Taghna Lkollers doing as they please and defying even Taghna Lkoll orders

Published: August 11, 2014 at 9:28am

As though it’s not bad enough that a monsignor has been made a diplomat and appointed Malta’s ambassador to UNESCO. Monsignor Vella Gauci has proceeded to defy the rules and regulations and has opened his own personal ‘UNESCO’ office in Gozo so that he doesn’t have to travel to Valletta and base himself at the Foreign Office as he is required to do.

This despite, apparently, instructions from the Foreign Office that he should do so at once. Times of Malta reports on the matter today.


Vella Gauci 1 Vella Gauci 2

28 Comments Comment

  1. bun-seeker says:

    Does the Church allow such scandalous behaviour by a member of the clergy?

    • observer says:

      No, it certainly does not.

      Back in the 1990’s Pope John Paul II publicly chided a Roman Catholic priest in a South American Country who had participated in politics both as a Cabinet member and as an ambassador to the UN and to Libya.

      He was excluded ‘a sacris’ i.e. from officiating as a priest by the Pope himself – acting on the norms contained in Canon Law.

      The priest, now in advanced age, has recently requested reconciliation with the Church, appealing personally to Pope Francis for this.

      The Pope has accepted his request – seeing the priest’s repentance.

      • Hamlet says:

        “… Pope John Paul II publicly chided a Roman Catholic priest in a South American Country who had participated in politics …”

        So strange! JPII was the pope most involved in politics since the Middle Ages.

    • ciccio says:

      Isn’t ‘obedience to superiors’ one of the rules of being a priest?

  2. Lucifer Sam says:

    The offices at the Ministry are there to house those career and professional diplomats who have been discarded by Joseph and his team.

    Can some journalist question the Minister about this matter, which smells of discrimination? Isn’t there the code of ethics for the service that specifically speaks about this?

    • Angus Black says:

      Don’t mention ‘codes of ethics’, Lucifer. They have all been thrown to burn in hell. You have to keep a closer watch and catch one if you can, on its way down to your place!

  3. rc says:

    Not for publication (as this comment is totally unrelated to this article) – but this is a subject about which you have written extensively so thought you might be interested in this:


    • Cikku says:

      Tajba din. Tgħid nibgħatuha lill-President, Kastilja u kull ministeru ieħor u kull persuna minn Tagħna lkollers li ddubbat xi pożizzjoni għolja forsi jaqrawha u jibdew jagixxu fl-irwol tagħhom mingħajr ma jqażżu ‘l Alla li ħalaqhom bil-manjieri baxxi tagħhom.

    • curious says:

      Thank you for the link.

      The following should be printed, framed and put in the entrance of the law courts.

      “I was talking to a new judge about his transition from being a practicing lawyer. He remarked upon similar risks. He has an ordinary life, but if he is simply enjoying an afternoon in an unremarkable manner he nonetheless is off the bench, out of his robes, without a gavel. If he chances upon an attorney who is trying a case before him, or, worse, a party to the dispute, he lacks the authority that he must command when they return to the courtroom.

      We make choices when we take on these jobs. We inhabit them. That’s why anti-fraternization policies date back to antiquity. They have outlasted the hierarchical norms that were their origins.

  4. John Higgins says:

    He is also defying the Catholic Church and his own bishop as it is against Canon Law for him to occupy such a position. Is he an untouchable?

    • Josette says:

      I think it is even more against canon law for a priest to have a girlfriend. And that situation has apparently been going on for a much longer time.

    • Pippa says:

      And then the laity are expected to be obedient and humble.
      Such a fine example for us, Mr. Ambassador.

  5. Pablo says:

    This general sense of defiance and entitlement all stems from the fact that Konrad Mizzi has got away with it, and so why can’t we.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    I’d be more interested in knowing what the Curia has to say about this person than what the screwed-up Government and the band wagon do about him.

    Yesterday’s piece on “authority” could do well to extend in that direction.

  7. Osservatrore says:

    Manwel Dimech was a man who lived a life of crime that included burglary, trading in counterfeit money and murder. He spent over twenty years in prison for these various crimes. Yet, knowing all this did not stop Dom Mintoff from turning Dimech into some sort of socialist idol who is still revered by the Partit Laburista followers.

    With this mindset, we can look back at the turbulent 70s and 80s and understand exactly why things panned out the way they did, with uniformed criminals and vicious thugs trying to beat any opposition, including the church, the courts and the free press, into silent submission.

    So why does it come as any surprise when the Partit Laburista opens its arms and ranks to people who are subject to criminal charges and convictions, using politically charged descriptions such as “suldati tal-azzar”. Isn’t this the socialist thing to do, particularly if it buys you more votes than it costs you?

    For the Partit Laburista, the end will always justify the means, even when those ends are warped and twisted and benefit the few at the expense of the many.

    • rjc says:

      One only has to go to the centre of Paola to find a massive monument to Lorry Sant bang in the middle of a square. Enough said of Partit Laburista’s choice of heros.

      • vic says:

        Yes, the life-size statue of il-Lorry is there, but the plaque bearing Pawlu Boffa’s name disappeared long ago from the garden known as Il-Bandli. And Lara Boffa apparently doesn’t mind.

  8. Vagabond King says:

    The one employee still with the ambassador is his personal assistant, better known as his girlfriend. When is the bishop for Gozo going to take concrete action against this scandal? But then Bishop Mario is known for a lot of double talk when it comes to ethics, both moral and monetary.

  9. C C says:

    It’s the government who gave him the 4 government employees. So why is the ministry complaining?

  10. Herbie says:

    Il-gvern taghna u naghmlu li jridu.

    That is the attitude with this scum.

    Yesterday The Sunday Times reported the persistence of cars parked at the upper end of Merchants Street, a supposedly pedestrian zone.

    By the church of Our Lady of Victories there is a police barrier to keep cars from driving into Merchants Street and a policeman on guard.

    This policeman invariably removes this barrier not only to allow the ministers’ cars through but also for their cronies.

    In fairness Foreign Minister George Vella walks to his office from Castille Place but I have witnessed on at least two occasions the young and sprightly Tourism Minister Zammit Lewis and the health secretary Chris Fearne being driven right to the door of their offices in that street.

    This of course besides GM plate cars parked on the double yellow lines in front of the prime minister’s office.

  11. John Higgins says:

    Is it a wonder that the Church is being abandoned by its sheep when this Mons. is giving such a bad example defying even the Gozitan Bishop,

    • A VELLA says:

      Very true! When one sees a person of standing acting that way, one starts to have serious doubts. Is there no hell to be afraid of? Are we, of good faith, being duped? Does this Mons. know something we don’t know, and therefore, does not need to fear the fires of hell, we poor sinners are terrified with.

  12. Giljaniz says:

    It would be interesting to know who owns the luxury apartment in Xaghra and how much it was being rented out.

  13. Taghna biss. says:

    Min jaf ghaliex Mario Grech jibza minn mons Vella Gauci? Xi haga mahmuga hemm milli nista nifhem. Min mhux sebghu dritt ma jistax jikkastiga lil min hu bhalu.

  14. ron says:

    Issa mhux Malta taghna lkoll. Il-gar tieghi ilu ma jmur ghax-xoghol u bil-paga diehla sintendi, minn ftit wara li tela’ l-Lejber!

  15. Arturo Mercieca says:

    In all fairness, it was Bishop Mario Grech who removed Mons Vella Gauci from archpriest of the Cathedral Church who took the decision so badly that he appealed to a Vatican court. The family of Vella Gauci, especially his late uncle, Mons Anton Gauci, have been at loggerheads with the Gozitan church hierarchy since Anton Gauci was pipped to the post of bishop of Gozo by a humble country priest, Nikol Cauchi.

  16. Arrogance thrives on undeserved favours from persons in power.

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