Please tell me this isn’t true

Published: August 11, 2014 at 12:50pm

This has been uploaded on YouTube as ‘August Moon Ball 2014’.

34 Comments Comment

  1. Leli says:

    Taghna Lkoll hamallagni at its best.

  2. dudu says:


  3. CIS says:

    Certainly looks like Verdala castle setting and the men are in DJs – could very well be except for the music of course.

  4. Natalie says:

    Oh boy, aren’t I glad I’ve decided to boycott this ball in the recent years. It used to be a good fund-raising respectable event, but now it seems it has degenerated into a disco for chavs.

  5. Cikku says:

    X’differenza minn ballu tal-qamar kwinta f’Awwissu, spiċċa disco f’nofs qamar fil-bidu ta’ Awwissu. L-għajta hekk kienet minn qabel l-elezzjoni “Malta tagħna lkoll” u veru hekk ġara “Malta minn kull lat spiċċat tagħhom ilkoll.” M’hemmx x’tagħmel la l-iswithers riedu hekk!

  6. Not Sandy:P says:

    The video was uploaded by Donna Cassar.

  7. ben says:

    Fejn huma Giga u Kelina…..

  8. Comment says:

    X’pastazata. Nahseb l-organizzaturi dahlu f’kompetizzjoni ma’ Gianpula.

  9. P Shaw says:

    Xi hmieg ta’ nies

  10. one of us says:

    Did kitten from Malta go? Or Peter Apap Bologna or Martin Scicluna? What the hell did they vote in?

  11. etil says:

    Power has gone completely to their heads. The worms have certainly all come out of the woodwork. Their attitude is ‘we can do anything’ because we are in government. What can one do except go on seeing Malta go down deeper into the pits and we have to put up with it or try and turn a blind eye if we do not wish to make ourselves ill with depression.

  12. L.Gatt says:

    La Grande Bellezza Maltese

  13. Jozef says:

    Of course it is.

    Sorrentino chose to extend the scene over seven minutes to make it nauseating.

    He insisted filming be done in one night and forced the actors to party even when they weren’t in view, strictly no make-up between cuts.

    It just had to feel sad, pure spiritual devastation, I think he managed.

  14. observer says:

    That is certainly not an august (adjective) moon ball, Daphne.

  15. Ken Mercieca says:

    Il-punt jibqa wihed, jghidu x’ jghidu, specjalemnt Moses Desmond Marmara, iridu jew ma jridux, hammali jibqghu, ghax dik parti mil-hajja socjalista li fiz-zmien il-gvernijeit ta’ Mintoff hadnu u instigaw fin-nies taghhom stess.

    Issa t-tfal taghhom ghadom ihadnu dik it-tip ta’ hajja ghax ma jafux b’ hajja ohra. Jien kont, nghid u nibqa nghid li gvernijiet Mintoffjani kellom ghan wiehed, ihallu lin-nies taghhom jghixu fl-abissi tal-injoranza, biex jahkmu fuqom, ghax bniedem tnehhilu l-intelligenza huwa bniedem bla prinicipji u direzjoni.

    Issa ara x’ qed jigri.

  16. C C says:

    Of course its true. Ball = ballo =dance, then we dance. That’s the hammalli way of dancing. Besides black tie doesn’t mean black shirt.

  17. Spock says:

    I can tell you for a fact that not all those caught on this clip are ‘Taghnalkollers’ or switchers , and look totally embarrassed .

  18. Freedom5 says:

    You’re just jealous . We were even given an ecstasy with the petit fours.

  19. Alex003 says:

    Kif spicca dal-pajjiz. Ara f’liema livell baxx waqa’, jaqq.

  20. pacikk says:

    Vera jurik kemm dejjem immorru lura meta nkunu taht il-Labour. Pajjiz jiddegenerawh.

  21. pfffff says:

    You pay and fill up a table and you party the night away just as you do at Marrakesh (the one at Gianpula), the only difference is that you just hire a tuxedo.

    It has become a regular calendar appointment for most singles and people like JPO/ Jose’ Herrera who will be seen at an event to find something to do during the weekend.

  22. bob-a-job says:

    I dread to imagine what these Hamalli Progressivi will be coming up with to impress the Commonwealth Heads of Government for the CHOGM 2015.

    Thank goodness the Queen won’t be coming to Malta this time round. Malta may be spared an embarrassment.

    Imagine Joseph from the House of Burmarrad wanting to share his British humour with her.

    ‘Excuse me M’am how about a swan sandwich.’

  23. Anthony Pace says:

    Cheerio!! Cheerio!! Cheerio!!…

    Only this time in rented suits and lots more sweat.

  24. verita says:

    The film has been removed so we can’t see all the hamallagni.What’s going to happen at Ggantija?

  25. Dave Alan Caruana says:

    It’s a shame you didn’t save this. YouTube is too ephemeral!

  26. Betty says:

    Monsters’ Moon Ball 2014.

  27. Eddie pprova jaghmilhom nies, irnexxielu jaghmilhom sinjuri izda l’gherq tal-marmalja ghadu hemm u jrid seklu biex jinbidel.

  28. Donna Cassar says:

    Dear God, what is this page and what on earth are you lot all banging on about???

    I have removed my video, which you so rudely uploaded for your own purpose, (whatever in hell that may be and albeit the upside down version) as I refuse to tolerate anybody criticising and judging myself or my friends on the strength of a you tube video! You clearly have nothing better to do than to trawl through other people’s uploads and pass inane judgement!

    For the record, I live in the UK and travel 3000 miles every year to attend this ball, as it is a wonderful event in aid of a very good cause. I have no interest whatsoever in Maltese politics, although whichever way you guys are leaning does strike me as still being in the dark ages!

    The Moon Ball has always ended with disco type music, where the guests are invited to dance and have fun (Noun:enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure).

    I am really not sure where your small minds are going with this but you clearly have far bigger issues than the style of music played and tuxedos worn at a ball.

    Please continue with your infantile thread but may I suggest you use some other material to pass your biased judgement on rather than mine!

    Good day and good luck!

  29. Dan says:

    Donna, what does living in the UK prove exactly?

    This is just ridiculous and mediocre! I agree the cause is good.. but please!

  30. Donna Cassar says:


    I was not trying to “prove” anything by stating I live in the UK, just merely point out that as a British Citizen, I am impartial to any Maltese politics and/or rival parties.

    I am clearly missing something here, as cannot see what you find either ridiculous or mediocre about this event, especially as you were not there. It really was quite a lovely evening, very well organised and very tastefully set out.

    I can assure you I did not set eyes on any CHAVS as mentioned somewhere above, quite the opposite infact.

    Out of interest, what exactly are your issues here? I really cannot understand the anger and insulting comments above, subsequent to such an event any my very short, amateur video. I know I shall probably regret asking you but I do respect the freedom of speech (without said insults) together with the need to defend myself and my friends.

  31. Dan says:

    Mediocre because with all the continuous effort to encourage our culture, in an official statal event such as this one (be it for charity or not), you get that.. and worst you have people who encourage it.

    Even though it’s entertainment I trust you know that there are many better acts out there.

    And for your info I’ve been there before and my comment does not have any political agendas.

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