Malta Freeport Corporation’s CEO can expect six separate libel suits, two of which will be filed by me tomorrow morning
I hope Malta Freeport Corporation will be generous enough with Other People’s Money to pay his damages.
That’s three people the moronic idiot has libelled right there by two separate means, which means six civil suits for libel and another six requests for criminal proceedings by the police.
He is mad to repeat lies that are already the subject of at least one libel suit and are about to become, as of tomorrow morning, the subject of several more libel suits filed against the Labour Party’s newspaper KullHadd.
These people are nuts. Irresponsible doesn’t even begin to describe it. They are actually criminal in their intent.
Here are the facts.
Practically all law firms have a fiduciary services company which they use to hold the interests OF CLIENTS in full conformity with Maltese legislation that specifically allows for this.
It is not my husband and his law partners who have a shareholding in the company called Evolve which has won tenders from the government.
Their name appears in the MFSA listing quite clearly as a FIDUCIARY SERVICES COMPANY HOLDING THE INTERESTS OF OTHERS. This is a service most law firms provide, including all the law firms owned by Taghna Lkoll Laburisti who know exactly what the legal procedure is, but who are pretending not to do so because they are bloody deceitful liars.
Perhaps I should now go through the list I have of Taghna Lkoll law firms whose fiduciary services companies hold interests for others and run massive stories on this website claiming that the shares belong to, say, Robert Abela & Associates or Chris Cardona’s law firm or Jose Herrera’s or Manuel Mallia’s, and claim that the shares are actually theirs personally rather than this being a fiduciary services process that is standard on behalf of clients.
But I won’t, because I know it’s wrong and that it’s libellous.
So do they, but they don’t give a hoot because what they want is the massive libellous headline on the front page of KullHadd and the promotional stories on Super One TV – a huge political media machine owned by the party in government being used with CRIMINAL INTENT against individuals it regards as a threat.
No wonder they see nothing wrong in China. Bloody scandalous. The scandal isn’t the tenders. The scandal is their criminal use of their media machine to lie about ‘enemies of the state’ with total disregard for the law or the rights of others. Disgusting, shameful people.
At least this time when the libel suit is wrapped up, I’ll find some Chinese money in their account, not like the last time when we ran a search on all the banks and found NOTHING. Same with Aaron Farrugia – with that salary he’s getting from Malta Freeport’s Taghna Lkoll appointment, I’m bound to find something on which to slap a garnishee order at the bank.
Oh, and another thing: the prime minister accompanied by several ministers and other party goons and fossils from the Mintoffian era only a few weeks ago went on an ‘official visit’ to the very company the Labour Party media are now attacking about these tenders. They stood about, they went on a tour of the premises, they congratulated the directors and they broke bread with them.
Then they said their goodbyes, went back to the drawing board and set their media machine in motion to ATTACK THE VERY COMPANY THEY HAD JUST VISITED, Attard & Co. Evolve Ltd belongs to Attard & Co. That information is public. It does not belong to my husband, to Andrew Borg Cardona and to Peter Borg Costanzi. It does not even belong to those whose shares are held in that fiduciary services company, as that shareholding is very minor.
KullHadd’s editor (that’s the Labour Party’s official newspaper, if you please) is Toni Abela, the Labour Party’s deputy leader and also a lawyer. He knows exactly what fiduciary services are and might even have a fiduciary services company himself, which he uses on behalf of clients. This makes his criminal intent in publishing that story all the greater, because he cannot claim lack of professional knowledge, not that this would be an excuse even if he were not a lawyer.
There are more serious implications: it is a grave breach of professional conduct for one lawyer to launch a criminal attack on other lawyers, for personal and political ends, in this manner. But then this is the crazy country in which anything goes and people just accept it: the editor of Kullhadd is also the lawyer for Malta Today, which is supposed to a competitor newspaper but probably is not. And that’s beside the fact that the lawyer for Malta Today is the deputy leader of the Labour Party and a member of the cabinet of government.
One last thing: Andrew Borg Cardona is at present in England with his wife who is undergoing life-saving treatment for cancer. She starts the worst and most arduous of her treatment tomorrow. Given the fact that practically the entire legal profession of that generation know the reason for his long absence from work this summer, and Toni Abela cannot possibly be an exception, one has to conclude that the timing of this nasty and criminal attack is deliberate and not coincidental.
I’m afraid these people are the absolute and utter pits.
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We must always remember that we are governed by ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’
This is not 1987, when Eddie Fenech Adami made a heartfelt plea that we must rebuild our country and leave behind our past – we now know that these low-lifes have been hibernating waiting to getting their noses in the trough.
@ Carmelo Micallef
In retrospect I think the PN was wrong to embark on a policy of national conciliation, as we are now being haunted by the past, which has learnt to redress itself in a different still disgusting and illegal manner.
Well said. The PN coming to power in 1987 should have delivered instant and immediate justice to all those who suffered under the Mintoffian regime and it should have brought to justice all the culprits.
When Lorry Sant was sick with cancer, the PN administration was quick to issue ( through the President of the country) a presidential pardon. A huge mistake.
Malta should have constituted a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” in 1987 like in South Africa after the defeat of apartheid so that the “hniezriet” committed during the Labour Governments could be displayed for all to see and understand.
@C Micallef.
That is the policy that makes the Labour Party win elections by huge majorities.
Run of the mill Nationalists, potential shifters, cannot be expected to suffer for ever injustices whoever happens to govern, be it their own Nationalist politicians ignoring their grass root support or Labourites showering benefits preferentially on their supporters while promising heaven and earth to a Malta that they advertise as “Taghna Lkoll” but evidently isn’t.
As I’ve said in other posts, a cornerstone of conflict resolution is justice. As A. Charles pointed out, in quite a few cases a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” is established. It simply helps in the long-term reconciliation process by showing future generations that there was a crime committed and that perpetrators do not get away with impunity.
Without this critical development having ever occurred in Malta, generations of Labourites have raised their children to believe that Mintoff’s era was Malta’s ‘Golden Years’ and ‘il-Ħelsien’ is still blindly revered and celebrated as a national holiday. The official history taught in schools simply does not go into the real details of the era or skips it altogether.
Without learning from history, Maltese society is doomed to repeat it. This couldn’t have been more apparent the moment Muscat kissed Mintoff’s coffin and still became PM and Mintoffian fossils were actually re-elected into power.
Indeed. I have always maintained that the PN failed miserably on one of its 1987 motto – Work, Justice and Freedom. The promise of delivering justice to all never really materialised. You may never have reconciliation or forgiveness without justice.
These are much worse – by far than Mintoff. Mintoff spoke his mind, love him or hate him. These are worse than the Pharesees that crucified Christ
How barbaric and despicable for some to chose to hit others below the belt when they are at their most vulnerable and are in need of solidarity rather then public stoning. The reign of terror is alive and well in Taghnalkoll Malta.
The Maltese saying is very adaptable to these morons “Il-qahba (with apologies to the prostitutes) milli jkollha ittik”.
Scum of the earth!
Miskin Elve Aar. He is going to have more libel suits than his five qualifications.
Nahseb ftehmna.
Those very qualifications Aaron holds should have indicated the definition and role of a fiduciary company.
It is one thing when John Doe doesn’t know those basics and isn’t critical.
It is another when the CEO of the Freeport who holds all those business/legal degrees does not know the definition and does not know how to critically evaluate what he hears and sees. Oddly, his bachelor’s dissertation was about foreign direct investment (
Wow, just look at that list of “achievements.”
And shouldn’t his “professional career” be titled “political career” instead?
…Bastards .
How can such a stupid person hold such a high position in Malta Freeport?
I see Saviour’s books didn’t sell.
As for this Aaron Farrugia, basta hafna degrees, needs another fund raising event, fast.
‘….In a reaction to this development, Dr Muscat had even declared that it was humiliating for the government to have to ask permission from a private entity to publish an agreement.
Since his government would have to do just that for the Henley contract to be published, it remains to be seen whether the Prime Minister will choose to humiliate himself or break his promise of a more transparent administration….’
What he doesn’t define is that BWSC subscribed to tangible risks the moment they outlined the technology to employ. Basically risking supply, delivery and installation of the plant.
Evarist Bartolo was all over the place predicting a doomsday scenario with the plant failing to meet any parameters of efficiency and emissions. BWSC was on the way to have to take it back according to him.
What risks does Henley and Partners NOT have?
Niltaqghu ma’ Aaron.
When he’s reduced to this, are you surprised to what levels they’ll go?
So Malta Today defines it ‘mishandled’ this morning, a previous print edition proudly proclaimed Martin Galea was never abducted.
Indeed Saviour.
The wisdom of Eddy Privitera:
Privitera seems to have mistaken Dr. Busuttil for Dr. Muscat.
Miskin, he must be confused at his age.
Go for it! Make sure it hurts.
Aaron Farrugia is a lawyer himself. I assume he should know the difference
“He knows exactly what fiduciary services are and might even have a fiduciary services company himself, which he uses on behalf of clients. ”
Wouldn’t be so sure. In my direct experience, lawyers who specialise in civil law / litigation have absolutely no idea on corporate law, trusts and fiduciary obligations. Blinkered.
The thing is that whoever reads Kulhadd would not read this reply and would not have a balanced idea of what is going on. Let’s hope they realize what filth they are reading.
What if your legal action ends up in front of a Taghna Lkoller magistrate or judge?
Truly vile. As a lot have been writing, when you think they’ve reached the pits they immediately sink to a new horrendous level.
Up to now we’ve been spared the physical violence of Mintoffian/KMB times. But this is worse.
As everybody knows court cases take ages to be settled but in the meantime all hell is being let loose in their media.
Courage to all of you concerned. A lot of us believe in your honesty and sound principles. Thank you for being our voice against the “hnizrijiet” this government is perpetrating.
Good luck. Let’s hope and pray that “is-sewwa jirbah zgur!”
And here is the perfect illustration of why Wenzu Mintoff is not suitable to be a judge.
First and foremost I want to show my solidarity with Dr. & Mrs. Borg Cardona and assure them that we will not forget them in our prayers.
Regarding the inhuman attitude of these scum, I am not surprised at all, since I myself was made fun of because I had a cancer which led to certain consequences. They found it very funny.
This is another confirmation that not only their leader but also some of those around him have thrown their morality in the gutter.
1. I pray that Mrs. Borg Cardona gets well soon.
2. Power to you Daphne. The truth will set us all free and that’s thanks to you and the few others who are out on a limb fighting the monster that has taken over the nation. The monster that produces lies, damned lies and criminal lies at the expense of the nation and private individuals while plundering the nation like pirates boarding a ship.
There has also been one retweet of this accusation as I type this. In the UK such an act is not immune from legal action. Is it the same in Malta?
[Daphne – Yes. Please let me know of any retweets:]
Frank Portelli is one of the persons who retweeted the message of Aaron Farrugia and called it a serious allegation. It is very subtle though, probably to avoid a libel case in court.
[Daphne – Frank Portelli is completely shameless.]
While showing solidarity with Andrew Borg Cardona’s family in these critical times, I condemn Aaron Farrugia and his Labour Party for stating lies repeatedly about various persons to divert attention from the scandalous and abusive ways Joseph Muscat and his cronies are running the government.
Toni Abela will be reassuring Aaron Farrugia that this issue will eventually disappear like his white block.
[Daphne – Toni Abela is going to be sued too, as editor of the newspaper that published the article.]
Are cases like these heard before a judge or a magistrate? Could it land on Mintoff’s desk?
[Daphne – Magistrate. But even so, Mintoff wouldn’t be able to hear it given all the parties involved, including the newspaper he edited.]
X’zibel ta’ nies. They are despicable. Go for the jugular. I’m so glad you are not the type of person who turns the other cheek.
Too many people in this damn country let b**tards such as this get away with it simply because they don’t want to take them on. Good for you.
Well, I bet that’s put a damper on his Sunday.
When so many people who had previously denied reading this website started quoting it, it became obvious that those who stood to lose would sling mud hard. This blog fills in the missing pieces and dares to talk about the elephant in the room.
Nasty below-the-belters, through and through.
Well, the Taghna Lkoll stalwarts’ dumbness is no surprise.
However, what is of ongoing major concern is the fact that entities can participate and win public tenders and contracts without disclosing who their ultimate beneficial owners are.
This can lead to abuse and also to wriggle round other conditions regulating public tenders and contracts.
Labour just sinks lower and lower. Their deceit and lies are truly unbearable. Roll on 2023. ….or is it 2018?
Just when you think they’ve hit their lowest yet, out comes a new low which shows that these people stop at nothing. And that is why the electoral campaign was all a big fat lie. They used people’s sentiments to get to the other side of parliament, and now once they’re there, they will not give two hoots who they attack and by what means. It’s a return to the eighties, only this time the violence being done is taking on a non-physical form.
You all have my solidarity.
Shameless scumbag
Thank God you won’t have the ex-editor of Kullħadd, Wenzu Mintoff as your judge.
Daphne you said it all in a nutshell when you said Toni Abela alias Tuni Aspro is the editor of the paper.
It is his style incarnate that when he is on the defence he goes on the attack like a cornered rat.
Their malice is so vicious that they belittle themselves by ignoring what is known by the least of the order or knaves. They ignore legal elementary and primary knowledge, even though they be lawyers (sic!!!) to cast shadows on their self declared enemies. They are so pathetic that they make their own their party`s wars and wager counter attacks by slinging mud, distrust, hate, rage and all the ill wills and malevolent wishes the sort Roberta Metsola got this week. So frail, incompetent and psychologically deranged are they.
Thank you, Daphne, for keeping us all informed.
Dr Borg Cardona and family are in our prayers.
They had to come out with some ginormous “scandal” after the Martin Galea unmitigated disaster.
The PM made a pathetic fool of himself on state television in front of the whole nation.
Rumour has it that El Corto went on the aircraft before Martin and Marisa came down and warned them to keep it short and let the PM do the talking.
This debacle was analysed and commented upon in great detail on this blog.
So? The Nation has to be confounded.
Let’s hit back and say that Daphne and Co. siphoned millions off the state coffers during Gonzi’s time when everybody was close to dying of hunger.
The vast majority will believe anything anyway.
This is not the making of Aaron Farrugia, of course, but that of the entire PL lying organisation.
It is all meticulously planned by the top brass of the party.
Anything, to save the Great Leader’s face.
Top brass of the party? I am not so sure. There must be a hidden hand somewhere who has been doing the real roadmapping for the last four years or so. The nationality must not necessarily be Maltese. Just my moral conviction.
The thing is, that Aaron would be worrying for the wrong reasons.
I’m sure he’s worrying about being fired on a “false” premise like deputy leader Anglu Farrugia was.
Come to think of it, this is a perfect time to fire Toni Abela from the deputy leadership.
Joseph’s ethical standards would be conveniently high.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Good point, Gahan.
Muscat will then replace them with some Ilkoller-scum. And the circle is repeated and completed.
Hardly. Anglu Farrugia was inconvenient and Joseph Muscat never wanted him as deputy.
Aaron Farrugia, on the other hand, is ‘ta’ gewwa’. This is why he was given a cushty job which allows him to campaign for the next general election while on the state payroll.
If anything, being sued by ‘is-sahhara’ will stand Aaron in good stead with most Labourite savage numpties. Suldat tal-azzar.
Aaron fits the profile of the Labourites who are popular with this Prime Minister. He is has several degrees, which Joseph Muscat equates with intelligence, and is not an absolute troglodyte, which Joseph Muscat equates with being presentable.
Of course, to anyone with an iota of intelligence and half-decent breeding, Aaron is a cuc ta’ wara l-muntanji. Unfortunately, most well-mannered people would not put their name to that particular choice of words.
In a Machiavellian style leadership everyone is disposable.So everyone would be thinking ”I wonder who will be next, I hope it won’t be me”.
Just look back and see how many people have been removed or kicked upstairs right in front of our very eyes, in a year.
I see Karmenu Vella’s removal from minister as a stab in the back for him. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca being made president another. Wenzu Mintoff, Toni Abela’s bosom buddy was removed from the party machinery.
Charles Mangion did not resign the chairmanship of EneMalta – he was made to resign as soon as he was elected in the casual election after Coleiro Preca was kicked upstairs.
Whose turn is it? Toni Abela is next to face the axe.
Aaronn jew injorant jew bahnan biex thalt ghal din. Jekk taghmel xi erba gaffes bhal dawn bhala CEO veru ghandna biex niftahru.
Unfortunately I’ve known Aaron for donkey’s years. I can assure you he is both an ‘injorant’ and a ‘bahnan’, and a little bit more too.
Landslide of libel suits. Enjoy Aaron! What comes around goes around.
I’d tell you ‘good luck’ Daphne, but clearly you don’t need it. Only Wenzhou can save Aaron now.
I hope the Chamber of Advocates takes note and if there is an hint of professional misconduct then take appropriate action. Professional bodies here need to be more agressive in their defence of professional ethics.
The rot started when they decided to overturn the system from the inside. Our neighbours up North been there and painfully aware of the implications.
Nothing different to ‘magistratura democratica’, the left leaning union of magistrates established in the seventies, (yes) which proclaimed itself in favour of individual discretion on handing down sentences, depending on whether one is of the left or not.
Or better, a rich man deserves a harsher sentence for the same crime.
This perverse ideology went on to appropriate banks, every cooperative and compromised unions with shareholding in business concerns.
Guess why Italy’s in the state it’s in, a scramble to divert every body, union and professional association into permanent conflict of interest. The gut reaction to exclude the Brigate Rosse from daily life exceeded every expectation.
Unions became exclusively a pension scheme, the judiciary in collusion with the legal profession to maintain an impossibly byzantine legal system, the press taken over by ‘capitalists’ whose only agenda is, and remains, state funding.
Muscat’s taghna lkoll is uncannily similar in certain aspects. A closed system which should, supposedly be self-sustaining.
The economy as engine of democracy left idle.