Taghna Lkoll: husband of Labour Party official and son of former president given contract as Air Malta lawyer

Published: August 11, 2014 at 9:16pm


Robert Abela and his wife Lydia, a senior Labour Party official

Robert Abela and his wife Lydia, a senior Labour Party official



I’m quite sure that Air Malta has just engaged Robert Abela as the company lawyer because he is SO good at his job and was selected on the basis of merit from among a long, long list of interviewees and applicants.

Air Malta’s directors cannot possibly be more lick-spittle than they are. But then they’re Taghna Lkollers to a man (and woman).

And of course, the Nationalist Party can’t criticise the government for this very meritocratic Taghna Lkoll move because the inevitable response will be:

Didn’t your government make Robert Abela and his firm lawyers to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, a position in which they have been creaming off earnings for around a decade?

Yes, the Nationalist government very stupidly (and dare I say, abusively) did just that – and for much the same reason that it put forward George Abela as president.

Only to get kicked in the teeth by both Robert Abela and his father, because that’s the nature of the beast.

16 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    But Randolph Spiteri’s been given a seat on a national commmittee, so that’s all right, heqq.

  2. michael seychell says:

    I used to know a Randolph Spiteri back in the “NGHIDU IVA GHAL L-EWROPA Movement, is he the same one?

    • WhoamI? says:

      Yes, but times change and with that, people learn to adapt and change as well.

      He’s now part of the NGHIDU IVA GHAL JOSEPH MOVEMENT. Jojo’s mojo shall we say.

      But he has assured us some days ago that he remains forever loyal to the PN. That’s all right then.

  3. Joseph Borg says:

    A number of cabin crew are asking how come their lawyer, representing each of the individually AGAINST Air Malta, has suddenly become Air Malta’s lawyer.

  4. Josanne Rickman says:

    What about your contract?

    [Daphne – I don’t have any, Ms Rickman, and with the exception of one very specific and specialised contract with the Foreign Ministry in the run-up to EU membership (just for a few months), I never have done.]

    • Grace says:

      Kumment banali Josanne…… Ma intkomx kapaci titfaw kumment suriet in-nies.

      Wara li l-Partit Nazzjonalista ghamel lill kumpanija ta’ Dr. Robert Abela & Associates bhala avukati tal-MEPA u saru miljunarji u ghamlu lill missierhu President ta’ Malta, issa Muscat ghamlu l-avukat tal-Air Malta. Ser ikompli jistana, imma miskien ghadu kemm irranga l-ufficju li ghandu l-Belt u nefaq il-flus. Roxxlu Dottor Abela. Illum int u ghada jien.

    • il-Ginger says:

      What about your contract, Josanne?

    • WhoamI? says:

      Hide Josanne. Nies injoranti daqshek qas haqqhom vot. Jigi pecluq ghadu kemm spicca jerda sider ommu, u dak li jghid sar verita f’daqqa wahda. Ja injoranta.

    • CiVi says:

      Josanne, please just stick to reading the Orizzont, it will keep us all happy.

    • Maltri says:

      If you would like to know, Josanne, just retweet Freeport’s CEO Aaron Farrugia’s tweet about the subject. Go on, don’t be shy, it’s just a click of a few buttons away.

  5. Under Labour Anything Goes says:

    Ivan Falzon, former Chief of Staff to former Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca, and advisor to Minister Mizzi on bed stock, has been appointed Deputy CEO at Mater Dei Hospital. This position did not exist within the hospital management structure. How did he get it? Was it created for him specifically?

  6. WhoamI? says:

    That Maria Micallef…

  7. Wilson says:

    So, no more MEPA work or is this guy God’s gift to the legal profession and can do all at the same time?

  8. mc says:

    I do not think the criticism of the PN for having Abela as MEPA’s legal advisor is fair.

    The difference between then and now is that then MEPA chose Dr. Abela’s firm following a call and on the basis of pre-determined criteria, the main one being price.

    [Daphne – It didn’t actually happen that way, I’m afraid, though it is nice to think so.]

    Another difference between then and now is that then there was no political interference in MEPA’s decisions on employment and contracts. MEPA was allowed a good level of discretion and independence in the way it operates.

    Now it is very different. Now only Taghna Lkoll people are given contracts and more importantly WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. Another difference is that now political interference in MEPA has become the norm.

  9. Hawk says:

    All this should teach a thing or two to the Nationalist Party. This is the way to take care of your people. Hope they will take heed and learn.

  10. Wistin Schembri says:

    Is the same person who spoke during Labour’s mass meeting in Rabat on 20 January 2013? He should be reminded of his statement then.

    Is this appointment an iced bun for his criticism of PN and his assurance that during a Labour’s government Malta will be “taghna lkoll”?

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