The parliamentary secretary for sport has found a novel way to protect his family jewels from the ladies
August 11, 2014 at 9:14am
Either that, or he’s humping the bench like a fox teilier or an orksher tailor. And would you believe that he himself uploaded this picture on his Facebook page. Sexy pic hi. Dejjem smart.
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Some people need a head table to clearly define their position of authority . Instead of grabbing a chair with his limited audience , he opted for a head table of whatever sort
Kemm hu helu. Qisu qed isuq il-pony.
Ajma Defni hi, m’intix tara li ma jistax joqghod sew miskin? Ghandu z-zokk tas-sigra ma’ rasu. Heqq kellu jispicca b’zokk iehor ma saqajh hux.
Keep it up Chris hi – nice pic.
*ma’ saqajh*
Tgħidlix li dak il-bank qiegħed fil-bitħa tal-Ministeru? Mela kienu bil-ħsieb li jagħmlu piknik? Jew poġġewh hemm għal dawk in-nies li jżuru lis-segretarju parlamentari biex sakemm jistennew joffrulhom il-kafe u l-pastizzi?
Mela dan lahqilna segretarja parlamentari? Meta lahaq?
Kosher tailor?
Wooden picnic tables are a recent phenomena to the Maltese in Malta.
They are like a western flush toilet to an Arab, as both don’t know how to use them.
‘Wooden picnic tables are a recent phenomena to the Maltese in Malta’
Ken, that’s some sweeping statement.
This is like saying that all Americans try to have sex with picnic tables because they have been using them for so long.