Let’s hope that the arrest and arraignment of this Swede wasn’t just another form of xenophobia
A Swedish man has been arrested and charged by the police with incitement to racial hatred.
His behaviour was terrible, and the police did the right thing. The court has now found the man guilty as charged and sentenced him to six months in prison, suspended for two years.
But here’s the thing: there have been many episodes of incitement to racial hatred in which the protagonists are Maltese people – including policemen, policewomen and soldiers – and if anything has been done about them, then we are none the wiser.
There certainly haven’t been any news reports about their arrest, arraignment and conviction.
Anybody who travels by bus routinely or spends time on Facebook knows that this sort of assault is regular and that many Maltese people, just like this Swedish man, think that it is perfectly acceptable and legal to behave as they do and say what they say.
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And what about this? What a despicable country!
Meanwhile on the L-Orizzont…
Yes indeed. Joseph did give a splendid helping hand in having us lose our identity. He started selling it as if it were tuzzana pastizzi, making of the dozen sold, a baker`s dozen which is after all superstitiously an ill omen of bad luck.
Daphne the shocking news is that he wasn’t some drunk tourist. He is a well educated “Sales Director” at one of the major online gambling firms.
When contacted about his behaviour and whether he will still work there, the company responded with an arrogant “And you are?”
Ghax issa mghadniex pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse imma sirna wiehed ta’ OQBRA IMBAJDA.
Istituzjonijiet IPOKRITI.