Jason the desperate housewife

Published: August 8, 2014 at 2:10pm

I think I should highlight this exchange from the comments-board beneath my post about Jason Micallef and that V18 mural.


Persil says:

AUGUST 8, 2014 AT 12:02 AM
On RTK Jason Micallef said that he only buys clothes from abroad. He hates it when he sees someone else wearing clothes like his, he said.
He buys from Austin Reed in London mostly. He also likes fine dining. He also said that he lives for his son and tries to give him quality time.

• Jozef says:
AUGUST 8, 2014 AT 9:45 AM
I call that a desperate housewife.


A couple of desperate housewives

A couple of desperate housewives

35 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    Anyone want to discuss retail again? Maybe internet shopping? Any GRTU draconians wanting this guy to look like everyone else, please speak up.

  2. eve says:

    Kieku r-ragel tieghi nibghatu jsaqqi l-hass. Kemm ibati bihom.

  3. Ivan says:

    Whoever he had his kid with must have been really going through a bad patch – how can someone get involved with such a loser?

    [Daphne – Jason Micallef is a married man. Have some respect.]

  4. WhoamI? says:

    We should make an order immediately from Austin Reed. It’s free worldwide delivery for over £150. Doesn’t take long to get to that figure.

    They’re on “extra 10% off” as well at this point. And you can pick shirts up for like £30 which is reasonable. The ones from Bortex aren’t cheaper, that’s for sure.

    Cheapskate Jason. He thought he was being clever by saying Austin Reed. Go Thomas Pink, GANT or TM Lewin if you want a bit more exclusivity, but I bet he doesn’t think the cost of 1 shirt from these brands isn’t wertid et oll. He could get 3 shirts from Austin Reed at the same price of 1 from the others.

  5. Jorg asthma says:

    And I bet he polishes his teeth at the Metrodental in Cannon Street, London.

  6. Persil says:

    You can listen to the programme on RTK Ghazel X’Tisma (past programmes) and hear him live answering questions from his interviewer. For example the last person interviewed was Dr. Giglio the criminal lawyer.

  7. Sister Ray says:

    Selfie at Madame Tussauds.

  8. Osservatore says:

    “Jason Micallef said that he only buys clothes from abroad. He hates it when he sees someone else wearing clothes like his, he said. He buys from Austin Reed in London mostly. He also likes fine dining.” – Fine clothes and fining dining can be acquired by any wannabe with cash. Class, charisma and culture are a whole other matter.

  9. Ghar u Kasa says:

    In that interview he also said that he does not keep his clothes from one season to the other but always buys new clothes each season.

    He was then asked whether he gives his cast-offs to others and he hesitated for a few seconds but remembered that he’s a socialist, so he replied ‘Yes, yes, I do.’

  10. S. says:

    Ghogobtni Osservatore. Well said.

  11. anglu bonello says:

    He who thinks clothes may change people’s perception must admit that they never change a person’s capabilities

  12. Anthony Charles. says:

    One of “tal-qalba” who does not buy clothes from Bortex. Ramona Frendo must be “incazzata”.

  13. cikku l-poplu says:

    Il-partit tal-haddiema dawn jghidu li huma, izda biex jghixu min fuq dahar il-haddiem u kull min ihallas il-bolla u l-income tax.

    Imma meta ser jiftah mohhu l-poplu Malti li dawn huma kollha oqbra mbajda.

  14. Josanne Rickman says:

    He is intelligent enough to bait us and we take it down completely.

    [Daphne – Jason Micallef is not in the least bit intelligent. All the signs are there. Read them.]

    • anthony says:

      He is intelligent enough to bait them, the vast majority, but certainly not us.

      As far as we, the thinking minority, are concerned he is, well, just about, average Maltese.

  15. CiVi says:

    Another self-centered dimwit.

  16. John Higgins says:

    Jason should be told that “Manners maketh man not clothes”.

  17. maria says:

    Jien smajthom fl-RTK u waqt li Jason ftahir biss il-kontra tieghu Joe Giglio ghax hadt gost nisimghu, kemm lehnu u kemm hu umli. Tara d-differenza.

  18. hmm says:

    I thought he was gay, please don’t take it as an offence but i honestly dont think he is straight.

  19. Clifford says:

    I didn’t know he had a son. How did he do it?

  20. George Grech says:

    Oh he’s just like me. But it is expected of me being gay.

  21. G Wells says:

    Someone should open an “Austeen Reet” shop in Malta.

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