Our head of state tweets that she “attended 100 years celebrations of WWI”

Published: August 4, 2014 at 6:30pm


There comes a point when you just want to chuck it all in and say, if this is what Taghna Lkollers like Martin Scicluna and Others Who Shall Not Be Mentioned wanted, then let them ruddy well have it. Dik il-presopopeja kollha and then they go and elect these clunking idiots for change.

And that Godawful snob Peter Apap Bologna writes an admiring missive to Times of Malta when Marie Louise Coleiro Preca is made head of state, and she lets him down by tweeting that she has just “attended 100 years celebrations of WWI”.

Celebrations. CELEBRATIONS. Our head of state. A woman with an office bristling with protocol advisers and media specialists and communicators and 101 aides. And nobody tells her or the clunking aide who wrote this that you don’t CELEBRATE the outbreak of war and many millions of deaths. You COMMEMORATE them.

Peter Apap Bologna has nothing much to do nowadays other than be nasty about people. I suggest our head of state gives him a new lease of life by taking him on as her chief mandarin. He can write her tweets.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    I am speechless.

  2. Redneck Rabti says:

    Maybe, just maybe, the protocol advisers and aides have been replaced with taghna lkollers?

    • mc says:

      Most probably. After all she had to make sure the people working in her secretariat didn’t end up without a job.

  3. Calculator says:

    Good grief.

  4. ken il malti says:

    It was an occultic blood sacrifice to be celebrated by Satanists.

  5. Jozef says:

    Ghax f’dik il-gwerra ma mitniex ghalxejn.



    Nsomma. kulhadd jehodha kif jaf.

    Pathos, gravitas, dawn x’jahbtu Baxxter?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Jekk mitna ta’ xejn, x’marret taghmel tikkommemora l-anniversarju? Bloody hypocrites.

      And in case you thought I was a Nazzjonalist ahdar, how about this: the government will host the Duchess of Cambridge for 50th independence anniversary celebrations. Independence from the United Kingdom (British go home/Sbejha Patria). So we invite a Royal (Welcome to Malta, your Royal Highness fawn fawn grovel grovel).

      • Min Jaf says:

        Sending over Kate Middleton, rather than a direct line royal, such a Prince Charles or Prince William, to represent Britain on the 50th anniversary of Malta’s independence is not so much a particular honour for Malta as Muscat and his ilk assume, but more of calculated, polite, snub directed at the Joseph Muscat led government. Remember his insults towards Britain and its monarchy in his speech on Commonwealth reform at the LSE?

  6. daffid says:

    David Cameron said of the commemoration, “When you think that almost every family, almost every community was affected, almost a million British people were lost in this war, it is right that even 100 years on, we commemorate it, we think about it and we mark it properly.”

  7. Libertas says:

    Wasn’t she Labour Secretary General when they used to tell us ‘mitna għall-barrani’ in Ġensna?

    • michael seychell says:

      During her long years as MLP general secretary, there were quite a few incidences that one should remember, albeit these should not be commemorated.

  8. Fenka says:

    There was only ONE 100 years CELEBRATION – not celebrationS

    [Daphne – Actually there was no celebration at all. There was a commemoration. There is nothing to celebrate in war.]

  9. etil says:

    Maria santissima x’injuranza.

  10. David zzz says:

    Think more, tweet less.

  11. Rosie says:

    Same on TVM news tape

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    Except for that period when the peace makers go on sabbatical leave, burn clubs, ransack homes, shoot at people, cause deaths, frame up innocent people, then peace will not reign in the valley. Oh pastor how sweet it is to hear your sermons when you come back from the rampage and pillage.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      Hear. Hear.

      In our hearts we know that ‘these’ people are not merely the government party but our actual enemies.

      The simple words should not obscure the fact that it is time for us to stop throwing jibes and realize that we are dealing not with an opposing political party but with an enemy.

      An enemy that has used the tools of democracy to gain power and effect a dictatorship of the majority. Our enemy has no illusions or delicacies about our respective roles. It is our side that has lived with the hope, maybe delusion, that the ‘lumpen’ majority of our society can be educated towards enlightenment.

      Our enemies are the Mintoffians not the Labourists, and enemies they are and will always be. There are still elements of Christian Socialists who have found it difficult to cross over, not because they are bad people but the divisions in our minute society are so pervasive it was, and is, difficult for them.

      I purposefully choose not to refer to the dimwits who floated into the hands of the devil.

      The Leader of the PN is a man of superb intellect who understands the difference between right and wrong; this man also has a backbone of steel in this regard.

      Simon Busuttil’s culture and grace may appear to be inappropriate in dealing merely with an opposing political ideology but no – he can be a guiding light as Eddie Fenech Adami was – this does not mean weakness so long as they is a clear acceptance that we are dealing with an enemy that must be confronted, faced down and beaten.

      God Bless Malta

  13. anthony says:

    On his card at the commemoration in Glasgow, David Cameron wrote:

    “Your most enduring legacy is our liberty. We must never forget”.

    Statesman stuff.

  14. Mallia says:

    Sweet Mary mother of Jesus … What a joke!! What incompetent people!

  15. Socrates says:

    Mit-tagen ghall-gon-nar jaghli.

  16. albona says:

    Not to mention that even if it were appropriate to use the noun celebration you:would actually write:

    the hundred year celebration.

    Aw challie ixghal l airkondixxins mjen.

    The plural is par for the course in Malta.

  17. Typically Labour says:

    Is this all? Is this why we had a long day’s celebration to mark the appointment of the head of state?

    I shudder to think of the level of spoken English if the outcome of a two-line tweet rehearsed as it may be, is nothing short of a disaster.

    In hindsight, I think this country would have been better served back then if four hours were trimmed from the official programme and a private session of Better English slotted in for good measure.

  18. Antoine Vella says:

    The fact is that modern media, with its inbuilt immediacy, is utterly unforgiving and exposes – amplifies, even – all the inadequacies of its users, be they politicians, celebrities, professionals or what have you.

  19. Spock says:

    After celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of a war which killed millions, our esteemed President should have rounded it all up with a Standing Ovulation .

  20. John B. says:

    Ghaliha ‘selebrejxin’ la marret mawra b’xejn b’hafna nies importanti.

  21. CiVi says:

    L-aqwa li nitwit-jaw.

  22. Rumplestiltskin says:

    ‘Tis folly to be wise where ignorance reigns supreme.

    Celebration of World War I indeed!

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