Those wardens are working too hard

Published: August 11, 2014 at 10:02pm

Somebody has sent in this photograph of a local warden fast asleep and snoring in his car with the window open, the music on, parked in a motorcycle space and on the street corner.


snoring warden


22 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Did he even drop a cigarette butt on the street?

    • bob-a-job says:

      No ciccio, he just dropped his butt on the seat.

      To be honest. It’s best to let sleeping dogs lie especially in Sliema where the residents parking has been revoked by our Great Lăoshī (teacher) the Beloved Minister for departed Arriva.

  2. ken il malti says:

    Old tired guy with diabetes falls asleep on the job, latest Times of Malta headline! News at 11:00.

  3. Pippa says:

    If ministers can park on double yellow lines why cannot wardens have a rest? After all he is only copying his masters’ attitude.

  4. Mario says:

    Sleeping Duty

  5. Lullaby says:

    He also must have driven wrong way.

    It’s a one way street from the Front to Windsor Terrace.

  6. Queen's English says:

    I keep seeing ministerial cars parked illegally or dangerously or both. I’ve seen a car with its engine left running for an hour so that when the MP comes out he finds a cool air conditioned car. The GN number plate is clearly visible together with a number like let’s say GM 70. Is there some way for us lesser mortals to find out which MP is using which car?

  7. Min Jaf says:

    More than that. The warden’s car is parked in George Borg Street, Sliema (formerly Point Street) which is One Way up from Tower Road.

    The car is facing the wrong way and will have exited travelling in the wrong direction with consequent hazard to vehicles travelling towards Balluta or, worse, turning off into George Borg Street.

  8. Pat Tabone says:

    And may I add that that road is one-way, and he is parked facing the wrong direction.

  9. Mr Meritocracy says:

    And that’s not to mention that that car is facing the wrong direction coming out of a one way street.

  10. war says:

    I hope at least that he managed to give a ticket to that white car parked illegally on the pavement before taking his well deserved beauty nap.

  11. julian caruana says:

    And parked facing the wrong way. That is Point Street in Sliema.

    • bob-a-job says:

      He’s probably a practitioner of Feng Shui.

      He is merely making sure that he is sleeping facing the ideal direction.

  12. Paul Borg says:

    He doesn’t look to be sleeping to me. He looks as if he has just got into the car and is pulling the door closed. What makes you think he’s sleeping?

    [Daphne – The person who took the photograph took it precisely because he was sleeping.]

    • Paul Borg says:

      So he was sleeping with the car door part way open and his arm floating in the air? I think like most scenes you can make it look like anything you want if you take the photo at the right moment.

      [Daphne – No, Paul, he was asleep.]

      • Paul Borg says:

        I’m sorry but I just can’t see how he could possibly be asleep with his right arm floating in the air! My limbs tend to relax when I’m sleeping.

  13. Gerbera says:

    He is probably being inspired by the exceptional new direction of his young prime minister.

  14. Ian says:

    ….and wrong way.

  15. Josanne Rickman says:

    Let sleeping dogs lie

  16. Tal-Malja says:

    Both doors open for that priceless afternoon breeze.

  17. francesca says:

    I can assure you he was sleeping. But apparently authorities who contacted him said that he wasn’t doing anything wrong because he wasn’t on duty and he was still in the car. And yes that is a one way.

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