He obviously thinks he makes a great son-in-law and they’re lucky to have him

Published: August 9, 2014 at 1:46pm

luciano mother in law

13 Comments Comment

  1. Natalie Mallett says:

    He has the same sense of humour as his leader I suppose. Cheap crap.

  2. CiVi says:

    har har har.. my gutnis how funny.

  3. observer says:

    I remember sick humour about ‘il-kunjata’ from my boyhood, listening to the ‘Radju Muskettieri’ on Switch A (Maltese channel) of Rediffusion – quite a few decades ago, in fact.

    Perhaps Luciano’s ‘culture’ and humour have been stuck in that time-wrap.

    • Last Post says:

      Ezatt x’ghaddieli minn mohhi wara li qrajtha.

      Possibbli dal-bniedem ikkwalifika ghall-universita’, lahaq avukat, izzewweg, dahal fil-politika u baqa’ daqshekk injorant u baxx. Jiflah jaqa’ izjed ghan-n*jk fil-publiku? Tassew li l-iskipp Lejburista m’ghandiex qiegh u fiha minn kollox!

      Fl-injoranza tieghu probabbli jhossu kburi jarana ninkeddu minhabba fih.

      Sadattant, Daphne, grazzi tas-servizz (jew tal-programm, kif jghidu band’ohra) ghax turina l-faqar politiku ta’ dawn in-nies (jekk tista’ ssejhilhom hekk).

      • M says:

        Please, please do not think that any university course changes a person. People have different agendas when aiming for a qualification and for some it is simply getting a degree to open certain doors and fatten their bank balance NOT to get an education.

        If you live/work in these circles you will hear some bragging about how they studied this or that ‘ghall-ezami’ and how they are experts at ‘cya’ (cover your ass).

        That is why you should never trust anyone based on what he says but actually see what he does. It is quite frequent that a person who works in a profession to hear this or that person being lauded only to think, based on inside information, ‘if only they knew’.

      • Last Post says:

        @M: Of course not. But does he have to stoop so low time and again to prove your point?

  4. Stephen says:

    Is that ‘joke’ exchange on LinkedIn? How very inappropriate!

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    Luciano Busuttil himself is safe as sharks don’t eat vegetables.

  6. Spock says:

    If I were his mother-in-law , I’d throw myself at the sharks

  7. KALANCC says:

    I’m sorry but I’m at variance with all of you. The man needs compassion, in fact he is not even worthy of your wrath.

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