She’s right

Published: August 2, 2014 at 8:22pm

horse dirt

12 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    U haga ta’ l-iskantament Cyrus Engerer ippostja l-istess ritratt u tkaza.

  2. Beingpressed says:

    Can you imagine how much shit we are going to have to clean up in 10 years time.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    No she’s not: if you step on a dog poo you say “bloody, selfish dog owner” , if you step in a horse’s poo you say “I need to see an optician”.

  4. Bob says:

    There used to be a person responsible close by to sweep it up… i did not see him last time I was a similar case. Must be cost cutting.

    • Chris M says:

      The person who should be cleaning it up is the one who is with the horse. Nobody else should be cleaning that shit.

      And it’s true, dog owners risk a fine for a tiny little shit whilst horse owners get off scot free after leaving a crap the size of a small car.

  5. Gahan says:

    And do you have any proof of who left that horse pooh in Strada Reale?

    How sure is Tania?

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Next time take a video shot for the benefit of some incredulous “gahan”.

      • silvio says:

        Every cloud has it’s silver lining.

        What would it be like if our police force used elephants instead of horses?

  6. Martin Vella says:

    A man used to walk behind the police cavalry equipped with shovel and broom and dispose in green trolley bin pronto.

    This is simply cost-cutting.

  7. pacikk says:

    Of course she’s right. This the classical exampke of when a few years back, when the dog poo law was being enforced, someone remarked about the horse owners leaving it behind. You know what was the answer? Our horses are not like the rest of the world. It’s harmful for them to have the the bag between their asses and the carriage.

    And all’s been the same ever since.

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