-Airmalta. Ahna l-haddiema ghadna qed nistennew li nithallsu l-ftiehim li sar mal-Gwu. Fejn hi l-Gwu? Fejn Hu Jeremy? Fejn hu l-kliem sabih li qalilna fuq it-telefon? Lili personali qalli li lest li jaghmel strike jekk ma jinhatarx HR manager mill-aktar fis. Issa nheggeg lil haddiema shabi sabiex la ma-hniex insibu kemm fil-Gwu, infittxu union ohra li lesta tghina.
Sa fl`ahhar xi hadd induna li GWU ma hix Go With U but Gvern With Union. M`ghandna ghalfejn nghidu xejn aktar wara tant decenni ta prova ta dan. Ibda mil lum taht il Gvern tal Labour u ibqa sejjer lura sa fejn trid. Il fatti huma fatti u ma jmerihom hadd
I thought they were charitable already by employing so many people.
Ridiculous stunts. L-aqwa li nippruvaw nidhru imma fil-verita who cares.
I wonder whether the willingness to take up the challenge would have been so strong had they been challenged in January as opposed to August.
Oh, for f**k’s sake, grow up.
Erm no, what IS grown up is to set up a nice arrangement whereby a charity gets a monthly donation through your bank account.
Nice and quiet, you give them your account number, and they take it once a month, no-one ever has to know.
I give monthly donations to Save the Children and the Guide Dogs Association. I also donate to charity shops and try to never walk past someone shaking a tin for a worthy cause.
I haven’t done the ice bucket challenge though, because I find people giving a speech about MND and “giving to others”, squealing about a bucket of water and then donating a crappy three pounds (for many, the only donation until l-istrina comes round again) completely undignified.
I’m not religious, but the bit in the Bible about the widow quietly giving from the little she has does come to mind here.
Now, if even one single journalist had gone round to these buffons and asked them what they know about ALS what would have been the answer do you think?
I hope they won’t tell me that they have run out of ice-cubes when I order my usual whisky on the rocks during my next flight.
Enough already?
Even more galling is the fact that one of the owners is Pierre Lofaro , whose wife is retired Magistrate Abigail Lofaro.
Other breaking stories today: ex EneMalta chairman Alex Tranter to be arraigned in court.
Totally agree…. it’s more about showing ourselves on public media and so few actually show the donation cheque.
They screw up trying to build where they shouldn’t and order a ‘forensic’ audit instead. I can guess who took the decision to mobilise equipment without checking the working drawings.
Implying the building isn’t sound simply serves to justify ‘reinforcing’ it, blame the PN and save face.
Fenomenali ministru, ghidli Marsaxlokk kemm se taghzaq fl-ilma.
Shouldn’t the Phenomenal Minister of Health and Energy be telling us the results of the core tests carried out on the Marsaxlokk site where he plans to build the 200MW powerstation, by now?
At the beginning of Summer, he had told Kurt Sansone of The Times that holes had been dug for tests, and The Times said that work on the foundations had started.
They could always pitch a tent. I’m sure the roof can take it.
And yet another version.
The ICE BUCKET family.
Ice one. I mean, nice one.
Thank you Ciccio – This government inspires me.
It’s just for a bit of fun. Many companies all over the world have done it, and it’s for a good cause. It’ll be over soon, calm down.
That’s right.
The next game is called Chinese Checkers.
In this game you are checked and vetted for your loyalty to the Regime, oops I mean Establishment.
This is followed by Russian Roulette, naturally being modern times you are not handed a revolver with one bullet but a fully loaded automatic weapon to help the odds.
Air Malta is at a point of no return because of all the political interference of these last 18 months. With Ryanair buying Cyprus Air, Air Malta will suffer dearly.
“I don’t understand what the bands want,” Mangion said.
And he describes himself as “a service provider”. From my experience of such things, service providers are sought out by competition to get the best deal. Mangion neither proved he had the best ideas when he was chosen nor that he could do so at a reasonable price.
Either way, Mangion simply cannot justify his position and salary, the method of appointment and his lack of consultation with and understanding of bands themselves.
Hi Daphne,
Have you missed this Karmenu Vella story? I would like to hear your opinion. Thanks.
Ouch !
“Some people just don’t know when enough is enough, and when the moment has passed. It’s over.”
When it comes to charity for a good cause, enough is never enough. No harm was done.
“Nobody will give a damn if you don’t.”
I care.
“It’s over. Stop it. You don’t have to accept an ice bucket challenge.”
Is this is really your self talk? This is worrying. I would seek professional help.
Stay healthy!
If you care so much, then donate to a water charity instead of spouting condescending platitude.
This story would have made it to The Times front page had it happened when Arriva was the operator.
The behaviour of drivers has worsened under Malta Transport because the worst offenders know that their misbehaviour will go unpunished.
If you recall there was an outcry during the construction of the hospital about some concreete supply scandal by Mixer Ltd which was subcontracted by Devlands.
Mixer Ltd belonged to Bastjan Dalli , Hu J Dalli BA , who at the time was minister of finance in the Fenech Adami government.
Does it ring any bells?
Of course it does.
I was just sitting back waiting for it to explode in their faces.
Let me be more explicit.
It is further alleged that during Dalli’s tenure as Minister of Finance from 1992-1996, “the Mater Dei Hospital project was in full swing.
“Many tenders were issued for this hospital. One major tender for the supply of concrete was awarded to Bastjan Dalli despite the fact that this was not the most competitive.
The auditing tender for the hospital went to an accountant’s practice with strong connections to John Dalli…. Many corruption allegations were made. Calls for an investigation were made but these were ignored and no one was held responsible for the alleged corrupt practices.”
Nationalist Party calls for public inquiry on vessel that fled Malta.
An illustration of the Atlantik’s disappearing act by Nadine Noko. iheartmalta.com
Not related to this post. Can anyone explain me this?
So, basically, for 50 euro we are ridiculing not just one leader but 3 leaders of the party. I can already imagine someone doing it as a joke and sending one to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando or to Franco Debono. Or they could do it themselves. Basically, anyone with 50 euro to spare can have the 3 leaders of the PN thanking him for the service with their original signature on a certificate.This is outright ridiculous. There’s everything wrong with his. It not only diminishes the 3 leaders of the PN but it makes the worthy people who should be thanked by the party feeling dumbstruck.
Idiots. Unbelievable idiots.
That’s the vici-whatever making themselves ‘useful’.
Either they make room for the thousands who want to have a say, or they’re history.
82% want Armier demolished, 75% of the core target reject Muscat’s wet dream and as for hunting, they can’t even face the referendum.
This isn’t about democracy, it’s about a lifestyle. One where an electric bicycle gets more attention than a pink Lamborghini.
Just look at those pics Baxxter.
Dissolve the structure which thinks it is the only method. They’re lost.
Setting an agenda when a government fails to produce one.
What’s going on?
And the cherry on the cake: a Maltese man gets a mention in the UK papers for the right reasons:
[Daphne – The links are incomplete.]
Here they are ,sorry!
Get ready for the next one. This will be implemented with gusto!