Published: August 4, 2014 at 7:20pm


In the Golden Years of Il-Guy (soon to be EU Commissioner) back in the 1970s and 1980s, the Fantastic Labour Government used the words “mhux fl-interess tal-poplu” so often to justify not explaining itself or its actions that it became the name of an anti-government satirical newspaper.

“Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu” means “not in the people’s interest”.

The justification this Labour government has used so far has been a variation on that theme: “mhux fl-interess nazzjonali”/not in the national interest.

Then we also had, for a while back there when we were sheltering random Libyan politicians under armed guard: “mhux fl-interess tas-sigurta nazzjonali”/not in the interest of national security.

But yesterday The Malta Independent on Sunday got itself a scoop: this government’s first use of the blast-from-the-past MHUX FL-INTERESS TAL-POPLU.

The government used it to defend its refusal to publish Henley & Partners’ contract on the sale of Maltese citizenship, even when presented with a request by that newspaper under the Freedom of Information Act.

15 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu li jkun hemm il-Labour fil-gvern.

  2. Not surprised says:

    I am one component of il-poplu. Prior to the elections, Joseph Muscat never stopped talking about the importance of listening to il-poplu and that il-poplu jigu qabel.

    Besides, since when somebody else decides whether something is in my interest or not? I am old enough and intelligent enough to decide for myself.

    • C Falzon says:

      He probably meant listening-in to il-poplu.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      What Little Joey and The Forty Thieves plus their coterie of ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’ meant was talking to the people who support them – by their definition, any one who does not agree with them is an enemy.

  3. anthony says:

    Mhux fl-interess tal poplu li jara kuntratt imnejjek ghal-ahhar.

    I really admire the government. It is all out to shield the public from alarm and shock.

  4. White coat says:

    It’s not in my own interest to know what’s happening to me.

    I hear that there’s a new thesaurus being published. It has phrases and words such as positive energy, meriticracy, openess and.many other words that in these great days of enlightenment have new meanings.

  5. Felix says:

    “Ghax jiena nemmen f’Joseph”

  6. Tal-Malja says:

    Fi kliem iehor- ‘ma jimpurtakomx.’

  7. M says:

    It was only a matter of time wasn’t it before the entire mask slipped off. Again well done to those who thought that Joseph Muscat was some sort of progressive, fair, transparent believer in meritocracy. 132,000 voters did not swallow THAT bait.

  8. Francis Said says:

    So Henley & Co. I believe had said that they find no objection in disclosing this infamous contract.

    The government thinks otherwise.

    Conclusion: it stinks and very fishy! What in the name of common sense, could there be that is not in the public interest? I wonder…..

  9. Gaetano Pace says:

    Imur minn fuq daharna jinnegozja, imur jinnegozja hwejjigna u jigi jghidilna li mhux fl-interess taghan li nkun nafu x`inhu ghaddej. Mela fl-interess ta min hu ? Ta min jiehu il commissions u qed jisthi jizvela sehemu x` kien ? Dak hu l-interess li ghandna, li nkunu nafu min qed jaqlina f`zejtna u jbieghna b`lahamna u xahamna. Mhux ta b`xejn kulhadd qed irabbi zaqq daqshiex nistghu nobsru minn fejn.

  10. chico says:

    Bir-rispett kollu, jekk mhux fl-interess tal-poplu, il-poplu ghandu id-dritt li ma jhallasx ghalih.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    I think the guys and a gal or two who made up the MHUX FL-INTERESS TAL-POPLU team ought to get together and give it another swing.

    There’s tons of material that’s going to waste.

  12. mm says:

    Imma dak ghax mhux qed tifhem il-‘logica’ distorta taghhom – mhux fl-interess tal-PL li jippubblikawh.

    Ghalihom il-PL u l-gvern huma l-istess haga. Huma fil-gverna qed jaghmlu li jridu u jahsbu li Malta (u l-poplu) taghhom, tant li qabel l-ezezzjoni kienu gia’ jghidu li ‘Malta taghna’.

    Dan ifisser li Malta tal- PL. La mhux fl-interess tal-PL li jippubblikawh u Malta taghhom b’hekk ovvjament mhux fl-interess tal-poplu.

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