So It-Torca is now edited by a committed Communist. Very progressive and liberal. Very POSITIVE.

Published: August 2, 2014 at 8:09pm

Ivin Catania

Ivin Catania_face

18 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Didn’t they ditch socialism and any other leftist ideology for authoritarian capitalism?

    • C C says:

      Yes, he is a die-hard Communist. He always was even in the good old days of Higher Secondary as that is the maximum level of education he ever was able to obtain.

  2. Edward says:

    It has just struck me that we all may have been overlooking a certain aspect of this Malta -China relationship.

    China is still Communist. However, they talk about a “new Communism”, much like the British spoke of a “New Labour” under Tony Blair.

    No one knows what this “New Communism” is though, or how long it will last since the majority of its institutions are still extractive and human rights are violated every day, to say nothing of the fact that they only elect a new President every 10 years, and from the only political party in the country.

    Is this what Muscat is keen on moving Malta towards? Has he been buying out people, flattering them and playing on their “big fish in small pond” mentality to secure his position in power for much longer than the current term?

    Are we now going to be told,” U alma, so what if we postpone general elections by another 5 years. What’s wrong with Laobur anyway. They haven’t done anything bad, have they? Stop being so blinkered/brainwashed/ negative. Mhux xorta if we have an election they will win. Why waste the money?”

    Perhaps, just as a precaution, we should all remind ourselves that the fact that there are elections frequently is not because of some voting happy habit, but because we, as a democracy, need to make anyone in power painfully aware that they have a limited time in government, that their seat they fill is not theirs and will easily be taken away from them, and that this aspect of our system is what contributes towards keeping politicians in check and, consequently, protects us from absolutism and dictatorships.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      Dear Edward,

      After several years in China I can say that at no time have I heard the word communism emanate from a Chinese mouth.

      What will be referred to in conversation is The Party and the PRC (Peoples Republic of China), and the Chinese Way – a loose term that means nobody really knows where things are going as that would require hindsight.

      In one of Wen Jiabao’s last international press conferences (in Germany) he stated that sometime contradictory policies need to be followed until such time as we know which one works.

      Hindsight is not required in their relationship to Malta: They give Malta things and Malta prostitutes itself and its people, the Chinese will have no illusion about whom they are dealing with, none whatsoever. Quite simply: ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’

      • Edward says:

        I have spoken to Chinese people. They say otherwise. I guess we both have different experiences.

    • F.X. says:

      There is no new communism. What China has done is to remain communist for its people but become capitalist for the rest of the world. This dawned on the communist authorities on day one when one man holding a plastic bag stood in front of a line of war tanks.

      This is not a new form of politics. The two things are separate, feeding on each other, even in China because:

      (1) both capitalism and communism and fundamentally inhuman;

      (2) the joint venture between two opposing systems is not reconciliation into some new political system but only apparent. It is a relationship of fundamental hypocrisy.

      • Edward says:

        People call it new communism. What on the face of it looks like a change away from communism is not, since the policies and institutions governing that country are still extractive and controlled by the state.

        Many people who try to open a business themselves get into a great deal of trouble with the government because it doesn’t like competition.

        The result, I think, will be a China that is kept the same, with no incentive for creativity and sustainable growth.

        Basically, my guess is that all it will take is one shift in thinking or one new invention and China will struggle and collapse.

        The only reason why it hasn’t yet is because it has enough money at the moment to manipulate the situation. But this only makes the inevitable fall much harder in the future.

      • F.X. says:


        New Communism would mean a revised version of the previous system (to the worst or the better). Glasnost and Perestoika were new communism. Present day China is not. Hence it is more powerful.

        China adopted TWO concurrent, opposed systems that can only survive together through hypocricy and their inherent inhuman outlook.

        Foreigners who visit China and laugh at the fact that it is still called communist, proves that the way china projects itself to foreigners…is getting results. Globally.

        And some maltese, nostalgic schoolboy who still wants to prove the golden years of labour, is dragging us into this. But what does the voter care. The bottom line is, “it has been said for years and we did it”.

        Finally it was always clear that the “road plan” (a phrase as far as i know used only in the israeli-palestine conflict and which came to mean absolute failure) was devised by bisnessmen who are now asking their share back. Not from the authorities but from each voter.

  3. Sister Ray says:

    A cute though not-so-common name. Maybe he was born here

  4. Jozef says:

    Surely that should have been Ivan.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Elections were held every four years once. It’s thanks to the PN that elections are held every five years now as happens in countries such as England and France.

    The USA still holds them every four years as does Germany.

    Italy holds them every one to five years depending on requirements.

  6. Chris M says:

    Isn’t the hero & friend of all immigrants Andre Callus a total communist? The Moviment GrafFIti logo is based on the communist symbol.

    [Daphne – That is what is known as a non sequitur, Chris.]

  7. Rosie says:

    “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

  8. L. Vella says:

    Psalm 14:1. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God”.

  9. Painter says:

    No doubt this guy is anti-EU as well.

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