Malta’s ambassador to Belgium at the festa tal-Hamrun

Published: August 11, 2014 at 9:09am

Malta’s ambassador to Belgium, Ray Azzopardi – a former Super One show host and MC at the Labour Party’s mass meetings and fundraising events – is seen here getting involved at the festa in Hamrun.


Ray Azzopardi 1


Ray Azzopardi 3Ray Azzopardi 2 Ray Azzopardi 4

31 Comments Comment

  1. rjc says:

    Wow, love the top photo. Sexy pic man! Dejjem smart hi.

    • ciccio says:

      Ara vera ghandu bzonn imur ghand Orksher Tailor halli jhitlu qalziet pulit.

      U dak iz-zarbun. Mamma mia, my eyes.

  2. Grace says:

    L-ewwel ritratt huwa eccezzjonali biex jitpogga go frame u jitqghejd fuq il-bieb tal-ufficju tieghu.

    Huwa ritratt tajjeb ghax sew hu kif ukoll il-hmieg li hemm taht il bankini jixxiebhu hafna.

    Qed iwaqqawna wiccna l-art. Ma jafux izzommu daqsxejn id-dekor ta’ x’qed jirraprezentaw. Ambaxxatur ta’ x’hiex? Tal-bottijiet tal-birra li hemm hdejn saqajh?

  3. bored says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that the last picture is shocking?

    Aren’t policemen in uniform meant to personify authority?

    Let’s assume that these two know each other, couldn’t they have just said hello and exchanged greetings instead of showing the world how ‘tight’ they are?

    It’s because the policeman is in uniform that makes this picture jar so much. for me at least.

  4. Ken Mercieca says:

    the last photo says it all with the policeman in question – labour and police force = labour and GWU….

  5. Wooops says:

    Is that Stefan Grech with him?

  6. simca says:

    You need a ‘spot the trash’ competition here.

  7. makjavel says:

    Send the photos to the King of Belgium , and copy the President of Malta.

    LGBT ambassador to Russia would suit him fine.

  8. Herbie says:

    Jilbsu il halziet u jahraw fih.

    Imma kif ma jafux li l-pozzizioni li jokkupaw tirekjedi certu decor u komportament anki fil-hajja privata taghhom.

    Ara veru tal-misthija.

    Issa jigi Martin Scicluna u jghidli ‘snob’ jekk jaf jaqra bil-Malti ghax apparentement jitkelmu ma jafx.

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    But heqq, my fellow countrymen, mela m’ghandux dritt imur festa? B’daqshekk x’ghamel hazin?

  10. FP says:

    Men of the people, by the people, for the people.

    We all got what they deserve.

  11. G says:

    Adriano Buontempo was strutting around Vittoriosa yesterday night, but we didn’t think much of it.

    That is, until we saw his official GM car parked on a double yellow line outside the church, complete with a driver patiently waiting inside. Sunday night overtime miskin.

    [Daphne – Who is Adriano Buontempo? The parliamentary secretary for sport is Chris Agius.]

  12. G says:

    My apologies. Stefan Buontempo.

  13. Wigi says:

    The white trash of Malta gathered at the feast of San Gejtanu.

  14. Comment says:

    But why do the take such appointment when they are not able to abide by certain etiquette.

  15. F.X. says:

    I find the fourth photograph quite disturbing not the rest.

  16. red says:

    Wigi trust me.there is more trash in your house than there was at our feast. Hope you wrath in hell all you haters and especially this witch

  17. indiana says:

    ara vera nies bla sens min qed jitfha comments bhal dawn . mela ghax abaxatur ta belgium mghadhux dritt imur il festa dan ir ragel . mghadkhom ma xix taqbdu u tridu isibhu ix xghara ghagina . ommi ma get a life all of you

  18. Socrates says:

    How belittling and humiliating for one of our recently appointed ambassador to behave in such manner: a typical example of PL choosing unbefitting individuals whose conduct is a far cry from expected standards of people covering the role of ambassadors. Reflect on these names and you feel ashamed as a Maltese: Norman Hamilton, Sai Mizzi, Manny tal-Libja, that short fatty bombom in Australia, Ray Azzopardi, and Lino Bianco.

    What a bad lot for Malta, here and abroad.

  19. edgar says:

    Third photo is his Excellency in his favourite position.

  20. Wilson says:

    Was he not the NATO boy?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Imma sorry ta, mhux kulħadd għandu l-ħajja tiegħu barra x-xogħol? Ma nistax nifhem persuni li jiġġudikaw persuni oħra minħabba x-“xogħol” tagħhom. Minbilli persuna tkun fil-politika, ma tistax tmur festa? Ma tistax tmur parties? U jekk tarawha tixrob xi “flixkun birra” tkun qed tagħmel dnub?

    Onestament, m’hemm L-EBDA idea politika hawn, iżda dan ir-raġunament narah vag wisq.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      L-ewwel nett, dan ambaxxatur, mhux persuna fil-politika.

      U b’risposta ghall-mistoqsijiet retorici tieghek:

      – Ma tistax tmur festa?
      Le, ma tistax.

      – Ma tistax tmur parties?
      Le, ma tistax.

      – U jekk tarawha tixrob xi “flixkun birra” tkun qed tagħmel dnub?
      Iva. Specjalment jekk tixrob mill-flixkun waqt marc tal-festa.

      Kun af li ambaxxatur ghandu HAFNA privileggi, imma HAFNA. Hafna izjed milli tista’ timmagina. Parti mit-trade-off ghal dawk il-privileggi straordinarji huwa li jieqaf minn certi attivitajiet li nies komuni jistghu jaghmlu.

  22. Danny says:

    So what Daphne, inti tmur nimmagina tal Bidnija ux. Kull persuna tkun tixtieq ticcelebra l festa tieghu/taghha u l holidays jiehodhom kif jixtieq.

    Vera inti bniedma li ma thalli l hadd bi kwietu.

    Ara x’taghmel inti fil hajja ghax minghalik li inti perfetta!!!!!!

  23. Optimist says:

    He couldn’t get a pair of sneakers instead of those shoes??

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