Shame on you, Mister Sai Laing
August 12, 2014 at 11:32pm
Malta International Airport is in darkness and all flights destined for Malta are being diverted to Catania airport.
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These tourists are missing a stargazing experience fenominali.
Massive…….xi dlam ostja.
Air Malta from Glasgow is landing in Catania. Ryanair from Bari seems heading to Palermo or Trapani? More inbound flights on the way… Watch it unfold on…that is if you re lucky enough to have electricity.
On again off again!
Do you recall Times of Malta sending text messages about boiler No 7?
Today I haven’t received any text messages from this supposedly unbiased source of information!
The suckers can’t even use the network, the country’s down.
What? No emergency generator for the airport? A third-world country indeed.
In civilised countries, Ministers routinely resign for far less.
Air Malta from Norwich off to Catania and Ryanair from Bari ended up in Trapani. Will the KM103 make it home?
Diverted too. Air Malta were a unlucky in that they had some charters tonight as well. The cost of diverting aircraft is quite substantial, not only fuel and parking fee wise, but even things like accommodation for passengers and crews timing out (flight crews can only work specified duty times to combat fatigue).
Power made in China but expect something along the lines of – “Ghax ma tarawx x’kien jigri taht Gonzi”.
According to NOTAMS the airport is closed until 05:00 due to power failure on the airfield.
Welcome to Mogadishu. Suck your Kinnie, in the sun.
What utter rubbish, what about Hal Farrug?
They don’t even realise an airport cannot just divert traffic due ‘power failure on the airfield’, and that’s why there’s two generators designed to kick in immediately.
Would love to see someone from the Independent ask the AFM generalissimo why the airfield went down all the same when it formally has backup.
‘..Mater Dei and Malta International Airport were given priority during the re-routing effort, but MIA suffered a separate problem with its generators…’
Is this what absolutely super, fantastic, fabulous supposed to mean Mr super Minister Mizzi? Over 4 hours of totally darkness in a hot summer day. Speaking of Chinese supper deals – is this what our future supply of electricity going to be like? First thing tomorrow morning (or rather today since it’s past mid-night) shopping for a supply of candles, and battery operated lamps. It is straight back to the future of the glorious 1970s and early 1980s.
TInkwetax guyz! L-aqwa li nibqghu pozittivi!
Malta International Airport should have 24 hrs fuel autonomy but no…running the shopping malls is more important.
That’s what I was thinking, but guess what, that distribution centre shouldn’t have exploded.
Not if backup was on standby anyway.
Hopefully Mater Dei had adequate standby capacity.
Sliema, St.Julian’s and Spinola were an utter chaos this evening.
Can’t imagine the PM taking responsibility for this mess, second blackout this year, along with dozens of power cuts all over the place, Birkirkara getting one every week.
And the interconnector isn’t even close to commissioning. Imma dak ta’ GonziPN.
That hela ta’ flus guarantees supply and no idiot can say otherwise, which they will.
This evening, even Giordan Lighthouse in Gozo stopped working and remained dark for some time.
Hekk jonqos, Costa iehor fuq genb u nehlu ahna.
Even the new radar at Ħal Far did not have its red light blinking for quite a while.
What? No backup generators at the airport? Only in Malta. Here you go Times Of Malta, something to investigate and report about.
Mister Laing was not ashamed to make the taxpayer finance his separation from his wife, so I very much doubt whether he will be ashamed of a national power outage.
Malta International Airport should be ashamed. I never imagined that after raking in hundred of millions in profits they still do not have the set up in place to run their basic operations on emergency power.
This is what happens with monopolies.
And no statement from Malta International Airport – surely they have electricity back up for the runway and radar systems?
[Daphne – There was a statement earlier today.]
Let’s be positive and say that we had a Malta by Candlelight fenomenali.
Hopefully there were a couple of tal klikka on one of the diverted flights and will give our dear ‘shame on you ‘ energy minister a proper blasting!
I bet the thought of having got on the wrong plane and ending up in North Korea* instead of Malta crossed some tourists’ head yesterday.
*According a number of independent documentaries on YouTube, the country’s plagued with constant power cuts.
Where the f**k is the Prime Minister? Is any normal country, the government (the PM or at least a Minister) would have addressed the nation.
Sign on Konrad Mizzi’s main door:
(Times , or for that matter, any journalists not welcome)
Soon after March 2013 the Enemalta top engineers responsible for generation at Delimara who are in their 50’s and full of knowledge and experience were replaced by a crony 35 year old Guy-laghqi from Zurrieq whose only merits are an engineering degree (good), meritocratic in thd PL sense, but actually very limited in the relevant experience.
Now this. Schadenfreude anyone?
Why are there no back-up generators at the airport for emergencies ?
There is a generator at the Malta Int. Airport 100%. If the “engineers” and “techs” have got no idea how to operate it, that s another issue.
Malta Taghna Lkoll: Turd World.