Is Konrad Mizzi cool and relaxed?
August 12, 2014 at 10:10pm
I think it’s time for some newspaper to track him down to his home, ring the doorbell, and stick a microphone in his face. Or is that only for old people who crash into cars and drive off?
This picture was taken at Malta International Airport a little while ago.
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Bars and restaurants in St Paul’s Bay where we’re staying started closing down as patrons walked out. Comments by tourists walking in the streets were not complimentary either.
His answer would be ” Shame on you for disturbing a Minister”
Don’t forget don’t panic!
Shame on you minister!
Konrad’s idea of getting us all into astronomy and saving some electricity whilst at it. We all get a nice view of the perseids little little light pollution.
A Malta today ‘staff reporter’ reports, “Power cuts were reported in various localities across Malta.
They can’t even report honestly a blackout. Idiots.
You should see Times of Malta trying to be positive.
Is our PM on holiday already?
It is not in the national interest to know. We all this secrecy. They are treating people like idiots. During PN administrations we had press releases advising that the PM was away from Malta on holiday and they named his deputy to take over. Times change it seems.
Read: Why all this secrecy.
Li ma mmorrux ngħajnuhom fejn qegħdin u ntellfuhom il-gost tal-btala u jkollhom jiġu lura. Ma tarax! X’jimpurtahom , l-aqwa li huma kienu moqdija.
That’s to have the excuse that Farrugia Sacco was let off the hook because he couldn’t recall Parliament to vote on the impeachment motion, since he was away!
Fenomenali ministru! Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-PM afdalek is-sahha, energija, ghax vera solvejt il-problemi kollha! Taf tisthi ministru?
U gejna bla sahha w bla energija!
Now it’s “Shame on you” Konrad Mizzi! Is this what we get in return for the reduction in electricity tariffs? Are savings being made through lack of proper maintenance at the power station? Is this the undisclosed part of the energy roadmap you boasted with before the elections?
Remember that THEIR roadmap is not in OUR interest to know.
And that’s not all. It will take you more than five years of ‘electricity bill reductions’ to recover the spoilt food you probably had to throw away.
You may not have a thawed out freezer full of meat products but many do, and I don’t think they are too impressed, and stand no chance of being compensated for their loss, unless through personal insurance coverage.
Ma nafx, tgħid il-freezer tagħhom mhux bħal tagħna, jaqaw, tibqa’ taħdem bil-batterija jew bl-enerġija pożittiva li qed jarmu?
It looks like a Chinese provincial airport.
Have you ever been to a provincial Chinese airport?
I hope it will be better lit than the above MIA picture shows!
So according to MaltaToday the headline is “No one injured in Marsa distribution centre explosion”.
While we are all thankful an explosion at an unmanned (?) substation did not cause any injuries, isn’t the fact that the country is suffering a total blackout with the ensuing damaging economic impact the main news here?
Whoever thought that Malta Today isn’t a blatant extension of the Labour government media machine should have his head checked.
Issa sew! kif se jigbduh il-blockpaster Brad u Angelina?
Mhux bil-gerenejter tan-Naksos?
No problema! Dak binhar biss ha jigbduh!
The newspaper in question is afraid of causing a drama. They are still traumatized by the horrible experience of witnessing the innocent tears of his wife.
I thought this might cheer up the nation.
It’s the nearest to making sense a Socialist Minister ever came Baxxter.
Re-arranged: It’s the nearest a Socialist Minister ever came to making sense.
Something is definitely not OK at the Delimara Power Station, I’m told that the Chinese people who were “working” there packed up and left abruptly.
Can anyone here add some valid information about this piece of heartening news?
Back to the 70’s and 80’s .What next ? Water shortages and bowsers ? Rationing of bread and flour ? ‘Deserta ‘ chocolate and one type of toothpaste ? Most of the other Old Labour criteria have already been reached in a very short span of time – total disregard to democratic and lawful practices , even in parliament , enough arrogance to compensate for a century of perceived Nationalist arrogance , in your face , blatant corruption, the police and army and PBS lead or controlled by Labour stooges , political transfers and appointments across the board , amateurs and amateurism in all sectors , Malta’s name ridiculed abroad , total and unashamed guzzling at the public trough by Taghnalkollers -while financing in health and education is considerably reduced , secrecy of shady deals involving millions not in the public interest , even the judiciary is being taken over by the PL . The list goes nauseatingly on and on . Practically every day there is a sense of dread about what fresh calamities this oppressive government will rain down on us ; if so many of these have been achieved in little more than a year , God help all of us at what can be done until the end of this legislature . And yet , all the switchers and other perfect idiots who voted in these succubi will still follow and dance to the tune of Joseph the Pied Piper whilst he leads us merrily to our doom .
Taht Gonzi kien hemm wisq hela.
Joseph Muscat missu jghid li kull dar ghandu jkolla mhux aktar minn air conditioner wiehed, fan wiehed u hames bozzoz energy saving.
B’hekk il-pajjiz jahli nqas u l-power station ma tisplodix.
L-Istess ħsibijiet tiegħi. Ara kieku ċ-Ċiniżi jfettlilhom jagħmlu waħda bħal din imma jħalluna għal xi ġimgħa mingħajr dawl, mhux għarkubbtejna jġibuna imma agħar minhekk ! Nitmegħku u nieklu t-trab tal-art bilfors.
PL is the quintessence of lack of ability to run this country but also the best medium to ruin this country. I never remember a messier political party and government than the one we’re stuck with for at least the coming four years. Well done to all those who brought back Pl to power.
Issa ssalvana l-PowerPoint Presentation.
This is what Malta will look like if that LNG tanker does blow up.
Unfortunately there will be less people to notice as those living in Marsaxlokk and Marsaskala may not be around to complain.
In future, everytime there is a power cut like this one, people will be praying in their homes, at the office, wherever, that it’s not the LNG tanker.
Has the government thought seriously about this kind of anxiety that may affect the public?
They would have to knock hard on his door as his doorbell is probably without electricity like the rest of the country.
You can’t ring Konrad’s bell when the power’s off.
That’s assuming he still has one.
Yesterday I was at the airport too when the power outage happened.
It seems that people started driving to the airport in droves soon after the power cut, believing they would find the ACs of the airport on at least – but how mistaken they were.
Tourists could be heard swearing as soon as they realised what was going on, some others failed to be picked up on time and were lying on the floor everywhere, and there was no food or drink to be bought soon after the outage.
I realised that even the staff canteen was serving food to ‘non staff’ and they soon ran out of food as well. It was apocaliptic. (This was just at the airport – with all the festas taking place on the island, and the tourism season in full swing, one can only just wonder what went on in other areas).
But amidst all the chaos (the airport was in a total blackout for a long while, and there were lots of people – which could have resulted in a very serious incident had they started to panic), NO ONE could be heard uttering a single word of disapproval, no grumbling about the state of the country, no wondering how what happened was possible after all the millions being poured into Enemalta.
I could only think to myself how the situation would have been different had the Nationalists been in power, and how the sort of people there were at the airport would have been vociferous in their disapproval of ‘dawk in-Nazzjonalisti’ while disparaging Lawrence Gonzi and all those around him.
But times have changed, people are more positive under Labour, so when life hands them darkness, well, they flock to the airport.
You couldn’t ring his doorbell. It wouldn’t work without electrcity.
You cannot ring Konrad’s door bell. There is no electricity.
Let us not forget many parts of Malta are still without power: fourteen hours later. Bloody incompetent lot,the whole of them.
Some reflections on this power cut:-
1. Never in the history of power cuts has a power cut been caused by such mayhem. The fire which devoured Marsa power station was extinguished only after three hours.
2. It is a known secret that Enemalta staff have been decimated – rampant transfers, closing down of entire sections, all in preparation for the Advant of the Chinese. Is this blackout a consequence of mismanagement at Enemalta?
3. I would also reckon this blackout was a direct result of an increased demand for electricity. Could such increase in the demand for electricity have been brought about by the PM’s reckless claims that energy is now costing less (for the consumers) thus engendering a sense of recklessness in electricity consumption?
4. Above all, now that hundreds of thousands have been lost (and only God knows the long-term losses) will there be a real inquiry to look into the real causes of the blackout?
15 hours and counting. Still no electricity in Luqa
Dont be stupid people… This old power station was inherited. Was to be closed down years ago but pn did nothing about it. Joeseph promised reduction on the electricity bills and did as promised. You people are never happy you deserve noting . Its only been a year and such give the guy some time. Besides of you do not suffer from dimensja this used to happen to on and I remember a black out of almost 2 days. I had power restored after 4 hrs. What is all the fuss about… shame on you people for pointing fingers instead of working as a nation. At least nobody got injured I hoped to see but no… we rather complain for not having electricity for a few hours… dw minister some people with sense dont blame you!
The interconnector is a good six months late.
If it will ever be commissioned, your dear leader will only use it to 25% of its capacity.If there ever was one thing that wouldn’t trip, it’s a cable connected to the continental grid.
The BWSC plant, supposedly poisonous has just had its HFO supply extended for another two years, when your dear leader had promised to change to diesel the moment he walked up Castille.
Need I start the Marsaxlokk saga, two tanks, then six, then offshore, then not, and not a bulldozer in sight. Now, if that thing isn’t up and running, your leader can’t just reduce tarriffs to business concerns can he?
Definitely not when the cost of production will not only remain as it is, but may even go up. What with gas becoming the new gold rush.
It also ecomes unfair competition to EU ‘domestic policy’ inspectors. Guess who can’t have their bills reduced ‘habba l-Ewropa’.
Because that’s exactly what he’ll do, blame everyone else to screw around with promises
Working as a nation, how do you do that if all Labour did was get rid of the people whose commitment and dedication was what built this nation in the first place?
You utter bunch of misplaced morons.