It was recently discovered that modern humans have Neanderthal genes

Published: August 8, 2014 at 1:57pm


Is this why he’s being paid around Eur50,000 a year in public money – to fool around like a 13-year-old on Facebook? Can you imagine any politician anywhere in Europe (other than Italy) behaving like this?

He’s a sad reflection on the electorate.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Middle-age crisis or just more Labour chronic-narcissism?

  2. C.Portelli` says:

    Desmond Zammit Marmara
    4 hrs · Edited ·
    Jien għandi l-ikbar rispett lejn min hu/hi ta’ opinjoni politika favur il-Partit Nazzjonalista. Naf ukoll li l-maġġoranza tan-Nazzjonalisti wkoll jixtiequ l-aħjar għal pajjiżhom bħalma nagħmlu aħna tal-Partit Laburista imma forsi b’mod differenti kif jidhrilhom huma. Xi ħaġa tajba għax għalhekk ngħixu f’pajjiż demokratiku. Għalhekk, niddejjaq ħafna b’minoranza ta’ nies li mhux biss ma jaħmlux dak kollu assoċjat mal-Partit Laburista imma anke jippruvaw ipinġu lil-Laburisti bħala ħamalli, neqsin minn edukazzjoni bażika, stupidi u msieken. Ħafna minn dawn issibhom jikkummentaw fi blog ta’ persuna li trewwaħ dawn it-tip ta’ sentimenti negattivi. Illum qed nikber imma għadni niftakar xi ħaġa minn dak li kien jgħidilna dwar il-loġika l-professur tal-filosofija l-Universita’. U allura lil min lilna l-Laburisti jipprova jirredikolana b’dan il-mod, nistaqsih jirrifletti li jekk aħna daqshekk tar-redikolu, mela aħseb u ara x’inhu min jaqla’ żewġ tkaxkiriet elettorali kbar ma’ nies daqshekk redikoli. Argument loġiku le? Dan qed ngħidu mhux biex noffendi lin-Nazzjonalisti ġenwini imma biex nuri lill-minoranza li dejjem tipprova tirredikola lil-Laburisti li meta tagħmel hekk, bla ma taf, tkun qed tirredikola lilha nnifisha. Il-Laburisti u Nazzjonalisti veri ma jaqblux fuq politika imma jirrispettaw lil xulxin, kif wara kollox għandu dejjem ikun f’pajjiż demokratiku.

    • Bubu says:

      Yeah. Zammit Marmara’ never was the sharpest knife in the drawer. Feel sorry for his professor of philosophy. His efforts at teaching logic to his pupil do seem to have failed miserably.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Go and figure who brings ridicule on the PL people.

    • Rosie says:

      “lilna l-Laburisti jipprova jirredikolana b’dan il-mod, nistaqsih jirrifletti li jekk aħna daqshekk tar-redikolu, mela aħseb u ara x’inhu min jaqla’ żewġ tkaxkiriet elettorali kbar ma’ nies daqshekk redikoli”. Meta tifhem dak li qieghed tghid int stess ibda kanta “eureka” , din hi id-dilemma ta dan il pajjiz li hawn maggjoranza ta nies li jahsbu li huma laburisti , la jistenbhu mir-raqda , Malta terga tibda mixja il -quddiem.U punt iehor ,il -fatt li xi hadd kien L -Universita ma jfissirx li jkollhu xi intelligenza aktar minn hadd iehor.

    • manum says:

      How romantic!

    • anthony says:

      I would very much like to know which blog he is referring to.

    • gaetano pace says:

      Ftit studju tas psikologija ma dak tal filosofija hija balzmu u duwa mill aktar effikaci li jfejjqu il mipopija narcississta.

    • Betty says:

      Milli jidher minn dawk il-lezzjonijiet tal-filosofija ma tghallimt xejn. Jew forsi trid timpressjonanha ghax mort l-universita?

      Il-logika li hrigt biha ma treggix.

      Taqa’ ghar redikolu ghax trid int u milli jidher hafna nies jippreferu jaqaw ghan-nejk ghax jizzattu u ghax ma jafhux ahjar, milli joqodu lura.

      Milli nista’ nara il-problema tal-electorat tipiku Laburist (u Laburisti ghax mhux vera li dawn ihaddnu twemmin socjalist) hi l-pruzunzjoni. Qabel ma kellniex internet u l-injorant ma kienx jinstema, izda llum facli jaqa’ ghan-nejk fuq Facebook ecc.

    • Josette says:

      He doesn’t seem to have understood a single thing which his poor professor tried to teach him. These two unconnected facts cannot be the basis of a logical conclusion. Biex ngħidhielu bil-Malti (pur) – jekk tħallat il-ħass mal-bass ma tasalx għal insalata

    • Grace says:

      Desmond ghall-paroli hadd ma jirbahlek imma jahasra tippruvax taghmilha ta’ xi pulit ghax mhux qed jirnexxilek.

      Meta l-Laburisti jigu mghajjra hammalli, maledukati, stupidi, xewwiexa, giddiebin, mohh maghluq (hemm izjed imma ha nkompli) kollu jkun tort taghhom ghax bil-kummenti li jitfghu fuq kull blog jew fuq Facebook, hlief tghajjir, insulti, gideb, kliem hazin jew sahansitra oxxen, joffenduk personalment etc etc. Allura mhux bilfors li ittijhom dawk l-aggettivi.

      Ibqa zgur li minn ivvotta ghall ewwel darba lill-PL u gej mill-klassi gholja jew ftit gholja, jishet dak il-mument li ta’ l-vot lilkom.

      U ghal min bdejt tallega int li trewwah sentimenti negattivi, nghidlek li allahares ma kienetx din il-persuna li qed tohrog il-gideb u l-qerq ta’ Muscat.

      Ma ghandek xejn logiku int ghax hlief ahmar ma tarax. Il-hazin tal-PN tara, it-tajjeb ma tarax taghhom.

      Imma int u xi ftit Laburisti fanatici ma jaraw xejn hazin fil-PL.

      Il-PN gab id-demokrazija go pajjizna, ghax il-PL kien farrakka.

      Ghandi eta bizzejjed biex niftakar dawk iz-zminijiet koroh ta’ Mintoff. Alla jilliberana minnhom.

    • Francis Said says:

      Dear Mr Zammit Marmara’,

      I do agree with you that unfortunately some Maltese do not have the basic respect in the way some discuss politics. I say this from both sides of the political arena. I believe that criticism both on a personal level and on a media level must always be objective, covered by facts and always respectful.

      But when you seriously analyse what was promised to the electorate prior to the election and what was shown and implemented after the election clearly show that the electorate was conned. Malta Taghna Lkoll, meritocracy and transparency, unfortunately were forgotten by the Hon PM the moment is set foot on the first step on Castille. This clearly irritated, maybe too excessively, many voters.

      The way this government is administering this country is, unfortunately, reminiscent of the 1971 to 1987 era, albeit with a modern look. The fact that the PL media resorts to personal insults from the leader of the opposition and to all Nationalist sympathisers must be condemned. The defamatory allegations are still there, very serious allegations, known to be lies have been printed by the PL media. These allegations are now subject to libel actions by 3 separate individuals, which rightly so feel that their reputation was seriously harmed.

      With all due respect to the PL members of parliament, from the PM downwards are repeatedly ignoring the freedom of information. Contracts that will be paid to so called consultants Henley & Partners, Enemalta, the discussions going on regarding the Public Transport services, without a preferred bidder being declared and all the contradictions that came out about Mr. Galea’s predicament and the way the whole Libyan affair was handled, all indicate that the PM and his merry men do not even have the decency to to allow the Opposition and us the common people to know what was happening.

      So as they say, the PL media, the PL Members of Parliament should take it upon themselves to implement the new form of governance that was promised. 17 months have passed and unfortunately there is no glimmer of hope that what was promised several times would be even remotely considered.

      So, with all due respect I cannot blame the PN bloggers, or anyone supporting the PN to bow their heads ansd say: Yes Master! Respect is a two way road, so I urge the PL government not to trample or steam roll over us common citizens. Thank you

  3. M says:

    And he didn’t wear protection: note blood-shot eyes and clumped dust on lashes and inner corner of eyes. No respiratory protection either: note inhalation pattern around nose.

    Would that person bother to safeguard the environment for others?

    There is no limit to some people’s stupidity. There should really be a study into what stunts brain development this way.

  4. Ta'Sapienza says:

    Quite a resemblance.
    Interesting fact is that all humans have Neanderthal DNA, except for those from the African continent.

  5. A.Attard says:

    Dan biex jurina li kien qed jixkatla hajt?

  6. Dickens says:

    Dan mhux news reader fuq Super 1 radio kien u bhala sindku l-Hamrun u avukat ma tantx hu maghruf li itajjar wisq nar.

  7. il-baks says:

    B’dawn it-tip ta’ nies iridu imexxu pajjiz? Ara fliema stat gejna issa. X’nofs kedda ta’ bniedem. Mhux il-qiegh missejna imma taht il-qiegh.

  8. S. says:

    M’ghandux x’jaghmel, jew? Ahjar jiddedika ftit tal-hin iktar lejn il-poplu li suppost qed iservi milli joqghod jilghab b’subghajh.

  9. silly says:

    U Robert Musumeci jaghmillu lajk.

  10. anthony says:

    Doesn’t this poor guy have anything better to do?

    When I was his age, I was at the zenith of my career working eighty hour weeks.

    I hardly had time to eat.

    What a waste.

  11. Banana republic ... again says:

    With all that white powder around his nose I assumed he was visiting a Labour Party club with Toni Abela.

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